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Book De*ion
The 400th anniversary of the death of Elizabeth I occasi***
Anchor's publication of Anne Somerset's magisterial biography,
singled out by Lady Antonia Fraser as her "favourite among the
biographies of the Queen."
Glitteringly detailed and engagingly written, Elizabeth I brings to
vivid life the golden age of sixteenth-century England and the
uniquely fascinating monarch who presided over it. A woman of
intellect and presence, Elizabeth firmly believed in the divine
providence of her sovereignty and exercised supreme authority over
the intrigue-laden Tudor court and Elizabethan England at large.
Brilliant, mercurial, seductive, and maddening, an inspiration to
artists and adventurers and the subject of vicious speculation over
her choice not to marry, Elizabeth is immortalized in this
splendidly illuminating account.
Unraveling the political complexities of Elizabethan England and
Europe, bringing alive the alluring, intrigue-laden Tudor court,
Anne Somerset examines the life and times of Elizabeth I, the
monarch and the woman. of illustrati***.
From Publishers Weekly
In this totally captivating, sympathetic biography, English writer
Somerset quotes an abundance of primary sources to elucidate Queen
Elizabeth I's often criticized acti***. For example, she
investigates the cunning ruler's "sound enough reas***" for
attempting to have her hated royal cousin, Mary, Queen of Scots,
murdered in an underhand fashion without the bother of an
execution. Somerset ( Ladies-in-Waiting) argues that the execution
of Elizabeth's mother, Anne Boleyn, when she was two and a half
cast a dark shadow over the queen's entire life. A *** monarch,
thrilled by the power of her father, Henry VIII, Elizabeth
(1533-1603) turned her *** to her advantage in a man's world. She
"flaunted her femininity" with chivalrous male colleagues and used
her marital availability as a chief asset in the conduct of foreign
affairs. The success of her 45-year reign, writes Somerset, was
very much a personal triumph aided by her magnetism and charm. A
wry, convincing portrait of a complex character. Illustrated. BOMC
From Kirkus Reviews
Flattered, feared, idealized during her lifetime, romanticized ever
since, the intensely private Elizabeth I left few accurate
portraits for future painters or biographers. Somerset (Ladies in
Waiting, 1984) wisely focuses on the queen's complex political
life, documenting, largely from primary sources, the religious
conflicts, wars, explorati***, c***piracies, and rough justice that
marked her reign of 45 years. The second daughter of Henry VIII
(her mother, the second of six wives, was executed for ***ery),
Elizabeth came to the throne after the displacement of all her
stepmothers and the death of her brother Edward and her sister
``Bloody'' Mary. Although she was excommunicated, she believed she
was ``God's choice''--and with that confidence created a national
church, revised coinage, sp***ored exploration (Drake's
circumnavigation of the globe), waged war against Spain, nearly
subjugated the ``ungovernable'' Ireland, and strengthened the power
of the throne. Pleasure-loving Elizabeth enjoyed dancing,
bear-baiting, hunting, clothes (which became more bizarre as she
aged), gardens, and ``progresses,'' leading the court on visits to
noble houses--partly because the hygiene of her courtiers was so
poor that an ``intolerable stench'' soon forced them to move on.
She loved gifts, adulation, and the attention of young men,
although she married none of them, using their admiration and
pursuit as a source of power. Somerset claims that remaining a
*** was part of the queen's ``high calling.'' Meanwhile, her
indecisiveness, irascible temper, and legitimate fear of being
assassinated led to her imprisoning her cousin Mary for 19 years
before, reluctantly, having her executed--although at other times
she was capable of impulsive brutality, e.g., publicly cutting off
the hand of a printer for criticizing one of her choices of a mate.
Despite a few clich?s (the ``air'' was ``thick with intrigue'') and
an unnecessary defensiveness about Elizabeth's ***ity: a clear,
moving, informed narrative.
From Library Journal
Elizabeth I, a fascinating, complex woman with immense political,
social, and religious power, has had many biographers, but
Somerset's thoroughly researched and exhaustively documented study
will capture the reader's imagination. Somerset brings historical
figures to life, providing the background and motivati*** for their
acti*** in light of the social structure of the day. The reader
gains a real understanding of the problems Elizabeth faced in
ruling her unstable kingdom. Somerset has also written The Life and
Times of Wil liam IV (Biblio Distribution Centre, 1980) and
Ladies-in-Waiting ( LJ 6/15/84). Recommended. BOMC alternate.
-Kathar ine Galloway Garstka,
Intergraph Corp., Huntsville, Ala.
About Author
Anne Somerset was born in England in 1955 and educated in London,
Gloucestershire, and Kent. After studying history at King’s
College, London, she worked as a research assistant for various
historians. She is the author of The Life and Times of William IV,
Ladies-in-Waiting: From the Tudors to the Present Day, Unnatural
Murder: Poison at the Court of James I, and The Affair of Pois***.
She is married and lives in London.
Book Dimension :
length: (cm)20.7 width:(cm)13.2
List of Illustrati***
Author's Note
Family Tree
1 "As toward a child ... as ever I knew any"
2 "The noblest man unmarried in this land"
3 The second person in the realm
4 "God hath raised me high"
5 "So great a lady that there could be no hold taken of her"
6 "Contrarily threatenings and chidings"
7 "The general cause now of Christendom"
8 "The rarest creature that was in Europe these 500 years"
9 "The weaving of Penelope"
10 The phoenix and her nest
11 "The blood even of her own kinswoman"
12 "I myself will take up arms"
13 "The only wonder of time's begetting"
14 "The tribute of all mortal creatures"
take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is any truth or merit in criticism, learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you.
“The most comprehensive, the most reliable and the most readable
biography of Elizabeth.” –The New York Times Book Review
“This is my favourite among the biographies of Queen Elizabeth I.
Anne Somerset presents a convincing as well as complex chracter at
the center of her lucid narrative. She breathes new life into old
sources so that we live the story again and see it afresh.”
–Antonia Fraser
“An ample, stylish, and eloquent life of the queen.” –The
Washington Post Book World
“Finely crafted, abundantly detailed. . . . Few biographies have
explored the depth found here.” –San Francisco Chronicle
“An excellent book. . . . Somerset is in some respects the most
balanced and impartial of all Elizabeth’s biographers.” –Sunday
Times (London)
“I am completely captivated by [Somerset’s] Elizabeth I. . . . The
writing . . . is a delight.” –Peter Gwyn, Weekend Telegraph
“A g***eous tapestry. . . . Even readers unfamilia***ith the
dynamic personalities of the Tudor era would do well to start their
quest for knowledge here.” –Booklist
“[Somerset] is an experienced biographer, a thorough researcher, an
admirable writer and a reliable judge of character.” –Financial
“[Somerset] gives us a portrait . . . with so much fidelity that
the effect is just and exhilarating.” –The Spectator
“Totally captivating. . . . A wry, convincing portrait of a complex
character.” –Publishers Weekly
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