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2Globalization and Chinas AsiaPacific Security Environment()
3New Structures of American Foreign Strategy since 9/11—Seeking Cooperation with AsiaPacific Countries()
4SinoUSStrategic Relati***hip in 21th Century()
5Chinas “Peaceful Rise”, Regional Cooperation Mutually Reinforcing()
6Chinas Neighborhood Diplomacy and SinoUSRelati***hip in the Transition of International Order()
7ASEAN and Powers: New Ties of Transnational Integration()
8SinoUSStrategic Dilemma—From the Perspective of Power Transition in AsiaPacific and Middle East()
9The Dilemma of Rational Choice—the Case Study of the Economic and Monetary Union(EMU)()
10Strategic Relati***hip between China and Brazil in 21th Century()
11Public Diplomacy: Chinas Grand Foreign Strategy()
12Contemporary American China Studies()
13IEP and SinoJapanese Environment Cooperation()
14Motivation and Challenges of SinoJapanese Environment Cooperation()
15SinoJapan Environmental Cooperation Regime:The Theory of International Relati*** Perspective()
Contemporary International Studies1INTRODUCTION1INTRODUCTIONThe current international order has been in flux since the end of the Cold WarTwo fundamental factors are now reshaping the international systemFirst, power shifts at the global level are creating a more diverse international order as emerging and resurgent players pursue and assert their own interestsSecond, the emerging international order is characterized by deepening interdependenceThe international community faces great challenges, such as, economic crisis, energy shortage, climate change, food insecurity, nuclear proliferation, terrorism and environmental sustainability, all of which are intimately interconnected and which no nation can successfully confront on its ownThis book focuses on order and change in the contemporary international system and Chinese foreign relati***Over the past four decades, China has shifted its foreign policy in a breathtaking fashionDuring this transition order, China has become a principal beneficiary of globalization and a resp***ible member of most international regimes, from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty(NPT)to the World Trade Organization(WTO).China has played an important role in global governance.The term of Chinas peaceful rise was used in a speech given by the former Vice Principal of the Central Party School, Zheng Bijian, in late 2003 during the Boao Forum for AsiaIn Zhengs speech he pointed out that in the past, a rise of a new power often resulted in drastic changes to global political structures, and even war(iethe hegemonic stability theory in international relati***).He believed that this was because these powers “chose the road of aggression and expansion, which will ultimately fail” Zheng stated that in todays new world, the PRC should instead develop peaceably, and in turn help to maintain a peaceful international environmentZheng Bijian, “Chinas Peaceful Rise to GreatPower Status,” Foreign Affairs, SeptemberOctober, 2005, Volume 84 No5, pp18-24 The early 21th century finds great change in international orderChinas foreign relati*** have entered a new phase where its driving force is rapidly rising for the emerging countries and new global economic governance mechanism is gradually establishedTo follow the trend of times, China has actively participated in global economic governance and supply of public goodsChinas foreign relati*** present the new vision, new idea and new strategy under the leadership of President Xi JinpingIt is a new starting point for China to further integrate itself into the world and open itself wider to the worldChina takes an active part to participate in global governance and plays important role in these following issues areas.IC***tructive Participation in Global GovernanceChina is already deeply involved in the existing global financial and economic systemFor example, after the IMF reform was finally approved at the end of last year by the US Congress following a fiveyear delay, Chinas quota and voting rights in the IMF have increased significantlyAt the beginning of this year, China became a full member of the European Bank for Rec***truction and DevelopmentChina will continue to playher due role in the existing international economic and financial systemAt the same time, China took the initiative to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB).The bank was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jingping in October 2013A year later, and 21 Asian nati***, including China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Singapore had signed an agreement to establish the bank, headquartered in BeijingOn March 12, 2015, Britain applied to join the AIIB as a prospective founding member, the first majo***estern country to do soFrance, Italy and Germany quickly followed suit“AIIB, a Paradigm Power Shift,” Xin***, March 21, 2015, http://news xin***com/english/2015-03/31/c_134114065htm But some countries were skeptical at first, and suspected that China wanted to create an Asian version of the Monroe DoctrineIn fact, China welcomed the participation of all countries rather than limiting membership to the region, and over half of the 57 founding members of the AIIB are nonAsian countries“21 Asian countries sign MOU on establishing Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,” Xin***24 October 2014, “Asian Infrastructure Investment BankArticles of Agreement,” Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Retrieved 21 July 2015 The developed countries, such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia and Italy have joined the bankChina has worked with all members to make sure that the AIIB is of international standard, professional, less bureaucratic, and devoted to addressing financing bottlenecks that hinder Asias infrastructure developmentThe AIIB would supplement the existing international financial instituti*** rather than replacing them.As an emerging country, China promises its continuing supplies of public goods to the worldChina will establish a SouthSouth cooperation aid fund, continue to increase investment in developing countries to implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable DevelopmentChina will carry out largerscale, higherlevel and indepth regional cooperation through “Belt and Road” initiatives to jointly build an open, inclusive, balanced and allbeneficial regional cooperation frameworkAs a developing economy with the largest population and most vigorous economic growth, Chinas rate of contribution to global economic growth is over thirty percentTherefore, its promise of growth and development is the best public goodsChina will connect its domestic development with international resp***ibility and give full play to its influence of economic growth so as to bring positive energy to global economic growthIn fact, China has dramatically increased global supply of public goods since global financial crisis broke out in 2008China also put forward new global and regional proposals like “Belt and Road” initiatives, “Chinas Proposal on Worlds Biggest Issues in 2015,” http://wwwchi***ilycomcn/world/2015chinaproposal Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB), “Silk Road” fund, ChinaLatin America capacity cooperation fund and SouthSouth cooperation aid fund this yearAll these acti*** *** Chinas active participation in global economic governance and its assumption of international resp***ibility and obligation aimed at letting the world share the dividend of Chinas development and promoting equal and rational international order.China now has over 30,000 Chinese companies have set up operati*** across the globe“A Changing China and Its Diplomacy,” Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at Center for Strategic and International Studies, Feb26, 2016, http://wwwfmprcgovcn/mfa_eng/wjbSeveral million Chinese citizens are now working or living in all parts of the worldNonfinancial direct investment from China is rising rapidly, and it reached 120 billion dollars in 2015This figure is close to or may be even bigger than overseas investment into ChinaEvery year, about 120 million Chinese travel abroadIbid This may be the largest flow of people in the worldThe Chinese government certainly has a resp***ibility and obligation to protect the lawful rights and interests of these instituti*** and personnelChinas diplomacy is to enhance our ability to protect our lawful rights and interests abroad.Global Climate Issue:China and the United States have played a positive role in facilitating the 2015 Paris climate conference and the subsequent Paris climate dealDespite significant disagreements and unaddressed challenges, the Paris conference is a pivotal international event for global climate governance and the Paris accord is an important institutional arrangement for future global climate governanceSinoAmerican climate cooperation is the primary driver of the global climate governance processLiu Yuanling, “SinoUS Climate Cooperation in the PostParis Agreements Era,” Global Review, Feb2016.The cooperation and effective dispute management regarding climate issues between the United States and China will not only positively contribute to a stable bila***l relati***hip but also help China learn from best practices for its deeper participation in global governance.Regional Issues:The continuing search for a peaceful and stable regional order, China has played an even more c***tructive role in the settlement of international and regional issuesThis is primarily because, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China shoulders important resp***ibilities for international peace and securityBesides, the resolution of ***spot issues can create a more enabling environment for Chinas developmentIn Africa, China is helping to mediate the dispute in South SudanIn Asia, China is facilitating peace talks in Afghanistan and the reconciliation process in MyanmarChina has worked with other parties to conclude the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear issueAnd China is an active participant in the process of seeking a political settlement of the Syrian issue.The North Korean nuclear issue is a concentrated focus of Northeast Asias international relati***, and the challenge for the Korean Peninsula is not simply about how to improve bila***l relati*** between the North and the SouthThere are several major powers that have played historically significant roles on the Korean PeninsulaChinas position on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue is c***istent and clearcutChina is committed to the denuclearization of the peninsula, its peace and stability, and settlement of the issue through dialogue and c***ultationOver the years, China has made tremendous efforts to facilitate the process of denuclearization of the peninsula, safeguard the overall peace and stability there, and realize an early resumption of the SixParty TalksIn January and September 2016 North Korea conducted two nuclear tests and launched missiles of various types, violating UN Security Council resoluti*** and running counter to the wishes of the international communityChina has made clear its opposition to such acti*** and ***ed the relevant Security Council resoluti*** to prevent North Korea further pursuit of nuclea***eap***Chinas Policies on AsiaPacific Security Cooperation, The State Council Information Office of the Peoples Republic of China, January 2017, first edition 2017, http://wwwsciogovcn/ztk/dtzt/36048/35875/35998/Document/1538938/1538938htmChina took decision in 2013 to codraft United Nati*** Security Council Resolution 2094 with the UN right after North Korea performed its third nuclear testThe cooperation between China and the United States was remarkable, because such conjunction between the two countries on resolutiondrafting on the North Korean nuclear issue was unprecedentedChinas decision to codraft United Nati*** Security Council Resolution 2094 was driven by a combination of Chinas need to establish itself as a bigger and resp***ible player in order to achieve continued economic growthDanitsjaSidona Nassy, “Shifting Tides: Understanding Chinas Foreign Policy during the Third North Korean Nuclear Crisis,” Erasmus University Thesis Repository, March 11, 2015. ...
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