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A different way of discovering and developing the best
business ideas
Jack Welch once said, "Someone, somewhere has a better idea." In
this myth-busting book, the authors reveal that great business
ideas do not spring from innate creativity, or necessarily from the
brilliant minds of people. Rather, great ideas come to those who
are in the habit of looking for great ideas all around them, all
the time. Too often, people fall into the trap of thinking that the
only worthwhile idea is a thoroughly original one. Idea Hunters
know better. They understand that valuable ideas are already out
there, waiting to be found - and not just in the usual
? Shows how to expand your capacity to find and develop winning
business ideas
? Explains why ideas are a critical asset for every manager and
professional, not just for those who do "creative"
? Reveals how to seek out and select the ideas that best serve
your purposes and goals and define who you are, as a
? Offers practical tips on how to master the everyday habits of
an Idea Hunter, which include cultivating great conversati***
The book is filled with illustrative accounts of successful Idea
Hunters and stories from thriving "idea" companies. Warren Buffet,
Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Mary Kay Ash, Twitter, and Pixar
Animation Studios are among the many profiled.
Preface: Why Hunt?
Introduction: Brilliance Not Required.
Already Out There.
Ready to Unlearn.
Chapter One: Know Your Gig.
The Discernment.
The Circle of Competence.
Gigs Matter.
The I–D–E–A Principles.
Chapter Two: Be Interested, Not Just Interesting.
Curiosity at the Trading Post.
Learning Machines.
Your Brain Is Open.
Defining Your Own Hunt.
IdeaWork #1: Selling the Best Hour of the Day to Yourself.
Chapter Three: Diversifying the Hunt.
The Color of Your Ideas.
When Weak Ties Are Strong.
Widening Your Intellectual Bandwidth.
Bridging Distant Worlds.
Ideas Are Everywhere.
IdeaWork #2: The I's and T's.
Chapter Four: Mastering the Habits of the Hunt.
The Practice of Ideas.
Begin with an Eye.
Observing at the Ritz.
Erecting a Personal Platform of Observation.
Write It Down.
Get It Moving.
Observe Yourself.
IdeaWork #3: Assembling an Idea Portfolio.
Chapter Five: Idea Flow Is Critical.
The Case of the Guitar Strings.
Creating Idea Spaces at Pixar.
Finding the “Informal Bosses”.
Letting Ideas Percolate.
When It’s Time to “Kill” Ideas.
IdeaWork #4: Ready, Set, Launch.
Chapter Six: Create Great Conversati***.
“Continuers” and “Terminators”.
The Value of a Na?ve Question.
Preparing for the Big Conversation.
Epilogue: Thoreau and the I-D-E-A Assessment.
About the Authors.
Andy Boynton is the dean of the Carroll School of Management
at Boston College. He was a professor of strategic leadership at
IMD (International Institute for Management Development) in
Lausanne, Switzerland, where he created and directed the school's
highly-rated global Executive MBA program.
Bill Fischer is a professor at IMD.He previously served as dean
and president of the China-Europe International Business School, a
joint venture of the European Union and Chinese government,
inShanghai, China.
William Bole is a journalist and a research fellow of the Winston
Center for Leadership and Ethics at Boston College.
"Humans make progress by discovering new ideas, but also,
importantly, by repurposing the ones that already exist. Boynton
and Fisher show how each of us can get better at this critical
skill, identifying and reapplying existing ideas."
―Paul Romer, Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic
Policy Research
“Hunting is an apt metaphor. Ideas exist everywhere in the
wild. The trick is knowing where to look for them and how to
capture them. Boynton and Fischer tell us how.”
―Ron Sargent, Chairman & CEO, Staples, Inc.
“The Idea Hunter is unique. It’s about curiosity, agility
and perpetually hunting for better ideas. It’s a must read
for anyone who wants to compete and collaborate more effectively
each and every day.”
―Greg Brown, President & CEO, Motorola Soluti***.
“This book upends a number of persistent myths about innovation
and what it takes to be an ‘idea person.’ It shows that what’s
required is not spectacular creativity or remarkable IQ, but
curiosity—a genuine desire to engage in a daily search for
ideas. It will help transform the way you and your business
―Jay Hooley, Chairman, President & CEO, State Street
“The Idea Hunter is not only an enjoyable read. It offers a
practical method so that anyone or any firm can learn the secrets
of harnessing the power of ideas to drive success.”
― Laura J. Sen, President & CEO, BJ’s W***sale Club
“Boynton and Fischer offer powerful and practical advice on how
to jump-shift the flow of ideas in your ***anization. This
will become required reading for any leader intent on shaping a
high-performance ***anization.”
―Michael D. White, Chairman & CEO, DirecTV
Observe, ask questi***, be curious, dare to throw odd ideas into
a group’s conversation to make it better. Be an Idea Hunter!
―Ton Büchner, CEO, Sulzer, Ltd
“My company aims to add about $4 billion in new sales every year.
This won’t be possible without everyone in the ***anization
contributing new ideas. The Idea Hunter is an essential guide to
systematically developing this critical capability.”
― Werner Geissler, Vice Chairman, Global Operati***, Procter
& Gamble
“Thrilling, fun, and inspiring, The Idea Hunter tells stories and
discerns patterns of behavior and habits shared by the great
innovators of the past century. It finds similarities among the
greats ranging from Warren Buffet to Steve Jobs, and even going
back earlier in the century to Walt Disney and Thomas Edison.
Through brief stories and *** self-reflection exercises, this
book distills the quirky essence of leading imagination in a way we
can c***ume it, and hopefully ***ire to become one with it.
― Aaron C. Sylvan, Serial Entrepreneur and Technologist (One
Technology, TrustWorks, LemonadeHeroes, Sylvan Social
“We rely on using the ideas of thousands of experts to win
against tough competition in a crowded market. Using The Idea
Hunter as a trail map, any leader can win the daily wars of ideas
that differentiate the innovator from the rest.”
―Jack Hughes, Chairman and Co-founder, TopCoder, Inc.
“Idea hunters are normal people, with a normal life in a common
social contest. The only difference is that they have an open mind
and are skilled in searching. This brilliant book is an ideal guide
to achieve an open mind in our complex world.”
―Maurizio Marinelli, Visual Artist & President of Baskerville
Research Center on Communication, Bologna, Italy
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