煤力学(英文版) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Coal and Coal Measure Strata 1
1.1.1 Coal and Coal Seam Gas 1
1.1.2 Coal Measure Strata 7
1.2 Structure of Coal and Its Simplified Physical Model 13
1.2.1 Pores and Fractures in Coal 13
1.2.2 Simplified Physical Model of Coal 20
1.3 Comparison of Coal and Rock 22
1.3.1 Comparison of Structure and Strength 22
1.3.2 Comparison of Adsorption Properties 23
1.3.3 Comparison of Gas Outburst and Rock Burst Disasters 25
1.4 Research Contents of Coal Mechanics 26
1.4.1 Definition of Coal Mechanics 26
1.4.2 Development of Coal Mechanics 27
1.4.3 Structure of This Book 31
References 32
Chapter 2 Coal Formation and Metamorphism 41
2.1 Coal Forming Process 41
2.2 Coalification 43
2.2.1 Coal Diagenesis 43
2.2.2 Coal Metamorphism 43
2.3 The Maceral Composition and Metamorphic Type of Coal 44
2.3.1 The Maceral Composition of Coal 44
2.3.2 Metamorphism Types of Coal 46
2.4 Gas Generation in Coal 49
2.4.1 Gas Generation During the Biochemical Coalification Period 50
2.4.2 Gas Generation During the Coal Metamorphism Period 50
2.4.3 Coal Seam Gas Composition 53
2.4.4 Occurrence Status of Coal Seam Gas 56
2.5 Effect of Magma Intrusion on Coal Metamorphism and Gas Occurrence 59
2.5.1 Ways of Magma Intrusion into Coal Seams 59
2.5.2 Thermal Temperature Field Analysis of Magma 60
2.5.3 The Influence of Magma on Coal Metamorphism 64
2.5.4 The Influence of Magma on Gas Occurrence 65
Reference 72
Chapter 3 Basic Physical Properties and Characteristics of Coal Pores and Fractures 75
3.1 The Basic Physical Properties of Coal 75
3.1.1 Moisture of Coal 76
3.1.2 Ash in Coal 78
3.1.3 Volatiles of Coal 80
3.1.4 Density of Coal 81
3.1.5 Hardness of Coal 82
3.2 Coal Pore Features 85
3.2.1 Classification of Coal Pore 85
3.2.2 Coal Pore Characterization Methods 87
3.2.3 Pore Structure Characterization 93
3.3 Coal Fracture Features 97
3.3.1 Classification of Coal Fracture 97
3.3.2 Fracture Distribution Characteristics in Coal 97
3.4 The Matrix Characteristics of Coal 100
3.4.1 Definition of Coal Matrix 100
3.4.2 Coal Matrix Scale 101
References 104
Chapter 4 Gas Adsorption-Desorption Properties of Coal 107
4.1 Gas adsorption Properties of Coal 107
4.1.1 Gas Adsorption Mechanism in Coal 107
4.1.2 Gas Adsorption Law of Coal 108
4.1.3 Main Factors Affecting Gas Adsorption Properties of Coal 110
4.1.4 Test Methods of Gas Adsorption Properties 118
4.2 Gas Desorption Properties of Coal 123
4.2.1 Gas Desorption Mechanism 123
4.2.2 Main Factors Affecting Gas Desorption Properties 124
4.2.3 Gas Desorption Models of Coal 129
4.2.4 Test Methods of Gas Desorption Properties 132
4.2.5 Application of Gas Desorption Properties of Coal in Gas Content Determination 133
4.3 Gas Diffusion in Coal 137
4.3.1 Physical Process of Gas Diffusion in Coal 137
4.3.2 Mathematical Models of Coal Gas Diffusion 139
4.3.3 The Desorption Index of Drilling Cuttings (K1) 141
References 143
Chapter 5 Foundation of Coal Mechanics 146
5.1 Stress State 146
5.1.1 Concept of Stress 146
5.1.2 Specification of Stress State at a Point 148
5.1.3 Plane Stress State and the Mohr Stress Circle 150
5.1.4 Principal Stresses and Their Directi*** 153
5.2 Strain State 156
5.2.1 Displacement and Strain Concepts 156
5.2.2 Geometric Equation 158
5.2.3 Principal Strain and Volumetric Strain 160
5.3 Strength Criterion 162
5.3.1 Mohr-Coulomb Strength Criterion 162
5.3.2 Drucker-Prager Strength Criterion 164
5.3.3 Griffith’s Strength Criterion 165
5.4 The Effective Stress 166
References 168
Chapter 6 Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Coal Containing Gas 170
6.1 Mechanical Tests of Coal Containing Gas 170
6.1.1 Testing Facility and Experimental Principles 171
6.1.2 Basic Requirements for Strength Tests of Coal Containing Gas 173
6.1.3 Coal Sample Preparation Methods 174
6.2 Strength Characteristics of Coal Containing Gas 180
6.2.1 Conventional Compression Tests of Coal 180
6.2.2 Pre-peak Confining Pressure Unloading Tests of Coal Containing Gas 186
6.2.3 Analysis of the Strength Characteristics of Coal Containing Gas 190
6.3 Deformation Characteristics of Coal Containing Gas 201
6.3.1 Analysis of the Deformation Characteristics of Coal Containing Gas 201
6.3.2 Influence of Gas on Coal Deformation 207
*** C***titutive Equation of Coal Containing Gas 209
***.1 Analysis of the C***titutive Relati***hip Characteristics of Coal 209
***.2 Linear Elastic Stage 213
***.3 Nonlinear Elastoplastic Stage 215
***.4 Ideal Plastic Stage 216
***.5 Strain Softening Stage 216
6.5 Macroscopic Damage Features of Coal Containing Gas 216
6.6 Failure Mechanism and Strength Theory of Coal Containing Gas 220
6.6.1 C. D. Martin Fracture Strain Model 220
Chapter 1 Introduction
Learning outcomes
Coal formation, macroscopic composition of coal/rock, structure of coal, coal seam gas and coal measure strata;
Pore and fracture structures in coal, simplified physical models of coal and their significance in the study of coal mechanics;
Comparison of coal and rock structures, strength, adsorption properties and disasters.
