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Praise for BLUEPRINT TO A BILLION "A wonderful, well thought out ***ysis of entrepreneurship and leadership of a growth company."-Howard Lester, Chairman, Williams-Sonoma, Inc. "If you dream about growing your business to a billion, this is a fascinating down-to-earth study that you must read. Apply the seven essential principles to your business and you are off and running. Learn about strategy, growth, leadership, team building, and a w*** lot more."-Joe Scarlett, Chairman of the Board, Tractor Supply Company "Blueprint to a Billion is a well-researched and thoughtfully written book that quantifies the growth pattern of America's highest growth companies."-Professor John Quelch, Senior Associate Dean, Harvard Business School "Eighty percent of the top-performing stocks in the last twenty years were small entrepreneurial companies that had an IPO in the prior eight years. Blueprint to a Billion tells you the seven key things these innovators did in common to become America's greatest growth companies."-William J. O'Neil, Chairman and Founder Investor's Business Daily, www.investors.com "Thomson has written a masterful work that will catalyze, empower, inspire, motivate, and illuminate entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers. The world needs this book and will profit from it in manifold ways."-David M. Darst, Managing Director, Individual Investor Group Chief Investment Strategist, M***an Stanley Microsoft, Google, eBay, Staples, Genentech, Starbucks, Nike, and Harley-Davidson . . . these are just a few examples of an elite group of companies that have managed to turn billion-dollar ideas into billion-dollar businesses. What did these and other high-growth companies do to achieve such a goal? What blueprint do they follow to produce such results? Based on three years of in-depth research, David Thomson's Blueprint to a Billion approach provides the first quantitative assessment of the success pattern common across a distinct group of 387 "blueprint companies"the 5% that have IPO'd since 1980 and grown to $1 billion in revenue. They represent America's highest growth companies; they uniquely achieved exponential revenue growth and returns. This book is not about one unique company, its innovation, and the financial returns it achieved; it's about the quantifiable, success-based patternindependent of economic cycles or industriesshared across this group of 387 elite companies. It's about how you can use seven common essentials to better your business, ***anization, team, or yourself and produce exponential growth. It's about executing the essentials and linking them. It's about taking the acti*** that matte***hile avoiding pitfalls. The 7 essentials explored are: Essential #1: Create and Sustain a Breakthrough Value Proposition Essential#2: Exploit a High-Growth Market Segment Essential #3: Marquee Customers Shape the Revenue Powerhouse Essential #4: Leverage Big Brother Alliances for Breaking into New Markets Essential #5: Become the Masters of Exponential Returns Essential #6: The Management Team: Inside-Outside Leadership Essential #7: The Board: Comprised of Essentials Experts Divided into three comprehensive secti***, Blueprint to a Billion will show you how to formulate a breakthrough value proposition, create exponential revenue growththe most valuable and unique kind of growthand seize the opportunity to garner exponential returns. More importantly, it provides practical guidelines that you, as a business leader at any level, can use to improve company performance from one year to the next. While the book is based on quantitative evidence, it provides insightful ***ysis and very personal stories from many blueprint company leaders. Both fact-based and actionable, Blueprint to a Billion contains fresh research that provides valuable insights into success-based business building. Adopting and executing one or more essentials will maximize your growthboth personally and corporately. Executing all 7 essentials will enable your company to achieve unprecedented exponential growth.
Praise for BLUEPRINT TO A BILLION "A wonderful, well thought out ***ysis of entrepreneurship and leadership of a growth company."-Howard Lester, Chairman, Williams-Sonoma, Inc. "If you dream about growing your business to a billion, this is a fascinating down-to-earth study that you must read. Apply the seven essential principles to your business and you are off and running. Learn about strategy, growth, leadership, team building, and a w*** lot more."-Joe Scarlett, Chairman of the Board, Tractor Supply Company "Blueprint to a Billion is a well-researched and thoughtfully written book that quantifies the growth pattern of America's highest growth companies."-Professor John Quelch, Senior Associate Dean, Harvard Business School "Eighty percent of the top-performing stocks in the last twenty years were small entrepreneurial companies that had an IPO in the prior eight years. Blueprint to a Billion tells you the seven key things these innovators did in common to become America's greatest growth companies."-William J. O'Neil, Chairman and Founder Investor's Business Daily, www.investors.com "Thomson has written a masterful work that will catalyze, empower, inspire, motivate, and illuminate entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers. The world needs this book and will profit from it in manifold ways."-David M. Darst, Managing Director, Individual Investor Group Chief Investment Strategist, M***an Stanley Microsoft, Google, eBay, Staples, Genentech, Starbucks, Nike, and Harley-Davidson . . . these are just a few examples of an elite group of companies that have managed to turn billion-dollar ideas into billion-dollar businesses. What did these and other high-growth companies do to achieve such a goal? What blueprint do they follow to produce such results? Based on three years of in-depth research, David Thomson's Blueprint to a Billion approach provides the first quantitative assessment of the success pattern common across a distinct group of 387 "blueprint companies"the 5% that have IPO'd since 1980 and grown to $1 billion in revenue. They represent America's highest growth companies; they uniquely achieved exponential revenue growth and returns. This book is not about one unique company, its innovation, and the financial returns it achieved; it's about the quantifiable, success-based patternindependent of economic cycles or industriesshared across this group of 387 elite companies. It's about how you can use seven common essentials to better your business, ***anization, team, or yourself and produce exponential growth. It's about executing the essentials and linking them. It's about taking the acti*** that matte***hile avoiding pitfalls. The 7 essentials explored are: Essential #1: Create and Sustain a Breakthrough Value Proposition Essential#2: Exploit a High-Growth Market Segment Essential #3: Marquee Customers Shape the Revenue Powerhouse Essential #4: Leverage Big Brother Alliances for Breaking into New Markets Essential #5: Become the Masters of Exponential Returns Essential #6: The Management Team: Inside-Outside Leadership Essential #7: The Board: Comprised of Essentials Experts Divided into three comprehensive secti***, Blueprint to a Billion will show you how to formulate a breakthrough value proposition, create exponential revenue growththe most valuable and unique kind of growthand seize the opportunity to garner exponential returns. More importantly, it provides practical guidelines that you, as a business leader at any level, can use to improve company performance from one year to the next. While the book is based on quantitative evidence, it provides insightful ***ysis and very personal stories from many blueprint company leaders. Both fact-based and actionable, Blueprint to a Billion contains fresh research that provides valuable insights into success-based business building. Adopting and executing one or more essentials will maximize your growthboth personally and corporately. Executing all 7 essentials will enable your company to achieve unprecedented exponential growth.
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