Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 量子力学简明教程/李有泉/浙江大学出版社 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 量子力学简明教程/李有泉/浙江大学出版社精美图片
》Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 量子力学简明教程/李有泉/浙江大学出版社电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 量子力学简明教程/李有泉/浙江大学出版社书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9787308079846
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2014-08
  • 页数:229
  • 价格:20.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 量子力学简明教程


本书在第一章诱导学生体会量子论的发现过程;在第二章引入波函数的概念,并介绍薛定谔方程及其一维问题的典型解和应用;在第三章引入算子的概念、推出海森堡不确定关系并做讨论,这也是下一章的铺垫;在第四章诱导学生研究三维中心对称势场中的量子力学问题;在第五章中引入量子力学态的概念、介绍量子力学的另一个表述形式--海森堡方程。在第六章介绍微扰论并引导学生计算能级修正;在第七章介绍含时微扰论并引导学生讨论量子跃迁问题;在第八章介绍弹性散射理论;在第九章求解磁场中的问题并引入电子自旋的概念;在第十章介绍多体问题中的量子力学全同粒子概念, 并引导学生得出量子力学中的不相容原理。


I Basic Concepts and Main Applicati***1 The Discovery of Quantum Theory 1.1 Blackbody Radiation and Planck's Hypothesis of Energy Quanta 1.2 P***oelectric Effect and Einstein's Hypothesis of Light Quanta 1.3 The Atomic Spectra and Bohr's Model of Atoms2 Wavefunction and Schr6dinger Equation 2.1 The de Broglie Hypothesis and Davisson-Germer Experiment 2.2 Schrodinger Equation 2.3 Stationary Soluti*** 2.4 General Properties of Motion in One Dimension 2.5 Bound States in Potential Well 2.5.1 Square Well of Infinite Depth 2.5.2 Square Well of Finite Depth 2.6 The Harmonic Oscillator 2.7 Tunnelling Effect3 ***s and Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation 3.1 Observables and ***s 3.2 Hermitian ***s and Their Properties 3.3 Some Example ***s 3.3.1 Momentum ***s and Their Eigenfuncti*** 3.3.2 Angular Momentum ***s and Their Eigenfuncti*** 3.3.3 Coordinate Representation and Momentum Representation 3.4 Evaluation of the Expectation Values 3.5 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation 3.5.1 Commutation Relati*** and Their Implicati*** 3.5.2 Uncertainty Relation and the Minimum Uncertainty State 3.6 The Time Evolution of Expectation Values4 Motion in a Centrally Symmetric Field 4.1 Three Dimensional Harmonic Oscillators 4.2 The Feature of Motion in a Centrally Symmetric Field 4.3 Spherical Waves and Plane Waves 4.4 Motion in a Coulomb Field 4.5 Hydrogen-like Energy Levels 4.6 Hydrogen Atom and Hydrogen-like I***5 States and Heisenberg Equation 5.1 Matrix Representation of ***s 5.2 States and Their Representati*** 5.3 The Heisenberg Equation 5.4 Algebraic Approach for Harmonic Oscillator 5.5 Algebraic Approach for Angular Momentum II Developing Skills6 Bound-State Perturbation and Correcti*** to Energy Levels 6.1 Nondegenerate Perturbation TheOry 6.2 Degenerate Perturbation Theory 6.3 Stark Effect7 Time-dependent Perturbation and Quantum Transiti*** 7.1 Perturbation Depending on Time 7.2 Transition Probability 7.2.1 Periodic Perturbation of Single Frequency 7.2.2 Transition to Continuous Spectrum 7.3 Induced Absorption and Emission 7.4 Einstein's Semi-phenomenological Theory for Spontaneous Emission8 Scattering Theory for Elastic Collisi*** 8.1 Scattering Amplitude and Cross Section 8.2 Born Approximation 8.2.1 The Simplest Approach 8.2.2 Lippmann-Schwinger Equation 8.2.3 Scattering by Screened Coulomb Potential 8.3 Partial-Wave Approach 8.3.1 Phase Shifts and Scattering Amplitudes for Centrally Symmetric Potentials 8.3.2 Neutron-Proton Scattering 8.3.3 The Center-of-Mass Frame and the Lab Frame9 Motion in a Magnetic Field 9.1 Schrodinger Equation for a Charged Particle in Electromagnetic Fields 9.2 Electr*** in a Uniform Magnetic Field 9.3 Atoms in Magnetic Field and Zeeman Effect 9.4 Electron Spin 9.5 Spin-Orbit Coupling and the Fine Structure of Atomic Spectra 9.5.1 On Spin-Orbit Coupling 9.5.2 On the Fine Structure of Atomic Spectra10 Identical Particles and Pauli Exclusive Principle 10.1 Permutation Symmetry and the Indistinguishability of Identical Particles 10.2 Nonin***cting Systems, Pauli Exclusive Principle 10.2.1 Two-particle Systems 10.2.2 N-particle Systems 10.3 In***cting Systems 10.3.1 Helium Atom, Hund's RuleA Matrix and Vector SpaceB δ-functionC Confluent Hypergeometric FunctionD Orbitals for d-Electr***E Lab Frame and Center-of-mass FrameF On an IntegralG Time Reversal and Kramers Degeneracy











《量子力学简明教程(英文)》内容简介:This is based on the author's following two principles: (i) if a textbook were so perfectly arranged that leaves nothing to be desired, it would make the readers feel that the scientific discovery is so mystical that they lose passion of creativity; (ii) if a course were so purely presented that highes on a perfect axiomatics without mention of incomplete doctrine in history of science, it would lose the chance of training students' power of creativity. College students should cultivate their ability of capturing knowledge and attain the power of employing knowledge in addition to the *** task of absorbing knowl-edge. So the author tried to adopt second-person pronoun in presenting this course. According to the author's teaching experience, some mediate steps of mathematical formulation that beginners are not able to figure out frequently, are also given. In order to avoid too much content in class, some important examples are arranged as problems with soluti***.


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