16世纪至20世纪大师芭蕾舞剧作品50部/Fifty Ballet Masterworks: From the 16th to the 20th Century mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

16世纪至20世纪大师芭蕾舞剧作品50部/Fifty Ballet Masterworks: From the 16th to the 20th Century电子书下载地址
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Lincoln Kirstein, co-founder (with Ge***e Balanchine) and longtime general director of the world-famous New York City Ballet, was one of America's most eloquent and influential spokesmen for the dance. In this profusely illustrated study, he brings extraordinary erudition, a balletomane's passion and a critic's perception to the task of illuminating four centuries of ballet history. Here is an examination, lucid and brilliant, not only of dances and dancers, but of dance itself. Kirstein surveys the five components of theatrical dance-choreography, gesture and mime, music, costume, scenery and decor-and traces their development over the past 400 years. "If there is a hero," he writes, "it is choreography"--that "map of movement" embodying the syntax, idiom,and vocabulary of dance.
The heart of this impressive volume, however, resides in Kirstein's penetrating interpretati*** of 50 seminal works of theatrical dance-ballets which "define tradition.., or extend it through some crucial enlargement." The author begins with French court spectacles and English masques of the sixteenth and seven-teenth centuries, and covers a wide range of notable works--highlighting ways in which each broke new ground, historically or aesthetically. Here are full and provocative discussi*** of such important ballets as:
Salmacida Spolia (1640)
Le Ballet de la Nuit (1653)
Le Fdcheux (1661)
The Loves of Mars and Venus (1717)
Jason et Medde (1763)
Robert le Diable (1831)
Giselle (1841)
Le Lac des Cygnes
Petrouchka (1911)
Fancy Free (1944)
Orpheus (1948)
Enigma Variati***
and many others(1894-95)(1968)
In addition, you'll find nearly 500 rare illustrati*** from Kirstein's private collection and other sources, many reproduced here for the first time: engravings by William Hogarth and Jacques Patin; p***ographs of the legendary Diaghilev and famed choreographer Sir Frederick Ashton; performance p***ographs of Michel Fokine, Jacques d'Amboise, Anna Pavlova, the great Nijinsky himself, and many more.
Fifty Ballet Masterworks presents a unique, multi-layered vision of ballet as movement, art, theatrical spectacle, and history. It is a marvelous introduction to those just discovering the delights of the dance, and a source of fresh insight and perspective to enthusiasts and experts. Lovers of ballet and other performing arts, students of the dance, and others will applaud the first modestly priced paperback edition of this landmark volume.
Unabridged, corrected republication of Movement & Metaphor." Four Centuries of Ballet, originally published by Praeger Publishers, New York, 1970. Foreword. Acknowledgments. Notes to Illustrati***. Bibliography. Index. 474 black-and- white illustrati***, ix+290pp. 8g x 11~. Paperbound.
Free Dover Music Catalog (59057-7) available upon request
Ⅰ. Choreography: Materials and Structure
Ⅱ. Gesture and Mime
Ⅲ. Ballet Music: Key Composers
Ⅳ. Dress for Dancing: Antique and Historical
Ⅴ. Decor for Dancing
Ⅵ. A C***pect of Ballets 1573-1968
1573: Le Ballet des Polonais. Court Ballet: Beginnings
1581 : Ballet-Comique de la Royne Louise. Court Ballet: Culmination
1616: La Liberazione di Tirreno e d'Arnea, Autori del Sangue Toscano.
Ballet at Court: Italy
1617: La Delivrance de Renaud. Ballet at Court: France
1640: Salmacida Spolia. The English Court Masque
1645: La Finta Pazza (La Folle Supposee). DEcor and Divertis***t
1653: Le Ballet de la Nuit. Royal Ballet
1654: Les Nopces de Pelee et de Thetis. Opera-Ballet
1661: Les Facheux. French Comedy-Ballet
1670: Les Amants Magnifiques. End of the Amateur
1714: Les Horaces. French Pantomime
1717: The Loves of Mars and Venus. English Pantomime
1726: Les Caracteres de la Danse. Rococo Variety
1750: La Guinguette. Ballet Burlesque
1752-53: Pygmalion. Ballet d'Action : Vienna
1754: Les Fetes Chinoises. The Exotic: Living Pictures
1758: Le Turc Genereux (Der Grossmutige TUrke).
The Exotic: Danced Drama
1761 : Don Juan ou le Festin de Pierre. Music-Drama Danced
1763: Jason et Med6e. Ballet d'Action: Heroic Pantomime
1789: La Fille Mal Gardee. Country Dances: Peasant Comedy
1796: Flore et Zephyre. Flight: Wires and Toe Shoes
1818: La Vestale. Choreodrama
1827: La Somnambule ou I'Arrivee d'un Nouveau Seigneur. Ballet Bourgeois
1831 : Robert le Diable. Gothic Romanticism
1832: La Sylphide. Ballet Romantique
1841: Giselle ou les Wills. Ballet Romantique: Score and Corps
1844: La Esmeralda. Realism: Character and Corps
1845: Le Pas de Quatre. Ballet Embodied
1862: La Fille du Pharaoh. Ballet e Grand Spectacle
1864: Koniok Gorbunok. Franco-Russian Ballet
1870: Coppelia ou La Fille aux Yeux d'Email. Decadence: The Dancing Do
1890: La Belle au Bois Dormant. Romanov Ballet de Cour
1894-95: Le Lac des Cygnes. Music for Masterwork
1909: La Pavilion d'Armide. France's Gift to Russia Returned
1909. Les Sylphides. Romantic Reprise and Recapitulation
1910: Scheherazade. D iaghilev's Oriental Orgy
1911: Petrouchka. Ballet Russe: Music and Magic
1912: L'Apr6s-Midi d'un Faune. Restriction Toward Revolution
1913: Jeux. Modernity: Sex as Sport
1913: Le Sacre du Printemps. Russian Ballet: Rite and Revolution
1917: Parade. Modern Life: Paint and Pantomime
1922: Triadisches Ballet. Abstract Ballet: Costume as Decor
1923: Tanzsynfonia. Movement as Music: Symphonism
1923: Les Noces Villageoises. Ritual Synthesis
1928: Apollon Musagete. The Academy Renewed
1936: Jardin aux Lilas. English Dance-Drama
1944: Fancy Free. Broadway Ballet
1948: Orpheus. Mime and Music: Another Start
1957: Agon. Mastery by Music for Movement
1968: Enigma Variati***. The Composer as First-Dancer
Notes to Illustrati***
Profusely illustrated vision of ballet as movement, art, theatrical spectacle, and history. Penetrating discussi*** of 50 seminal works, from the 16th to the 20th century. 474 illustrati***.
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