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For his biographies of Robert Moses and Lyndon
Johnson, Robert A. Caro has twice won the Pulitzer Prize for
Biography, twice won the National Book Critics Circle Award for
Best Nonfiction Book of the Year, and has also won virtually every
other major li***ry honor, including the National Book Award, the
Gold Medal in Biography from the American Academy of Arts and
Letters, and the Francis Parkman Prize, awarded by the Society of
American Historians to the book that best "exemplifies the union of
the historian and the artist."
To create his first book, The Power Broker: Robert
Moses and the Fall of New York, Caro spent seven years tracing and
talking with hundreds of men and women who worked with, for, or
against Robert Moses, including a score of his top aides. He
examined mountains of files never open to the public.
Everywhere acclaimed as a modern classic, The Power Broke***as
chosen by the Modern Library as one of the hundred greatest
non-fiction books of the twentieth century. It is, according to
David Halberstam, "Surely the greatest book eve***ritten about a
city." And The New York times Book Review said: "In the future, the
schola***ho writes the history of American cities in the twentieth
century will doubtless begin with this extraordinary effort."
To research The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Caro and his
wife, Ina, moved from his native New York City to the Texas Hill
Country and then to Washington, D.C., to live in the locales in
which Johnson grew up and in which he built, while he was still
young, his first political machine. He has spent years
examining documents at the Johnson Library in Austin and
interviewing men and women connected with Johnson's life, many of
whom had never before been interviewed. The first volume of The
Years of Lyndon Johnson, The Path to Power, was cited by The
Washington Post as "proof that we live in a great age of
biography... [a book] of radiant excellence... Caro's evocation of
the Texas Hill Country, his elaboration of Johnson's unsleeping
ambition, his understanding of how politics actually work,
are—let it be said flat out—at the summit of American
historical writing." Professor Henry F. Graff of Columbia
University called the second volume, Means of Ascent,
"brilliant. No review does justice to the drama of the story
Caro is telling, which is nothing less than how present-day
politics was born." And the London Times hailed volume three,
Masters of the Senate, as "a masterpiece... Robert Caro has written
on of the truly great political biographies of the modern age."
"Caro has a unique place among American political
biographers," according to The Boston Globe. "He has become,
in many ways, the standard by which his fellows are
measured." And Nicholas von Hoffman wrote: "Caro has changed
the art of political biography."
Caro graduated from Princeton University and later
became a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. He lives in New
York City with his wife, Ina, an historian and writer
The profound understanding of the uses and abuses of power
Robert Caro displayed in his 1974 biography of Robert Moses,
The Power Broker, is a
scathing achievement the author surpassed with panache in this, his
second book. Caro's dogged research and refusal to accept received
wisdom results in an eye-opening portrait that unf***ettably
captures the titanic personality of Lyndon Baines Johnson
(1908-1973). Though stronger on Johnson's duplicity and naked
self-promotion than his intelligence and charm, Caro nails it all.
He chronicles the evolution of an attention-demanding youth from
the Texas hill country into a seasoned congressman who would
abandon his ardent espousal of the New Deal as soon as it ceased to
be expedient. The dirty details begin with college electi*** that
earn young Lyndon a reputation as a crook and a liar; Caro goes on
to unravel financial shenanigans of impressive ingenuity. Johnson's
c***uming desire to get ahead and his political genius
"unencumbered by philosophy or ideology" are staggering. The White
House, Great Society, and Vietnam lie ahead when the main narrative
closes in 1941, but the roots of Johnson's future achievements and
tragic failures are laid bare. This biography may well stand as the
best book written in the second half of the 20th century about
personal ambition inextricably linked with historic change.
--Wendy Smith
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award
"Proof that we live in a great age of biography . . . [a book] of
radiant excellence . . . Caro's evocation of the Texas Hill
Country, his elaboration of Johnson's unsleeping ambition, his
understanding of how politics actually works are---let it be said
flat out---at the summit of American historical writing."
--Washington Post
"A monumental political saga . . . powerful and stirring. It's an
overwhelming experience to read The Path to Power." --Christopher
Lehmann-Haupt, New York Times
"Not only a historical but a li***ry event. An epic biography .
. . A sweeping, richly detailed portrait . . . vivid [with] Caro's
astonishing concern for the humanity of his characters. An awesome
achievement." --Peter S. Prescott, Newsweek
"Stands at the pinnacle of the biographical art." --Donald R.
Morris, Houston Post
"The major biography of recent years. Brilliant . . . Magisterial
. . . Caro has given us an American life of compelling fascination.
A benchmark beside which other biographies will be measured for
some time to come." --Alden Whitman, Los Angeles Herald
"An ineradicable likeness of an American giant. Caro has brought
to life a young man so believable and unf***ettable that we can
hear his heartbeat and touch him." --Henry F. Graff, Professor of
History, Columbia University
" Epic. A brief review cannot convey the depth, range and detail
of this fascinating story. Caro is a meticulous historian. A
monument of interpretive biography." --Michael R. Beschloss,
Chicago Sun-Times Book Week
"Splendid and moving. At this rate Caro's work will eventually
acquire Gibbon-like dimensi***, and Gibbon-like passion. . . . Caro
is a phenomenon . . . an artful writer, with a remarkable power to
evoke and characterize politicians, landscapes, relati***hips. This
massive book is almost continually exciting." --Richard Eder, Los
Angeles Times
"By every measure---depth of research, brilliance of conception,
the seamless flow of the prose---it is a masterpiece of biography."
--Dan Cryer, Newsday
"Extraordinary. A powerful, absorbing, at times awe-inspiring,
and often deeply alarming story. A vivid picture of the emergence
of one of this century's authentically great politicians." --Alan
Brinkley, Boston Sunday Globe
"The book races at Johnson's own whirlwind pace. A tour de force
that blends relentless detective work, polemical vigor and artful
storytelling into the most compelling narrative of American
political life since All the King's Men." --Henry Mayer, San
Francisco Chronicle
"A landmark in American political biography. The definitive life
of LBJ. Caro has written a Johnson biography that is richer and
fuller and may well be one of the freshest and most revealing
studies eve***ritten about a major historical figure." --Steve
Neal, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
"A masterful narrative on a grand scale, a fascinating portrait
of LBJ's activities set against a fully drawn canvas of life in the
Texas hill country. By far the most significant Johnson book to
appear." --Library Journal
"No mere political biography. Caro is on the way to becoming our
finest fine-tooth-comb historian." --Jack Goodman, Salt Lake
"Magnificent. For understanding our recent past and the men and
policies that brought the country to its present condition and
aimed us toward whatever our future is to be, it's an immensely
important work." --Bryan Woolley, Dallas Times Herald
"This is a watershed book. Caro writes with sweek and passion.
From the first sentence I was hooked. All other biographies of
Johnson pale in comparison." -- Joseph P. Lash
"Engrossing and revealing. This fascinating, immensely long and
highly readable book is the fullest account we have--and are ever
likely to have--of the early years of LBJ." --David Herbert Donald,
front page, NY Times Book Review
"A superb and unique biography...Meticulous in research, grand in
scale, this is a majo***ork that will remain a tower of its
kind."-- Barbara Tuchman
-- Review
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