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Before I became “Phil Town, teacher of investing principles to
more than 500,000 people a year,” I was a lot like you: someone who
viewed individual stock investing as way too hard to do
successfully. As a guy who barely made a living as a river guide, I
c***idered the w*** process pretty impenetrable, and I was
convinced that to do it right you had to make it a full-time job.
Me, I was more interested in having full-time fun.
So I was tempted to do what you’re probably doing right now:
letting some mutual fund manage***orry about growing your nest egg.
Let me tell you why that decision could one day make you absolutely
He isn’t your typical Wall Street guy. An ex-Green Beret and
former river guide, Phil Town is a self-made millionaire several
times over and America’s most widely sought-after speaker on
investing. In his new book, RULE #1, he describes the Rule #1
personal financial strategy in detail so that anyone, even
first-time investors,can get–and stay–rich.
Phil Town is the classic Everyman, albeit one whose education and
resources were more limited than most. An average high school
student, he completed college on his fourth try. Of his early
working years, he says he “mostly got dirty for a living,” taking
on jobs such as digging ditches and pumping gas. Town spent three
and a half years in the Army. He returned from the Vietnam War and
found a job in the States as a river guide.
Drifting through California, Utah, and Idaho, he subsisted at
poverty level, combining his wages from the guiding season and
unemployment. He wore black leathers, sported a goatee, lived in a
teepee in the woods near Flagstaff, Arizona, and “drove around in a
really loud black Harley Davidson.”
In the early ‘80s, Town’s life changed radically. He was guiding
trustees from the educational program Outward Bound down the
nastiest rapid on the Grand Canyon’s Colorado River, when his
split-second decisi***
saved a boatload of people from a whitewater disaster. A grateful
and financially astute client returned the favor by guiding Town
into serious, successful investing using the first rule of
investing as ascribed to by Warren Buffett: Don’t lose money.
Within five years, Town had built a borrowed $1,000 into $1
million. His fortunes improved radically, and rapidly, from then
Phil Town appears regularly on the same dais as Rudy Giuliani,
Jimmy Carter, and Colin Powell as part of the “Get Motivated”
touring success seminar. He speaks to more than 500,000 people
annually about Rule #1.
Town lives in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Before I became “Phil Town, teacher of investing principles to more than 500,000 people a year,” I was a lot like you: someone who viewed individual stock investing as way too hard to do successfully. As a guy who barely made a living as a river guide, I c***idered the w*** process pretty impenetrable, and I was convinced that to do it right you had to make it a full-time job. Me, I was more interested in having full-time fun.
So I was tempted to do what you’re probably doing right now: letting some mutual fund manage***orry about growing your nest egg. Let me tell you why that decision could one day make you absolutely miserable.
The fact is, because of natural market cycles, the mutual fund industry is likely to soon be facing twenty years of flat returns. That means that if you’ve got your nest egg tucked away in funds—especially the type found in most 401ks—your egg won’t get much bigger than it is now. Translation: Get ready for a retirement filled with lots of cold cuts, plenty of quality TV-watching time, and a place to live that’s too small to accommodate your visiting kids.
In this book I’ll show you how I turned $1,000 into $1 million in only five years, and then proceeded to make many milli*** more. I came to investing as a person who wasn’t great at math, possessed zero extra cash, and wanted a life—not an extra three hours of work to do every day.
Fortunately, I was introduced to The Rule.
Rule #1, as famed investor Warren Buffett will tell you, is don’t lose money. Through an intriguing process that I’ll clarify in this book, not losing money results in *** more money than you ever imagined. What it comes down to is buying shares of companies only when the numbers—and the intangibles—are on your side. If that sounds too good to be true, it’s because the mind-set I’ll be introducing you to leads not to bets but to certainties. Believe me, if there were anything genius-level about this, I’d still be a river guide collecting unemployment much of the year.
Part of the secret is thinking of yourself as a business owner rather than a stock investor. Part is taking advantage of today’s new Internet tools, which drastically reduce the “homework factor.” (We’re talking a few minutes, tops.) Part is knowing the only five numbers that really count in valuing a potential investment. And part—maybe the most important part—is using the risk-free Rule #1 approach to c***istently pay a mere 50 cents to buy a dollar’s worth of a business.
What I won’t waste your time with is fluff: a lot of vague parables reminding you of what you already know and leaving you exactly where you started. This is the real deal, folks: a start-to-finish, one-baby-step-at-a-time approach that will allow you to retire ten years sooner than you planned, with more creature comforts than you ever imagined.
Also available as a Random House AudioBook and eBook.
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