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First published in France in 1958, then in the United States in 1959, Robert Frank's The Americans changed the course of twentieth-century p***ography. In 83 p***ographs, Frank looked beneath the surface of American life to reveal a people plagued by racism, ill-served by their politicians and rendered numb by a rapidly expanding culture of c***umption. Yet he also found novel areas of beauty in ***, overlooked corners of American life. And it was not just his subject matter--cars, jukeboxes and even the road itself--that redefined the ic*** of America; it was also his seemingly intuitive, immediate, off-kilter style, as well as his method of brilliantly linking his p***ographs together thematically, conceptually, formally and linguistically, that made The Americans so innovative. More of an ode or a poem than a li***l document, the book is as powerful and provocative today as it was 50 years ago.
Published to accompany a major exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans" celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of this prescient book. Drawing on newly examined archival sources, it provides a fascinating in-depth examination of the *** of the p***ographs and the book's c***truction, using vintage contact sheets, work prints and letters that li***lly chart Frank's journey around the country on a Guggenheim grant in 1955-1956. Curator and editor Sarah Greenough and her colleagues also explore the roots of The Americans in Frank's earlier books, which are abundantly illustrated here, and in books by p***ographers Walker Evans, Bill Brandt and others. The 83 original p***ographs from The Americans are presented in sequence in as near vintage prints as possible. The catalogue concludes with an examination of Frank's later reinterpretati*** and dec***tructi*** of The Americans, bringing full circle the history of this resounding entry in the annals of p***ography.
This richly illustrated expanded edition of Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans" contains several engaging essays by curator Sarah Greenough that explore the roots of this seminal book, Frank's travels on a Guggenheim fellowship, the sequencing of The Americans and the book's impact on his later career. In addition, essays by Anne Wilkes Tucker, Stuart Alexander, Martin Gasser, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Michel Frizot and Luc Sante offer focused ***yses of Frank's relati***hip with Louis Faurer, Edward Steichen, Gotthard Schuh, Walker Evans, Robert Delpire and Jack Kerouac, while Philip Brookman writes about his work with Frank on several exhibiti*** in the last 30 years. This edition also reproduces many of Frank's earlier p***ographic sequences, as well as all of the p***ographs in The Americans and selected late***orks.
In addition, Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans"-Expanded Edition includes a wealth of additional materials, essential information for all interested in twentieth-century p***ography. It contains all of Frank's vintage contact sheets related to The Americans, a section that re-creates his preliminary sequence and presents variant croppings of the first and subsequent editi*** of the book and a map and chronology, along with letters and manuscript materials by Frank, Walker Evans and Jack Kerouac related to Frank's Guggenheim fellowship, his travels around the United States in 1955-1956, and his c***truction of the book. This groundbreaking 528-page catalogue is certain to be the definitive source of information on The Americans for years to come.
First published in France in 1958, then in the United States in 1959, Robert Frank's The Americans changed the course of twentieth-century p***ography. In 83 p***ographs, Frank looked beneath the surface of American life to reveal a people plagued by racism, ill-served by their politicians and rendered numb by a rapidly expanding culture of c***umption. Yet he also found novel areas of beauty in ***, overlooked corners of American life. And it was not just his subject matter--cars, jukeboxes and even the road itself--that redefined the ic*** of America; it was also his seemingly intuitive, immediate, off-kilter style, as well as his method of brilliantly linking his p***ographs together thematically, conceptually, formally and linguistically, that made The Americans so innovative. More of an ode or a poem than a li***l document, the book is as powerful and provocative today as it was 50 years ago.
Published to accompany a major exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans" celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of this prescient book. Drawing on newly examined archival sources, it provides a fascinating in-depth examination of the *** of the p***ographs and the book's c***truction, using vintage contact sheets, work prints and letters that li***lly chart Frank's journey around the country on a Guggenheim grant in 1955-1956. Curator and editor Sarah Greenough and her colleagues also explore the roots of The Americans in Frank's earlier books, which are abundantly illustrated here, and in books by p***ographers Walker Evans, Bill Brandt and others. The 83 original p***ographs from The Americans are presented in sequence in as near vintage prints as possible. The catalogue concludes with an examination of Frank's later reinterpretati*** and dec***tructi*** of The Americans, bringing full circle the history of this resounding entry in the annals of p***ography.
This richly illustrated expanded edition of Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans" contains several engaging essays by curator Sarah Greenough that explore the roots of this seminal book, Frank's travels on a Guggenheim fellowship, the sequencing of The Americans and the book's impact on his later career. In addition, essays by Anne Wilkes Tucker, Stuart Alexander, Martin Gasser, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Michel Frizot and Luc Sante offer focused ***yses of Frank's relati***hip with Louis Faurer, Edward Steichen, Gotthard Schuh, Walker Evans, Robert Delpire and Jack Kerouac, while Philip Brookman writes about his work with Frank on several exhibiti*** in the last 30 years. This edition also reproduces many of Frank's earlier p***ographic sequences, as well as all of the p***ographs in The Americans and selected late***orks.
In addition, Looking In: Robert Frank's "The Americans"-Expanded Edition includes a wealth of additional materials, essential information for all interested in twentieth-century p***ography. It contains all of Frank's vintage contact sheets related to The Americans, a section that re-creates his preliminary sequence and presents variant croppings of the first and subsequent editi*** of the book and a map and chronology, along with letters and manuscript materials by Frank, Walker Evans and Jack Kerouac related to Frank's Guggenheim fellowship, his travels around the United States in 1955-1956, and his c***truction of the book. This groundbreaking 528-page catalogue is certain to be the definitive source of information on The Americans for years to come.
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