King of the Club: Richard Grasso and the Survival of the New York Stock Exchange纽约证券交易所前总裁理查德·格拉索(Richard Grasso)与纽约证交所 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

King of the Club: Richard Grasso and the Survival of the New York Stock Exchange纽约证券交易所前总裁理查德·格拉索(Richard Grasso)与纽约证交所精美图片

King of the Club: Richard Grasso and the Survival of the New York Stock Exchange纽约证券交易所前总裁理查德·格拉索(Richard Grasso)与纽约证交所电子书下载地址

》King of the Club: Richard Grasso and the Survival of the New York Stock Exchange纽约证券交易所前总裁理查德·格拉索(Richard Grasso)与纽约证交所电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

King of the Club: Richard Grasso and the Survival of the New York Stock Exchange纽约证券交易所前总裁理查德·格拉索(Richard Grasso)与纽约证交所书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780060898335
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-11
  • 页数:383
  • 价格:171.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  A Long Way to the Top:Rags-to-riches stories abound in American lore, but even Horatio Alge***ould have been hard-pressed to write one as powerful as Richard Grasso's: the son of a working-class family whose childhood dream was to become a cop, he grew up in New York City's outer boroughs, as far removed from the marble halls, expensive suits, and imported cigars of the New York Stock Exchange as if his grandparents had remained in Italy.

Here is the riveting story of how the "Little Man in the Dark Suit" rose to become the most influential CEO in the Exchange's history. Minus the tony upbringing, affluent prep schools, or inside connecti*** that were de rigueur for top Wall Street players, Grasso would master the subtle deal-*** and politics necessary to succeed in the most competitive business on Earth.

The Day the Market Fell:The story of September 11, 2001—the shock, panic, resilience, and heroism—is one that's been told many times. But on that day, Richard Grasso faced a challenge no other CEO of the Club had ever imagined: how to bring the very heart of global finance back from near-death to functioning operation. Swiftly, completely, and without the public knowing how desperate the struggle really was. He met it with aplomb: his finest hour, and yet one that sowed the seeds of his own destruction.

A Plutocrat's Pay:As the Exchange leapt from success to success, and Grasso's reputation, already gold-plated following 9/11, grew with it, the Club's Board of Directors lavishly rewarded him with a pay package that even the CEOs at the world's largest corporati*** might envy: more than $140 million in deferred compensation. It was a package that, when leaked, brought down a hailstorm of protest; bitter divisi*** among the most powerful names on Wall Street; an investigation from the "Scourge of Wall Street," then–Attorney General Eliot Spitzer; and Grasso's eventual humiliating downfall.

The End of an Era:Almost single-handedly, Grasso had kept the famous specialist system, where human traders matched buy and sell orders, front and center at the Club. As competing camps plotted his downfall, the exchange's fate became clear: without Grasso, it might survive and indeed flourish, but the Exchange, the firms that supplied it with business, and the structures underpinning the movement of money around the country and the globe would never be the same.


Cast of Characters


1 It's Good to be King

2 The Earl of Sandwich

3 "The Empty Suit"

4 The Little Guy in the Dark Suit

5 Sugar Daddy

6 The Savior

7 The Last Hurrah

8 Star Fucker or Savior?

9 The Uprising Begins

10 One Bad Day

11 With Friends Like These...

12 Enter the Enforcer

13 The Goldman Sachs Exchange





Charles G***arino is a correspondent for CNBC and a forme***riter for the Wall Street Journal and Newsweek. A graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, G***arino was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in beat reporting in 2002 and won the









华尔街纽交所刚刚述职的大老板 Richard Grasso 来自工人家庭的意大利第二代移民的成功之路,尤其在 9/11 当中的表现。值得一读。


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