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A vibrant social history set against the backdrop of the
Antebellum south and the Civil War that recreates the lives and
friendship of two exceptional women: First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln
and her mulatto dressmaker, Elizabeth Keckly.
“I c***ider you my best living friend,” Mary Lincoln wrote to
Elizabeth Keckly in 1867, and indeed theirs was a close, if
tumultuous, relati***hip. Born into slavery, mulatto Elizabeth
Keckly was Mary Lincoln’s dressmaker, confidante, and mainstay
during the difficult years that the Lincolns occupied the White
House and the early years of Mary’s widowhood. But she was a
fascinating woman in her own right, independent and already
well-established as the dressmaker to the Washington elite when she
was first hired by Mary Lincoln upon her arrival in the nation’s
capital. Lizzy had bought her *** in 1855 and come to
Washington determined to make a life for herself as a free black,
and she soon had Washington correspondents reporting that “stately
carriages stand before her door, whose haughty owners sit before
Lizzy docile as lambs while she tells them what to wear.” Mary
Lincoln had hired Lizzy in part because she was c***idered a “high
society” seamstress and Mary, an outsider in Washington’s social
circles, was desperate for social cachet. With her husband
struggling to keep the nation together, Mary turned increasingly to
her seamstress for compani***hip, ***, and advice—and over the
course of those trying years, Lizzy Keckly became her confidante
and closest friend.
With Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly, pioneering historian Jennifer
Fleischner allows us to glimpse the intimate dynamics of this
unusual friendship for the first time, and traces the pivotal
events that enabled these two women—one born to be a mistress, the
other to be a slave—to f***e such an unlikely bond at a time when
relati*** between blacks and whites were tearing the nation apart.
Beginning with their respective childhoods in the slaveholding
states of Virginia and Kentucky, their story takes us through the
years of tragic Civil War, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln,
and the early Rec***truction period. An author in her own right,
Keckly wrote one of the most detailed biographies of Mary Lincoln
ever published, and though it led to a bitter feud between the
friends, it is one of the many rich resources that have enhanced
Fleischner’s trove of original findings.
A remarkable, riveting work of scholarship that reveals the
legacy of slavery and sheds new light on the Lincoln White House,
Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly brings to life a mesmerizing, intimate
***ect of Civil War history, and underscores the inseparability of
black and white in our nation’s heritage.
From the Hardcover edition.
Jennifer Fleischne***as awarded a one-year
Mellon Faculty Fellowship in Afro-American Studies at Harvard,
where she researched and taught alongside such colleagues as Henry
Louis Gates, Jr. Also the author of Mastering Slavery, she
is now Chair of the English Department at Adelphi University.
From the Hardcover edition.
A vibrant social history set against the backdrop of the Antebellum south and the Civil War that recreates the lives and friendship of two exceptional women: First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln and her mulatto dressmaker, Elizabeth Keckly.
“I c***ider you my best living friend,” Mary Lincoln wrote to Elizabeth Keckly in 1867, and indeed theirs was a close, if tumultuous, relati***hip. Born into slavery, mulatto Elizabeth Keckly was Mary Lincoln’s dressmaker, confidante, and mainstay during the difficult years that the Lincolns occupied the White House and the early years of Mary’s widowhood. But she was a fascinating woman in her own right, independent and already well-established as the dressmaker to the Washington elite when she was first hired by Mary Lincoln upon her arrival in the nation’s capital. Lizzy had bought her *** in 1855 and come to Washington determined to make a life for herself as a free black, and she soon had Washington correspondents reporting that “stately carriages stand before her door, whose haughty owners sit before Lizzy docile as lambs while she tells them what to wear.” Mary Lincoln had hired Lizzy in part because she was c***idered a “high society” seamstress and Mary, an outsider in Washington’s social circles, was desperate for social cachet. With her husband struggling to keep the nation together, Mary turned increasingly to her seamstress for compani***hip, ***, and advice—and over the course of those trying years, Lizzy Keckly became her confidante and closest friend.
With Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly , pioneering historian Jennifer Fleischner allows us to glimpse the intimate dynamics of this unusual friendship for the first time, and traces the pivotal events that enabled these two women—one born to be a mistress, the other to be a slave—to f***e such an unlikely bond at a time when relati*** between blacks and whites were tearing the nation apart. Beginning with their respective childhoods in the slaveholding states of Virginia and Kentucky, their story takes us through the years of tragic Civil War, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and the early Rec***truction period. An author in her own right, Keckly wrote one of the most detailed biographies of Mary Lincoln ever published, and though it led to a bitter feud between the friends, it is one of the many rich resources that have enhanced Fleischner’s trove of original findings.
A remarkable, riveting work of scholarship that reveals the legacy of slavery and sheds new light on the Lincoln White House, Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly brings to life a mesmerizing, intimate ***ect of Civil War history, and underscores the inseparability of black and white in our nation’s heritage.
From the Hardcover edition.
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