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Book Description
Can the financial markets really foretell the future?
According to CNBC's ve***n market watcher, Ron In***, they can and do. Every day the world's markets are speaking-- shouting, really -- boldly predicting the future. In fact, they are reflecting information not yet revealed to the general public: events as dramatic as the outcome of a war, as tragic as a nuclear accident in some distant part of the globe, or as mundane but vitally important as the future direction of interest rates.
In order to understand what the markets are saying, you have to know how to listen to and interpret the messages they are sending. This is the first book to show readers how to understand the signals put out by the markets, and how to use that information to advantage in their lives.
Since ancient times, writes In***, investors and merchants have met to buy and sell goods -- and to exchange information and gossip. This information is reflected in the prices charged for those goods, whether it is news of war in a far-flung region that will cut off the gold supply or a crop failure that will make wheat scarce.
Now skip to the present day, where the proxies for goods and services -- tradable securities -- act in exactly the same fashion. From the price of oil to foreign-currency fluctuati***, from the price of a stock to the interest rate offered on a bond, the financial markets provide clues to events great and small. For example, In*** documents howthe stock market sent a shudder down Wall Street several moments before President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallasthe crude oil market warned the world that a wa***as coming between Iraq, Kuwait, and the United States -- and then predicted aquick victorythe wheat market told the West about the seriousness of the Chernobyl nuclear accident days before official word of the meltdowna tiny currency known as the Thai baht warned the global markets that the Asian economic crisis was imminent and potentially devastating.
In the world of finance, In*** reveals howthe yield curve gives a one-year advance warning of an impending recessiona little-known futures contract predicts with great precision what the Federal Reserve will do to interest rates weeks before the Fed makes its decision
At a more personal level, In*** shows how individuals who heed the warnings of the markets will make better personal decisi*** regardinginvestmentsmortgages and loans real estate purchases career choicesand much more
Whether you are an investor, a market buff, or are simply interested in *** better financial decisi***, the markets are speaking to you in a very relevant and personal way. Let Ron In*** be your guide and interpreter to understanding the message of the markets.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)20.3 width:(cm)12.8
Book Description
Can the financial markets really foretell the future?
According to CNBC's ve***n market watcher, Ron In***, they can and do. Every day the world's markets are speaking-- shouting, really -- boldly predicting the future. In fact, they are reflecting information not yet revealed to the general public: events as dramatic as the outcome of a war, as tragic as a nuclear accident in some distant part of the globe, or as mundane but vitally important as the future direction of interest rates.
In order to understand what the markets are saying, you have to know how to listen to and interpret the messages they are sending. This is the first book to show readers how to understand the signals put out by the markets, and how to use that information to advantage in their lives.
Since ancient times, writes In***, investors and merchants have met to buy and sell goods -- and to exchange information and gossip. This information is reflected in the prices charged for those goods, whether it is news of war in a far-flung region that will cut off the gold supply or a crop failure that will make wheat scarce.
Now skip to the present day, where the proxies for goods and services -- tradable securities -- act in exactly the same fashion. From the price of oil to foreign-currency fluctuati***, from the price of a stock to the interest rate offered on a bond, the financial markets provide clues to events great and small. For example, In*** documents howthe stock market sent a shudder down Wall Street several moments before President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallasthe crude oil market warned the world that a wa***as coming between Iraq, Kuwait, and the United States -- and then predicted aquick victorythe wheat market told the West about the seriousness of the Chernobyl nuclear accident days before official word of the meltdowna tiny currency known as the Thai baht warned the global markets that the Asian economic crisis was imminent and potentially devastating.
In the world of finance, In*** reveals howthe yield curve gives a one-year advance warning of an impending recessiona little-known futures contract predicts with great precision what the Federal Reserve will do to interest rates weeks before the Fed makes its decision
At a more personal level, In*** shows how individuals who heed the warnings of the markets will make better personal decisi*** regardinginvestmentsmortgages and loans real estate purchases career choicesand much more
Whether you are an investor, a market buff, or are simply interested in *** better financial decisi***, the markets are speaking to you in a very relevant and personal way. Let Ron In*** be your guide and interpreter to understanding the message of the markets.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)20.3 width:(cm)12.8
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