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The Normandy Landings that took place on D-Day involved by far the largest invasion fleet ever known. The scale of the undertaking was simply awesome. What followed them was some of the most cunning and ferocious fighting of the war, at times as savage as anything seen on the Eastern Front. As casualties mounted, so too did the tensi*** between the principal commanders on both sides. Meanwhile, French civilians caught in the middle of these battlefields or under Allied bombing endured terrible suffering. Even the joys of Liberation had their darker side. The war in northern France marked not just a generation but the w*** of the post-wa***orld, profoundly influencing relati*** between America and Europe. Making use of overlooked and new material from over thirty archives in half a dozen countries, D-Day is the most vivid and well-researched account yet of the battle of Normandy. As with Stalingrad and Berlin, Antony Beevor's gripping narrative conveys the true experience of war.
Antony Beevor is the author of The Battle for Spain, Crete - The Battle and the Resistance, which won a Runciman Prize, Paris After the Liberation, 1944-1949, (written with his wife Artemis Cooper), Stalingrad, which won the Samuel Johnson Prize, the Wolfson Prize for History and the Hawthornden Prize for Li***ture, Berlin - The Downfall, which received the first Longman-History Today Trustees' Award, and The Mystery of Olga Chekhova. He also edited A Writer at War - Vasily Grossman with the Red Army 1941-1945, a compilation of the great novelist's wartime notebooks. His most recent work is D-Day: The Battle for Normandy(Viking, May 2009). It immediately became a No 1 Bestseller in five European countries, including the UK and France, and was in the top four in three other countries. His books have appeared in thirty languages and have sold over four million copies. A former chairman of the Society of Authors, he has received an honorary doctorate from Kent University, and is a visiting professor at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck College, University of London. 'His singular ability to make huge historical events accessible to a general audience recalls the golden age of British narrative history, whose giants include Gibbon, Macaulay and Carlyle.' Boyd Tonkin in the Independent 'Beevor can be credited with single-handedly transforming the reputation of military history.' David Edgar in the Guardian Antony Beevo***as educated at Winchester and Sandhurst, where he studied under John Keegan. A regular office***ith the 11th Hussars, he left the Army to write. Antony Beevo***as made a Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government in 1997 and in 2008 was awarded the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana by the President of Estonia. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Li***ture in 1999. He was the 2002-2003 Lees-Knowles lecturer at Cambridge. In 2003, he received the first Longman-History Today Trustees' Award. He is also Visiting Professor at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck College, University of London. In September 2003, he succeeded Philip Pullman as Chairman of the Society of Authors and handed over to Helen Dunmore in September, 2005. In July 2004, he received an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from the University of Kent. He was a judge of the British Academy Book Prize and the David Cohen Prize in 2004, and is a member of the Samuel Johnson Prize steering committee. From Stalingrad to Berlin When I read one particular account of a German officer captured at Stalingrad, I knew what the next book had to be. This officer, along with a group of exhausted survivors from the 297th Infantry Division, were being marched through the streets of Stalingrad - they could manage only a painful shuffle due to frostbite and starvation - when a Russian colonel pointing to the ruins around, yelled: 'That's how Berlin is going to look!' Russian armies advancing on Germany in 1944 and 1945 measured their advance both from Stalingrad, the furthest point of German advance as well as the perceived turning point of the war, and by the distance still left to 'The Lair of the Fascist Beast' - the capital of the Reich. The links between the two great battles were intriguing. The 8th Guards Army, the largest of Zhukov's formati*** attacking Berlin, was the old 62nd Army from Stalingrad. Its brutally effective commander, General Chuikov, who bestirred his officers to greater activity with hard punches, found however, that close-quarter combat in Berlin was rather different from what he had dubbed 'the Stalingrad Academy of Street-Fighting'. the Russians were taken aback by the almost suicidal bravery of fifteen-year-old Hitler Youth armed with Panzerfaust anti-tank launchers. Hitler, on the other hand, living almost entirely off wild delusion, persuaded himself that Berlin would be a Stalingrad in reverse, with his Ninth and Twelfth Armies cutting off the Russian attackers in a surprise pincer. He refused to acknowledge that they utterly lacked the material, physical, and moral strength to launch any sort of counter-attack. And when the Russians fought thei***ay into the centre of Berlin, they found the Chancellery of the German Reich defended by the Scandinavian SS Nordland Division and the remnants of the French SS Charlemagne. These foreign diehards were among the last to lay down their arms. It was strange to hear of such experiences from the surviving battalion commander in a darkened Parisian apartment: an old man who still receives death threats. But the Fall of Berlin, even more than the Battle of Stalingrad, is a terrible story of civilian as well as military suffering. The annihilation of East Prussia in January and February 1945 provided an atrocious warning of Russian revenge. German villagers who had not been allowed by the Nazi authorities to flee until it was too late, found themselves treated without mercy. Soviet troops were allowed to ***, loot and destroy virtually at will. When I read in a Moscow archive Beria's reports to Stalin on the mass suicides of East German civilians, it was quite clear that neither man had any intention of curbing their troops. Far more shocking documents were to emerge later in another archive, and I must admit that I am still unable to make up my mind about the real causes of such behaviour, especially when so many Russian soldiers and officers showed genuine kindness for German women and children. Russian troops, especially those liberated from the abominable treatment which they had received in German prisoner of war camps, had much to avenge, but some of their acti*** almost defy belief as well as logic. The w*** debate over '*** as a weapon of war' s far from straightforward, as I think the book will show. Several other explosive issues also emerged during the course of research in Moscow archives, but I prefer not to say anything at this stage, partly because I do not want anything to be taken out of context, but also because I need to do more research and double-checking from other directi***. Berlin is a much larger subject, both in size and scope, than Stalingrad was, and to cover the ground in a similar time - three and a half years - is a c***iderable challenge. There have been many more archives to visit (in France, Britain, Sweden and the United States, as well as of course Russia and Germany) and many more people to interview, both civilians and soldiers. I am quite honestly terrified of the task of turning our mountains of p***ocopied documents and tape-recordings into a coherent w***, but I hope that if the structure is right, then things will fall into place. The objective is to deliver the manu* by the end of October 2001 so that the book can come out in May 2002, exactly four years after the publication of Stalingrad.
The Normandy Landings that took place on D-Day involved by far the largest invasion fleet ever known. The scale of the undertaking was simply awesome. What followed them was some of the most cunning and ferocious fighting of the war, at times as savage as anything seen on the Eastern Front. As casualties mounted, so too did the tensi*** between the principal commanders on both sides. Meanwhile, French civilians caught in the middle of these battlefields or under Allied bombing endured terrible suffering. Even the joys of Liberation had their darker side. The war in northern France marked not just a generation but the w*** of the post-wa***orld, profoundly influencing relati*** between America and Europe. Making use of overlooked and new material from over thirty archives in half a dozen countries, D-Day is the most vivid and well-researched account yet of the battle of Normandy. As with Stalingrad and Berlin, Antony Beevor's gripping narrative conveys the true experience of war.
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