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Developments in media and digital technology have spawned a
new era in marketing. Today, companies of all sizes need to
c***ider new, digital ways to reach and in***ct with
c***umers. As a result, user-generated content, social
networking and other forms of digital marketing such as search,
blogging, and behavioral targeting are must-know topics.
DigiMarketing: The Essential Guide to New Marketing & Digital
Media provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the major
digital channels being used. This includes explanati*** of the key
trends in mobile marketing, blogging, games, digital media, digital
point-of-sale, Web 2.0, and c***umer created content.
Peppered with best practice examples of how leading marketers are
currently using these channels for effective marketing, this
comprehensive guide also offers the 12 Tenets of DigiMarketing
which serve as useful guideposts for the do's and don'ts of digital
marketing. DigiMarketing also includes a thorough digital marketing
planning framework designed to help readers as they c***ider their
own digital marketing plans.
DigiMarketing answers a number of important questi***:
What are the most important new media trends you should
How can companies respond to the changes in new media?
How can you utilize digital channels to create greater c***umer
involvement, experience, and participation – the 21st century
metrics for brand building?
How can you determine which digital channels to use, and how can
you measure your digital marketing?
What mistakes should you avoid if you wish to be successful with
your digital marketing?
Read DigiMarketing to *** your understanding about the key
digital trends today. It is for anyone who wants to better
understand the rapidly evolving world of new media and digital
Kent Wertime is an experienced advertising and communicati***
executive. Kent started his career in New York, where he worked for
international advertising agencies DMB&B and BBDO. He has spent
the past 17 years living and working in Asia. During that time, he
has held executive positi*** in Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Singapore.
This has included roles as CEO of OgilvyIn***ctive Asia and his
current position as President of OgilvyOne Asia.
Kent has written for numerous publicati*** including The Asian
Wall Street Journal, Media, Asiaweek, China Daily, and Brand News.
His first book, Building Brands and Believers, was published in
2002 by John Wiley & S***.
Ian Fenwick is an experienced management educator and marketing
c***ultant, having worked in Europe, North America and Asia. After
several years as Director of Ca***'s top-ranked MBA Program at the
Schulich School of Business, Ian has been based in Bangkok for the
past eight years. He is currently Advisor and Senior Head of
Administrative Programs at Sasin Graduate Institute of Business
Administration, a business school founded in collaboration with
Wharton and Kellogg.
Ian Fenwick has published widely in scholarly—and
not-so-scholarly—journals including the Journal of Marketing
Research, Journal of Advertising Research, Public Opinion Quarterly
and The American Statistician
"We are all DigiMarketers now - o***e should be. The authors
have for the first time provided a lucid, hype-free, business-based
and practical guide to the new age of marketing: it is a kind of
digital Baedeker, which should be on every businessman's
--Miles Young, Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific
"The digital frontier is now the center of our universe. As Kent
Wertime and Ian Fenwick show, marketers must seize this digital
opportunity to *** their market growth."
--John A. Quelch, Senior Associate Dean and Lincoln Filene
Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
"Too many advertisers are stuck in the primordial soup when it
comes to their digital marketing strategy. However, they need to
evolve fast if they are to survive in a multi-channel landscape.
This timely book acts like an Origin of the Species, steering
hesitant brand owners through the complexities of the digital
ecosystem. An impressive blend of academic theory, professional
insight and practical advice."
--Paul Kemp-Robertson, Co-founder & Editorial Director,
"DigiMarketing: The Essential Guide to New Marketing &
Digital Media is a clear call for companies to evolve their
marketing practice. This book is essential reading for anyone
seeking a roadmap to the future of business."
--Dipak C. Jain, Dean, Kellogg School of Management
"The rise of conversational media new forms of distribution -
from blogs to mobile platforms - challenge traditional approaches
to marketing, and require every business to have a transition plan.
Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick have written a book that is required
reading for any marketers interested in successfully *** that
--John Battelle, CEO and Founder, Federated Media Publishing and
Author, The Search
"Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick have written the definitive guide
to marketing in the digital age. But Digimarketing does more than
educate marketing professionals. It describes the new media
landscape brilliantly, *** it an essential read for anyone who
hopes to understand the most important technological revolution of
the past fifty years. I wore out three yellow highlighters before
realizing that every sentence and every paragraph is worth
committing to memory."
--Norman Pearlstine, Former Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc. and
Managing Editor, The Wall Street Journal, Senior Advisor,
Telecommunicati*** & Media, The Carlyle Group
We are all DigiMarketers now" - o***e should be. The authors have for the first time provided a lucid, hype-free, business-based and practical guide to the new age of marketing: it is a kind of digital Baedeker, which should be on every businessman's book-shelf. --Miles Young, Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific The digital frontier is now the center of our universe. As Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick show, marketers must seize this digital opportunity to *** their market growth. --John A. Quelch, Senior Associate Dean and Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School Too many advertisers are stuck in the primordial soup when it comes to their digital marketing strategy. However, they need to evolve fast if they are to survive in a multi-channel landscape. This timely book acts like an Origin of the Species, steering hesitant brand owners through the complexities of the digital ecosystem. An impressive blend of academic theory, professional insight and practical advice. --Paul Kemp-Robertson, Co-founder & Editorial Director, Contagious www.contagiousmagazine.com DigiMarketing: The Essential Guide to New Marketing & Digital Media is a clear call for companies to evolve their marketing practice. This book is essential reading for anyone seeking a roadmap to the future of business.--Dipak C. Jain, Dean, Kellogg School of Management The rise of conversational media new forms of distribution - from blogs to mobile platforms - challenge traditional approaches to marketing, and require every business to have a transition plan. Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick have written a book that is required reading for any marketers interested in successfully *** that transition. --John Battelle, CEO and Founder, Federated Media Publishing and Author, The Search Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick have written the definitive guide to marketing in the digital age. But Digimarketing does more than educate marketing professionals. It describes the new media landscape brilliantly, *** it an essential read for anyone who hopes to understand the most important technological revolution of the past fifty years. I wore out three yellow highlighters before realizing that every sentence and every paragraph is worth committing to memory. --Norman Pearlstine, Former Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc. and Managing Editor, The Wall Street Journal, Senior Advisor, Telecommunicati*** & Media, The Carlyle Group
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