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The Rich Dad series, begun in 1997, is based on Kiyosaki's childhood observati*** of the less*** passed down by his father, a well-educated wage slave, versus those of his closest friend's father, an eighth-grade dropout and multimillionaire. The difference, he determined, is that the poor and middle class work for money, but the rich let money work for them. The wisdom passed on by the rich dad is a type of financial li***cy that is never taught in schools. Kiyosaki also developed a board game, Cashflow 101, which is used in his seminars to generate ideas on how to achieve financial independence. This book, the seventh in the series, contains real-life stories of people who applied the Rich Dad principles to their lives and are moving from the rat race of employment to the role of business owner and investor. In their own words, regular folks show how they went from financial struggle and crisis to taking control of their financial education and future.
Born and raised in Hawaii, Robert Kiyosaki is a fourth-generation Japanese-American. After graduating from college in New York, Robert joined the Marine Corps and served in Vietnam as an officer and helicopter gunship pilot. Following the war, Robert worked for the Xerox Corporation in sales. In 1977, he started a company that brought the first nylon Velcro 'surfe***allets' to market. And in 1985 he founded an international education company that taught business and investing to tens of thousands of students throughout the world.
In 1994, Robert sold his business and retired at the age of 47.
During his short-lived retirement, Robert, in collaboration with co-author Sharon Lechter, his CPA and business partner, wrote the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Soon after he wrote Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant, Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, Rich Kid Smart Kid, Retire Young Retire Rich, Rich Dad's Prophecy - all of which earned spots on the bestseller lists of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, New York Times, E-Trade.com, Amazon.com and others. Prior to becoming a best-selling author, Robert created an educational board game CASHFLOW 101 - to teach individuals the
financial strategies that his Rich Dad spent years teaching him. It was those financial strategies that allowed Robert to retire at the age of 47.
In 2001, the first of the series of Rich Dad's Advisors books was launched. This team of professionals ***s Robert's belief that "business and investing are team sports." In Robert's words: "We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them. Then they can enjoy the luxuries of this great world we live in."
Rich Dad's Organization is the collaborative effort of Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter, who, in 1996, embarked on a journey that would afford them the opportunity to impact the financial li***cy of people everywhere and carry the Rich Dad mission to every corner of the world.
Preface by Robert Kiyosaki
Introduction by Sharon Lechter
Part Ⅰ It's How You Play the Game
Chapter One Money Matters from Ed and Terry Colman
Chapter Two We Mind Our Own Businesses from Tracy Rodriguez
Chapter Three Never Too Late from Cecilia Morrison
Part Ⅱ Where You've Been, Where You Can Go
Chapter Four Building Confidence One Property at a Time from David Lukas
Chapter Five A Different Education from Valerie L. Collymore, M.D
Chapter Six Step Up to the Plate from Reed J. Schweizer
Chapter Seven The Root of All That Is Good from Dan McKenzie
Part Ⅲ A Different Focus
Chapter Eight Better Than Winning the Lottery from Thomas G. Kotula
Chapter Nine A Mutual Decision from Wade and Carol Yamamoto
Chapter Ten The Power of Three from Merced Hall
Chapter Eleven Change of Mind from Ken Hobson
Part Ⅳ Never Too Young to Achieve Financial Success
Chapter Twelve Never Too Early from Allison Kubala
Chapter Thirteen Playing a Winning Game from Jake Colman
Chapter Fourteen We Want to H.E.L.P. from David Hosei and Michael Slate
Part Ⅴ A New Way to Do Business
Chapter Fifteen Accounting for Ourselves from Tom Wheelwright
Chapter Sixteen A New Strategy from Brian Eagleheart
Chapter Seventeen Fast Learner from Michelle LaBrosse, PMP
Chapter Eighteen No Limits from Terri Bowersock
Part Ⅵ Life-Changing Events
Chapter Nineteen Greener Pastures from Stacey Baker
Chapter Twenty A Winning Strategy from Yong-Sik Shin
Chapter Twenty-One On the Edge of Retirement from Ronald Hoard
Chapter Twenty-Two Second Chance from Michael Maritzen
This extraordinary collection of over two dozen business success stories reveals firsthand how personal financial *** can be generated by applying the principles from the #1 New York Times bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad. Thousands of readers have gone on to greate***ealth by applying the Rich Dad philosophy since the series debuted in 1997. Now, over two dozen people from diverse economic backgrounds reveal the successful strategies they used to get out of the 'rat race,' including couples in their twenties, people who've lost their jobs, retirees, and budding entrepreneurs. Some were living paycheck-to-paycheck before starting to buy small rental properties; others climbed out of bankruptcy by slowlyinvesting in small, local businesses; and a 13-year-old bought his first rental property after playing the Rich Dad board game, Cashflow 101. Now they share their stories to help others achieve their financial success.
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