1.1 Coal and Coal Measure Strata
1.1.1 Coal and Coal Seam Gas
1. Coal formation
Coal is one type of solid-state combustible ***anic rocks, which is transformed from plant remains by complex biochemistry, physical chemistry and geochemistry effects (also known as the coal-forming process). Coal is mainly composed of ***anic matter and a small amount of in***anic minerals. The ***anic matter in coal is mainly composed of five elements, namely carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and ***anic sulfur, of which the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen contents c***titute more than 95% of the total ***anic matter. Generally, it is believed that coal is made up of large aromatic rings and fused rings with fat side chains, and the skelet*** of these rings are made of carbon elements. With the increasing coal rank, the content of carbon increases while the content of hydrogen and oxygen decreases, and the content of nitrogen slightly reduces. In China, the carbon content is 55%-62% for peat (on dry and ash-free basis), 60%-76.5% for lignite, 77%-92.7% for bituminous coal, and for anthracite coal, carbon is usually above 89%. The in***anic matter in coal is mainly composed of water and minerals [1].
The coal-forming process can be divided into two stages. The first stage is peatification or saprofication, which mainly occurs in the peat swamps, lakes and shallow seas that are located on the earth’s surface. In this stage, driven by the biogeochemical effects and under the action of various micro***anisms, the remains of plants continuously decompose, combine and accumulate, resulting in the lower plants turning to sapropel while the higher plants form peat. The second stage of the coal-forming process is the stage of coalification. In this stage, the peat or sapropel formed in the previous stage is buried deep underground due to the subsidence of the earth’s crust. The increase of ground temperature as well as pressure convert the coal-forming process from peatification/saprofication into physi-chemical reacti*** (namely the coalification). Moreover, coalification can be further divided into diagenesis and metamorphism, of which the transformation process from peat to young lignite is called diagenesis and the transformation process from young lignite to old lignite, bituminite coal even anthracite is called metamorphism.
In China, from the early Palaeozoic stone coal (belongs to the sapropelite) to the Quaternary peat, there exist 14 coal forming periods, of which the most important coal forming periods are: ① early Carboniferous in South China; ② Carboniferous-Permian in North China; ③ Permian in South China; ④ late Triassic in South China; ⑤ early and middle Jurassic in Northwest China; ⑥ late Jurassic to early Cretaceous in Northeast China; ⑦ Tertiary period in Northeast/Southwest/Coastal China. Statistics indicate that the reserves of the early and middle Jurassic coal forming periods contribute for 60% of China''s total coal resources, and the reserves of the Carboniferous-Permian coal forming period in North China contribute for 26% of China''s total coal resources.
2. Macroscopic composition of coal
The macroscopic composition of coal is the basic unit of coal that can be distinguished by naked eyes, including vitrain, bright coal, dull coal and fusain, of which vitrain and fusain are the *** composition of coal while the bright coal and dull coal are the complex composition of coal [1].
Vitrain is transformed from plants’ lignocellulosic tissue through the effect of gelatinization. The microstructure of vitrain is relatively ***, and it is one of the *** macroscopic compositi*** of coal. The color of vitrain is dark and shiny. Vitrain is also the darkest and the most lustrous element in coal. It has a pure texture, a uniform structure, a shell-like fracture and a internal fissure. The vitrain is brittle in texture and easy to break into angular pieces. In coal seams, vitrain always shapes as convex lens or ribbon, with a thickness ranging from several to 20 mm, and sometimes it also exists in bright coal and dull coal in a lineation form.
Fusain is transformed from plants’ woody fibrous tissue which slowly oxidized in a water shortage oxygen-enriched environment or formed due to forest fires. Fusain is also one of the *** macroscopic compositi*** of coal. Due to the large porosity and strong ability of oxygen adsorption, the coal seams that are rich in fusain will easily be prone to spontaneous combustion. The appearance of fusain is similar to charcoal, with gray color and obv
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