Made in China: Secrets of China’s Dynamic Entrepreneurs中国***:中国优秀企业家的秘密武器 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Made in China: Secrets of China’s Dynamic Entrepreneurs中国***:中国优秀企业家的秘密武器电子书下载地址
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Insight and ***ysis on the strategies that have led to China's rapid economic expansion
China's rapid economic growth has made it a vital market for the biggest multinational corporati***, most of which have invested heavily in China. Yet those corporati*** face their toughest competition not from other multinationals, but from China's own homegrown businesses. China's entrepreneur class has grown and their businesses are succeeding primarily due to their knowledge of the domestic market, quick adaptation to market changes, and their resourcefulness. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, it is best to know one's enemy. Made in China gives executives at multinationals the inside insight they need to compete with China's homegrown businesses before they lose out.
Winter Nie (Lausanne, Switzerland) is a professor in the Operati*** and Service Management programs at IMD. Katherine Xin (Shanghai, China) is a professor at IMD with extensive teaching, research, and c***ulting experience at universities and companies around the world. Lily Zhang (Shanghai, China) is a Research Associate at IMD. She has worked at Dow Jones China for more than four years and as a journalist for The Economist Group for two years.
Part 1: The Competition between MNCs and Local POEs in the China Market
Chapter 1: Wahaha: Danone’s Dream Partner and Nightmare
Market Segmentation: The Success of a School-Run Factory
Pure Water: the Way to Brand Extension
Future Cola: Sharing the China Market with Pepsi and Coke
A Decade of Collaboration with Danone Was in Trouble
Chapter 2: Nice: P&G’s Firece Local Competitor
Product Differentiation: The Rising of a Workshop Factory
Winner of the Laundry Detergent Market over P&G and Unilever
Move up into the High-End Market
Chapter 3: Taobao: the eBay Killer
Taobao: Alibaba’s Defense
Differentiation From the Competitor
Unique Corporate Culture
The Adverti***t War
Huge Market Potential Brought by Big Market Share
eBay China or China piece of a global eBay
Chapter 4: Who Are They?
Chinese POEs: MNC’s Main Competitors in the China Market
Small- and Medium-Sized POEs: Your Potential Rivals
Research Methodology
The Role of Private-Owned Enterprises in China’s National Economy
Part 2: The Evolvement of Entrepreneurship in China
Chapter 5: The Development of Chinese Commerce
A Brief Historic Background
The Cultural Revolution
The Period of Reform and Opening-up
Chapter 6: Three Stories
The Story of Michael Ma
The Story of Liu Qiongying
The Story of Hou Zhengyu
Part 3: Understanding Entrepreneurs in Today’s China
Chapter 7: Who Are the Typical Entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurs of Grassroots Background
Experts-Turned Entrepreneurs
Official-Turned Entrepreneurs
Professional Managers-Turned Entrepreneurs
Chapter 8: Business Model
Startup Capital
Business Model
Business Models with Chinese Characteristics
American Models do not work
Business model Transformation
Building Organizational Capability
Corporate Governance
Part 4: Threats and Opportunities for MNCs: Competition and Cooperation with Chinese Entrepreneurs
Chapter 9: Individual Characteristics for Their Success
Chapter 10: How Can MNCs Compete with Them?
Chapter 11: How Can MNCs Collaborate with Them?
Appendix A: Interview Questi***
Appendix B: List of Companies
Drs. Winter Nie and Katherine Xin are professors at IMD (a leading global business school located in Lausanne, Switzerland). Both of them were born and raised in mainland China and received their MBAs and PhDs in the US. For the last two decades, both of them worked and lived in the US, Europe and Asia conducting research, teaching, and c***ulting for multinational companies (MNCs) and mainland Chinese private owned enterprises (POEs).
From working w th executives from MNCs and executives from POEs, they recognized many distinctive differences between these twogroups.Those home grown Chinese businessmen are generally flexible in their approach to problem resolution and unusually resp***ive to market opportunities, so much so that their behaviors may even be perceived as irrational and their moves chaotic to outsiders. Yet, their businesses are growing faster, stronger and more dynamiC. With time, more and more MNCs are going to be minted in China.
In order to gain insight into the central intrigue of the book -- what shapes the thinking and behavior of Chinese businessmen -- the authors conducted extensive and systematic empirical studies of Chinese entrepreneurs. Drs. Nie and Xin's Chinese heritage and their extensive working experience with both MNCs and Chinese POEs proved crucial in uncovering the secrets behind the emerging new breed of influential and powerful entrepreneurs in China and the complexbusiness terrain they operate in.
Insight and ***ysis on the strategies that have led to China′s rapid economic expansion China′s rapid economic growth has made it a vital market for the biggest multinational corporati***, most of which have invested heavily in China. Yet those corporati*** face their toughest competition not from other multinationals, but from China′s own homegrown businesses. China′s entrepreneur class has grown and their businesses are succeeding primarily due to their knowledge of the domestic market, quick adaptation to market changes, and their resourcefulness. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, it is best to know one′s enemy. Made in China gives executives at multinationals the inside insight they need to compete with China′s homegrown businesses before they lose out. Winter Nie (Lausanne, Switzerland) is a professor in the Operati*** and Service Management programs at IMD. Katherine Xin (Shanghai, China) is a professor at IMD with extensive teaching, research, and c***ulting experience at universities and companies around the world. Lily Zhang (Shanghai, China) is a Research Associate at IMD. She has worked at Dow Jones China for more than four years and as a journalist for The Economist Group for two years.
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