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This is the second anthology by the author. It contains her views on world affairs, including her resp***e to some of the questi*** raised about China.
The anthology is divided into nine chapters that include: world order, global changes and China’s role, China-US relati***, China-Russia relati*** and Asian issues. Given the profound changes in the current international situation, she hopes this book will give readers more insights about how people in China see the world.
Preface to English Version / I
Preface to Chinese Version / VII
World Order / 001
2014: A Turning Point in the World Order / 003
Debating 21st Century Order / 014
Under a Common Roof: China’s View of the Global Order / 025
Disorder or Rec***truction of Order? / 034
Global Changes and China’s Role / 043
For Peace and Development in the 21st Century / 045
A Century Later —A Retrospective on the Two World Wars / 049
Are China and the US Missing Opportunities? / 067
International Order and China’s Place in It / 076
Major Countries Need to Build Trust Among Them / 080
Economic Globalization in a World Full of Uncertainties / 086
Global Changes and China’s Role / 096
China’s Vision for the World: A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind / 111
China-US Relati*** / 123
China and the US, Learning to Work Together / 125
The Way Forward for China-US Relati*** / 133
How Chinese and Americans Are Reading Each Other and Why It Matters / 143
China and the US: Rebuilding C***ensus? / 155
Three Aspects of China-US Relati*** to Watch on the Eve of the G20 Summit in 2016 / 164
Dialogue with Dr. Henry Kissinger(I): Growing Anxieties: How Overestimation of China is Affecting the US Views / 181
Dialogue with Dr. Henry Kissinger(II): China’s Opti*** and Impact on a New Order / 190
Dialogue with Dr.Henry Kissinger(III): The World Order and China-US Relati*** / 200
Dialogue with Dr. Henry Kissinger(IV): A Discussion on World Order / 215
Dialogue with Professor Francis Fukuyama / 224
China-Russia Relati*** / 233
Are China and Russia Partnering to Create an Axis? / 235
Peace in Asia / 251
Northeast Asia Security Cooperation: The Role for China / 253
Harmony Is a Blessing for China and Its Neighbors / 266
Can East Asia Continue the Momentum of Regional Cooperation? / 271
The Korean Nuclear Issue: Past, Present, and Future / 277
Is There Hope for Peaceful Settlement of Korean Nuclear Issue? / 329
The South China Sea / 337
Why China Says No to the Arbitration on the South China Sea Issue / 339
South China Sea: How We Got to This Stage / 344
The Belt and Road Initiative / 389
China’s BRI: A Contribution to Fulfilling the Age-old Dream of Eur*** Connectivity / 391
Chinese Way / 401
Different Pictures of China / 403
Let’s Agree to Disagree in Harmony / 407
How Will China Influence the World? / 416
China’s Reform and Development Make Asia and the World Safer / 419
A View on China’s International Standing / 425
China’s Growth and the Debates on Orders / 433
China Needs to Better Communicate with the Outside World / 443
A Roadmap for Managing China’s Rise / 449
Other / 455
In Memory of Ambassador Wu Jianmin / 457
Afterword / 463
Abbreviati*** and Acronyms / 467
Fu Ying joined China's foreign service in 1978. She served successively as Director of Policy Planning and Director General of Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She also served as China's Ambassador to the Philippines, Australia and the United Kingdom. From 2009 to 2013, she was appointed as Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for European affairs and then Asian Affairs. From 2013 to 2017, she was Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the spokesperson for the 1st to 5th sessi*** of China's 12th National People's Congress.
Fu Ying is now Vice Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of China's 13th National People's Congress. She is also chairing the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS), Tsinghua University.
The Chinese version of this book was released in June 2018 in Beijing, when tensi*** between the United States and China were already rising. A year later, as the English version of this book is completed now in June 2019, the relati***hip has grown more tense. It has become apparent that the US government is trying to change its policy on relati*** with China, which previous American administrati*** have followed over the past 40 years.
While the US, as a traditional superpower, has become less capable of managing the world affairs and less willing apparently, China, as an emerging power, is seen as rising with unstoppable momentum. These two developments are raising anxiety in the American strategic circle. Their concern is not only about the pace of China
s rise but also the way it is rising. The US
s worry is that China may turn into a rival, which will not merely surpass it but replace it as leader in the world and upend the century-old American dominance. So, to avoid that prospect, the US believes it needs to shift its strategy and pull together all its resources to meet the perceived competition from China. The US government
s move to maximize pressure on China over trade and high-tech issues that we have seen in the past months is a reflection of this wave of
American Frost.
In my recent discussi*** with visiting American academics and former politicians, I sensed common pessimism. Most of them worried that the bila***l relati*** would deteriorate further. However, they also showed interest in finding a way out and explore a
New Paradigm.
Meanwhile, Chinese scholars are also seeing the changes in the US
s attitude and are concerned that the relati***hip would undergo fundamental shift should the two sides fail to act quickly to stop the downside fall.
What will the future hold for China-US relati***? As the US
s policy adjustments become more entrenched, the sentiments for competition and confrontation are rising.
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