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In A Barefoot Doctor’s Guide for Women, Ge***ette Delvaux, DC,
focuses on hormonal health explaining in a conversational tone how
issues related to menstruation, pre-menopause, and menopause can
begin as mere annoyances and gradually develop into major problems
that affect both body and mind. She describes the harmful late
effects of treating hormonal imbalances with artificial hormones—a
popular practice—and introduces Thermography, the exciting but
still little-known method of detecting dangerous changes in breast
tissue. With spirit and intelligence, Dr. Delvaux takes on these
and other often-taboo topics, encourages women to trust subtle
changes in their own sensati***, and helps them understand both
alternative and conventional medicine.
Ge***ette Delvaux was born in Luxembourg, studied anatomy in
Geneva, and came to the United States to study Rolfing. She
graduated from the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in
Boulder, Colorado in 1979, and was certified as an Advanced Rolfer
in 1986. A licensed chiropractor, Delvaux also practices
craniosacral osteopathy, is interested in herbalism, homeopathy,
and acupuncture, and is a student of Taoism and Buddhism. She
currently shares a Rolfing practice with her husband, Michael
Salveson, in Berkeley, California.
“A Barefoot Doctor’s Guide for Women deserves careful
c***ideration by all women who are looking for reasonable
alternatives to conventional approaches.”
—Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of
Ordinary Things
“This little book, written in a deceptively *** language, is
chock full of intelligence, wit, and wisdom about our bodies and
how we inhabit them. What strikes me most, as a physician, is how
simply Madame Delvaux renders the distinction between common sense
and esoteric knowledge meaningless. Most irritatingly, she seems to
know all sorts of things that those of us who spend our lives
practicing medicine never quite seem to get around to
—Jonathan Mueller, MD, San Francisco Board Certified
Psychiatrist, Board Certified Neurologist, and Honorary Member, The
French Society of Perfumers
“If you have been lulled into complacency about your health,
Ge***ette Delvaux is the loving provocateur to break your trance.
Her sage and slightly naughty voice will suffuse your thinking,
make you laugh, and guide you into action. Then you'll give this
book to the women you love.”
—Lynn Elliott-Harding, RN
“Having experienced the throes of the menopause of two women, I
breathed a sigh of relief at the possibility of some help.
And yet, this book is not only useful for health issues unique to
women. We all are subject to the growing pollution of the body by
the environment, food, antibiotics, and stress. Dr. Ge***ette
Delvaux gives clear and intelligent advice on how to deal with
widespread problems of inflammation, indigestion, fluid retention,
and a host of other challenges facing us as we age.”
—Don Hanlon Johnson, PhD, Professor of Somatics, California
Institute of Integral Studies and author of Everyday Hopes, Utopian
“In her new book, A Barefoot Doctor’s Guide for Women, Ge***ette
Delvaux, DC, leads us on a delightful and informative romp through
the female body, mind, and spirit. With her light, informal but
informed tone, she addresses such troubling issues as premenstrual
syndrome, menopause and *** flashes, breast care, fibroid tumors,
osteoporosis, hip fracture, nutrition, dehydration, insomnia, and
anxiety. In each case she gives us useful, practical information
about the condition, describes the Western medical approach to
treatment, and then suggests several natural, complementary
approaches as alternative treatments for the same condition. For
each treatment she presents both the advantages and the
disadvantages, but it seems clear that her personal and
professional preference is for the ‘Barefoot Doctor’s’ approach. By
the time you finish reading the last page, you may find yourself
rec***idering your own choices for the health and well-being of
your body, mind, and spirit.”
—Sandy Dibbel-Hope, PhD, Clinical Psychologist
“Dr. Ge***ette Delvaux is a healer. Her special talent is her
ability to integrate the best wisdom and skills from all healing
arts, beyond the definiti*** of ‘Eastern’ and ‘Western,’ and to
arrive at an integrated paradigm for understanding our bodies. Her
book helps us understand our natural rhythms, seas***, and changes
so that we know intuitively when we are well, when we are ill, when
our changes are alarm bells, and when they are natural progressi***
of our life seas***. Dr. Delvaux shares with us her understanding
of our bodies’ ability to weather changes and our innate ability to
heal ourselves.”
—Liz Hendrickson, JD
“While written as a medical tour guide fo***omen, reading
Ge***ette Delvaux’s book transformed my attitude toward the female
body. Along with awe toward its inestimable power to seduce and
reproduce, I now see a central place for gentleness, kindness, and
care toward its natural vulnerability.”
—Karl Kracklauer, PhD
In A Barefoot Doctor’s Guide for Women, Ge***ette Delvaux, DC, focuses on hormonal health explaining in a conversational tone how issues related to menstruation, pre-menopause, and menopause can begin as mere annoyances and gradually develop into major problems that affect both body and mind. She describes the harmful late effects of treating hormonal imbalances with artificial hormones—a popular practice—and introduces Thermography, the exciting but still little-known method of detecting dangerous changes in breast tissue. With spirit and intelligence, Dr. Delvaux takes on these and other often-taboo topics, encourages women to trust subtle changes in their own sensati***, and helps them understand both alternative and conventional medicine.
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