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Bring up the subject of customer service phone calls and the blood pressure of everyone within ears*** rises exponentially. Otherwise calm, rational, and intelligent people go into extended rants about an industry that seems to grow more inhuman and unhelpful with every phone call we make. "And Americans make more than 43 billion customer service calls each year." Whether it's the interminable hold times, the outsourced agents who can't speak English, or the multitude of butt*** to press and automated voices to listen to before reaching someone with a measurable pulse -- who hasn't felt ex***erated at the abuse, neglect, and wasted time we experience when all we want is help, and maybe a little human kindness?"Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us" is journalist Emily Yellin's engaging, funny, and far-reaching exploration of the multibillion-dollar customer service industry and its surprising inner-workings. Yellin reveals the real human beings and often surreal corporate policies lurking behind its aggravating facade. After reading this first-ever investigation of the customer service world, you'll never view your call-center encounters in quite the same way.Since customer service has a role in just about every industry on earth, Yellin travels the country and the world, meeting a wide range of customer service reps, corporate decision makers, industry watchers, and Internet-based c***umer activists. She spends time at outsourced call centers for Office Depot in Argentina and Microsoft in Egypt. She gets to know the Mormon wives who answer JetBlue's customer service calls from their homes in Salt Lake City, and listens in on calls from around the globe at a FedEx customer service center in Memphis. She meets with the creators of the yearly Customer Rage Study, customer experience specialists at Credit Suisse in Zurich, the founder and CEO of FedEx, and the CEO of the rising Internet retailer Yellin finds out which country complains about service the most (Sweden), interviews an actress who provides the voice for automated answering systems at many big corporati***, and talks to the people who run a website ( that posts codes for bypassing automated voices and getting to an actual human being at more than five hundred major companies.Yellin weaves her vast reporting into an entertaining narrative that sheds light on the complex forces that create our infuriating experiences. She chronicles how the Internet and global competition are forcing businesses to take their customers' needs more seriously and offers hope from people inside and outside the globalized corporate world fighting to make customer service better for us all."Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us" cuts through corporate jargon and c***umer distress to provide an eye-opening and animated account of the way companies treat their customers, how customers treat the people who serve them, and how technology, globalization, class, race, gender, and culture influence these in***cti***. Frustrated customers, smart executives, and dedicated customer service reps alike will find this lively examination of the crossroads of world commerce -- the point where businesses and their customers meet -- illuminating and essential.
Bring up the subject of customer service phone calls and the blood pressure of everyone within ears*** rises exponentially. Otherwise calm, rational, and intelligent people go into extended rants about an industry that seems to grow more inhuman and unhelpful with every phone call we make. "And Americans make more than 43 billion customer service calls each year." Whether it's the interminable hold times, the outsourced agents who can't speak English, or the multitude of butt*** to press and automated voices to listen to before reaching someone with a measurable pulse -- who hasn't felt ex***erated at the abuse, neglect, and wasted time we experience when all we want is help, and maybe a little human kindness?"Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us" is journalist Emily Yellin's engaging, funny, and far-reaching exploration of the multibillion-dollar customer service industry and its surprising inner-workings. Yellin reveals the real human beings and often surreal corporate policies lurking behind its aggravating facade. After reading this first-ever investigation of the customer service world, you'll never view your call-center encounters in quite the same way.Since customer service has a role in just about every industry on earth, Yellin travels the country and the world, meeting a wide range of customer service reps, corporate decision makers, industry watchers, and Internet-based c***umer activists. She spends time at outsourced call centers for Office Depot in Argentina and Microsoft in Egypt. She gets to know the Mormon wives who answer JetBlue's customer service calls from their homes in Salt Lake City, and listens in on calls from around the globe at a FedEx customer service center in Memphis. She meets with the creators of the yearly Customer Rage Study, customer experience specialists at Credit Suisse in Zurich, the founder and CEO of FedEx, and the CEO of the rising Internet retailer Yellin finds out which country complains about service the most (Sweden), interviews an actress who provides the voice for automated answering systems at many big corporati***, and talks to the people who run a website ( that posts codes for bypassing automated voices and getting to an actual human being at more than five hundred major companies.Yellin weaves her vast reporting into an entertaining narrative that sheds light on the complex forces that create our infuriating experiences. She chronicles how the Internet and global competition are forcing businesses to take their customers' needs more seriously and offers hope from people inside and outside the globalized corporate world fighting to make customer service better for us all."Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us" cuts through corporate jargon and c***umer distress to provide an eye-opening and animated account of the way companies treat their customers, how customers treat the people who serve them, and how technology, globalization, class, race, gender, and culture influence these in***cti***. Frustrated customers, smart executives, and dedicated customer service reps alike will find this lively examination of the crossroads of world commerce -- the point where businesses and their customers meet -- illuminating and essential.
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