极值套期保值:活跃在世界舞台上的对冲基金经理Extreme value hedging : how activist hedge fund managers are taking on the world mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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Activist hedge fund managers represent a small part of the $1.5 trillion hedge fund industry, but their approach is causing a stir among traditional managers and the investment community because they are shaking up the corporate establishment and *** money for their investors. These types of managers are here to stay and Extreme Value Hedging tells the story of their rise to power in the U.S. and how they are spreading their influential gospel around the globe to places like China, Ukraine, South Korea and Sweden. Author Ronald D. Orol has a unique understanding of this world and through this book he shares his unparalleled insights in an easy to comprehend manner. He discusses everything from activist investor efforts to breakup the clubby inside***orld of corporate boardrooms to their deal-*** or breaking pressure tactics and courtroom battles. Orol skillfully makes his case for each subject by offering revelati*** and examples from insiders like Ralph Whitworth, (Relational Investors), Guy Wyser-Pratte, (Wyser-Pratte Management), Mark Schwarz, (Newcastle Capital Group LLC), Robert Chapman (Chapman Capital), Phillip Goldstein (Opportunity Partners), Jeffrey Ubben (ValueAct Capital), Jeffrey M. Solomon (Ramius Capital Group LLC), Michael Van Biema (Van Biema Value Partners), Eric Rosenfeld (Crescendo Partners), Lars Förberg (Cevian Capital) and Emanuel Pearlman (Liberation Investment Group), among many, many others.
Part One: From Raiders To Activists And Everything In Between.
Chapter 1. Growth Of Activism And Why Corporate Raiders Aren't Around Any More.
Chapter 2. Nuts And Bolts: How Activists Became Who They Are Today; From Value Investing To Proxy Contests And Other Activist Tactics.
Chapter 3. The Pack: How Activists Are Working Together (But Not Officially).
Chapter 4. How Activists Use Litigation To Pursue Their Agenda.
Chapter 5. Why Activists Target Certain Corporati*** And Leave Others Alone.
Chapter 6. Over Perked And Over Paid: The Impact Of Activism On Executive Compensation.
Chapter 7. Hedge Specialization: Good Or Bad?
Chapter 8. Regulation And Activists: How The Securities And Exchange Commission Helps (Or Hurts) Activists.
Part Two: Institutional Investors And Activists.
Chapter 9. Institutional Investors On Activists: Love 'Em Or Hate 'Em?
Chapter 10. Activists Taking On Large Corporati*** Must Have Institutional Support.
Chapter 11. Instituti*** And Activist Hedge Funds: Breaking Up Deals Together Around The World.
Chapter 12. Just Vote No And No And No Again.
Chapter 13. Instituti*** Changing Corporate Bylaws So Activist Hedge Funds Can Get Down To Business.
Chapter 14. Can't Beat Them; Then Fund Them.
Chapter 15. Instituti*** Behaving Like Activist Hedge Fund Managers.
Part Three: Activism 2.0.
Chapter 16. Technology, Communicati*** And Activists: Gary Lutin And Eric Jackson.
Chapter 17. When Is An Activist Fund Really A Private Equity Fund And What's The Difference.
Chapter 18. Fund Of Hedge Funds Stake Out Activists.
Chapter 19. Distressed Investing: How Activist Managers Buy Debt And Provoke Companies.
Chapter 20. Hedge Activism In Western Europe, Asia And Ca***.
Chapter 21. Hedge Activism Goes Global To Emerging Markets (Otherwise Known As The Wild Wild West Meets East).
Chapter 22. Value Investing versus Activism: Which One Is Better?
Conclusion. Saturation Or No Saturation?
About the Author.
Ronald D. Orol is a senio***riter for The Deal and The Daily Deal, covering the activist hedge fund industry as well as other topics, including the S.E.C. and Capitol Hill. Orol is author of the "Over the Hedge" column, contributor to the "Rules of the Road" weekly column, and is also a commentator on BBC World Television and National Public Radio. In addition, Orol regularly ***anizes and moderates panels on hedge funds and telecom reform for The Deal audience. Prior to his work at The Deal, he was a reporte***ith Dow Jones Newswires and a Washington correspondent for The Providence Journal. Before moving to Washington, Orol spent three years as a business and finance reporter for The Prague Post in the Czech Republic. While in Prague, Orol also reported on Eastern European privatization and the political transformation of the region for Southam News Wire Service. His articles appeared in the Montreal Gazette, the Toronto Star, and the Ottawa Citizen. Orol earned his bachelor of journalism honors degree from Carleton University in Ottawa. He also received a business and economics journalism master's degree from Boston University, where he graduated with distinction.
Activist hedge fund managers represent a small part of the $1.5 trillion hedge fund industry, but their approach is causing a stir among traditional managers and the investment community because they are shaking up the corporate establishment and *** money for their investors. These types of managers are here to stay and Extreme Value Hedging tells the story of their rise to power in the U.S. and how they are spreading their influential gospel around the globe to places like China, Ukraine, South Korea and Sweden. Author Ronald D. Orol has a unique understanding of this world and through this book he shares his unparalleled insights in an easy to comprehend manner. He discusses everything from activist investor efforts to breakup the clubby inside***orld of corporate boardrooms to their deal-*** or breaking pressure tactics and courtroom battles. Orol skillfully makes his case for each subject by offering revelati*** and examples from insiders like Ralph Whitworth, (Relational Investors), Guy Wyser-Pratte, (Wyser-Pratte Management), Mark Schwarz, (Newcastle Capital Group LLC), Robert Chapman (Chapman Capital), Phillip Goldstein (Opportunity Partners), Jeffrey Ubben (ValueAct Capital), Jeffrey M. Solomon (Ramius Capital Group LLC), Michael Van Biema (Van Biema Value Partners), Eric Rosenfeld (Crescendo Partners), Lars Förberg (Cevian Capital) and Emanuel Pearlman (Liberation Investment Group), among many, many others.
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