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充分利用商标:推动商标与商业的商标Gym能力测验BRAND STRE***H - WHY 1 IN 2 EXTENSIONS FAIL, AND HOW TO BEAT THE ODDS电子书下载地址
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Stretching the Brand offers practical and actionable advice on how to extend successful brands into new areas without losing sight of the value of the original brand itself. Examples of brand stretching include Dove soap, which has now been extended to the shampoo and deodorant markets. This book presents a single-minded focus on brand stretching that covers topics not found anywhere else, such as how to launch brand extensi*** and *** them.
Stretching the Brand will help companies increase their chances of winning by looking at the less*** learnt from both successes and failure in brand stretching. It provides the tools and techniques to stretch a brand successfully.
1.Brand stretch – or brand ego trip?
Extension advantages
So why does the success rate suck?
Virgin: The biggest ever brand ego trip?
S***gun weddings
Quitting the brand ego trip
Brand added value
Dove: Brand added value in action
The Brand Stretch workout
Key takeouts
Checklist 1: Brand Stretch – or brand ego trip?
2.Step One: Strengthen the core
In shape to stretch?
The heart of a healthy brand
Anchoring the core range
Bud and Bud Light: Sun and planets
Risky business
Tango: Taking the eye off the orange ball
Key takeouts
Checklist 2: Strengthen the core
3.Step Two: Vision
GPS for brands 30
The masterbrand challenges
Less myopic marketing
Blockbuster: Out of the video box
Climbing the brand ladder
Pampers: From bottoms to babies
Axe: Ladders and snakes
Elastic brands
Key takeouts
Checklist 3: Vision
4.Step Three: Ideas
Start close to home
Moving out
Innovation shortcuts
The fairytale world of innovation
Starbucks’ Frappuccino: Real world innovation
Innokill survival kit
Key takeouts
Checklist 4: Ideas
5.Step Four: Focus
Meet the seven dwarves
Heroes or zeroes?
Bertolli: Virtual venture capital
Dimension one: Brand vision building
Dimension two: Show me the money
The easyGroup story: Murder on the balance sheet
easyGroup summary
Alternatives to going it alone
Key takeouts
Checklist 5: Focus
6.Step Five: Delivery
Underestimating execution
Nescafé Hot When You Want: Not so *** execution
Brand damage
Brand and deliver
The Apple iPod: White *** execution
Delivering the promise
Key takeouts
Checklist 6: Delivery
7.Step Six: Brand architecture
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Architecture for brands
Houses versus streets
Mono-platform brands
Multi-platform brands
Lego: Building blocks of a new future
When the rubber hits the road
Comfort: Designing a turnaround
Let’s go round again
Key takeouts
Checklist 7: Brand architecture
Appendix 1: Masterbrand positioning tips and tricks
Appendix 2: Example masterbrand positioning tool
Appendix 3: Masterbrand positioning tool template
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David Taylor is Founder and Managing Partner of the brandgym, a c***ultancy helping teams develop action-oriented brand strategies. He has worked with many highly acclaimed and well-respected companies such as Unilever, SAB Miller, Danone, Cadburys and Blockbuster to help them boost brand and business performance. He was recently named by the CIM as one of the 50 leading marketing thinkers of today.
He began his career in brand management with Procter & Gamble and Sara Lee before completing an MBA at INSEAD, France. He then started and successfully grew the Paris office of Added Value, Europe's leading marketing c***ultancy.
His first book, 'the brandgym: A practical workout for boosting brand and business’ was published in 2002 and quickly became Amazon UK’s best selling branding title. He has also written many articles for Marketing, Brand Strategy, Marketing Business and Market Leader, and is a regular speaker at branding conferences.
Having spent billi*** of dollars on creating, building and defending strong brands, it’s payback time. These brands need to give birth to some beautiful and profitable offspring. Enter the world of brand stretch … a red-*** issue for brand teams and boardrooms alike. Done well, brand extension has the potential to create explosive growth for your business. However, the overcrowded extension graveyard shows just how hard it is to stretch successfully. This book provides practical help on both the method and the mindset needed to boost your chances of winning, illustrated with cases on Dove, Bacardi, Virgin, Starbucks, easyGroup, Budweiser and many others. ‘David Taylor's latest book offers a powerful combination of well-researched case studies and practical tips for today's managers. In a world where the ability to stretch your brands further is a key source of competitive advantage, Taylor's advice is required reading.’ Andrew Harrison, Marketing Director, Nestlé Rowntree ‘Taylor cuts through the jungle of jargon and overly-theoretical models that have made up the thinking on brand extension up to now. Brand Stretch is less a textbook and more a handbook for growth that teams can use day to day.’ Adam M***an, author of Eating the Big Fish and founder of eatbigfish, London, UK ‘Insightful and impactful, the principles in Brand Stretch can help you win in the marketplace.’ Maurice Doyle, Commercial Director, Bacardi-Martini UK ‘A comprehensive list of suggesti*** to assist in the success of companies looking to extend their brands.’ Cliff Burrows, Managing Director, Starbucks Coffee Company (UK) Ltd ‘David Taylor provides a well-grounded, cohesive approach to leveraging your brand's strengths. Brand Stretch is a practical and creative resource for marketers looking to maximize brand value.’ Kevin Lane Keller, E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing, Amos Tuck School of Business, USA
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