PCs for Dummies, 4th Australian EditionPC指南 澳洲第4版 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

PCs for Dummies, 4th Australian EditionPC指南 澳洲第4版精美图片
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PCs for Dummies, 4th Australian EditionPC指南 澳洲第4版书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780731407590
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2008-03
  • 页数:395
  • 价格:216.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 豆瓣目录:点击查看
  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


Set up your PC, get online, burn DVDs and go wireless! Fully revised and updated for Windows Vista Over 70 per cent of Australian households now have a computer, and over 65 per cent have access to the internet however, as computers become more advanced and people are able to do more with them, users -- including small business owners -- are more confused than ever about how to set up and use a new computer, and take advantage of all the new features offered. PCs For Dummies, 4th Australian edition, is the perfect one-stop reference for anyone who has just bought a new PC o***ants to use their PC more effectively, covering everything from the hardware and the operating system to software, the internet, and home networking. Revisi*** to this edition include thorough coverage of Vista, along with new or updated coverage of DVD burning, password disks and security, networking procedures, voice recognition, assistive technologies, scanning and digital imaging, wireless peripherals, TV adapters and ways to access the internet. Discover how to: sect. Set up your computer -- painlessly sect.        Understand PC jargon and acronyms (really!) sect. Network your computers sect. Step up security and protect your PC from viruses sect. Use your computer -- and Vista -- more effectively sect. Take advantage of assistive technologies, scanning and digital imaging



Part Ⅰ A Painless Introduction to Computers

Chapter 1: Hello Computer!

Chapter 2: The Nerd's-Eye View

Chapter 3: PC Setup

Chapter 4: The Most Powerful Button (On-Off)

Chapter 5: Windows Rules

Part Ⅱ: Computer Guts

Chapter 6: Mysteries of the C***ole

Chapter 7: Jacks on the Box

Chapter 8: Temporary Storage (Memory)

Chapter 9: Permanent Storage (Disks and Media)

Chapter 10: Glorious Graphical Goodness

Chapter 11: Input Buddies: Keyboard and Mouse

Chapter 12: The Printer's the Thing

Chapter 13: Sounds Good

Chapter 14: Mighty Modems

Chapter 15: Positive PC Power Management

Part Ⅲ It's a Digital Life

Chapter 16: Picture This

Chapter 17: PC TV

Chapter 18: The Digital Ear

Part Ⅳ: Networking and Internet-Working

Chapter 19: N Is for Networking

Chapter 20: Working on the Network

Chapter 21: Welcome to the lnternet Zoo

Chapter 22: Flinging Files Freely

Chapter 23: Internet and PC Security

Part Ⅴ: The Soft Side of Computing

Chapter 24: Files: The Key to Understanding Software

Chapter 25: Organising Your Compu-Junk

Chapter 26: File Control

Chapter 27.: Software, Programs, Applicati***

Chapter 28: Making Your Own Discs

Part Ⅵ The Part of Tens

Chapter 29: Ten Common Beginner Mistakes

Chapter 30: Ten Things Worth Buying for Your PC

Chapter 31: Ten Tips from Two PC Gurus












作者简介:Dan Gooldn has been writing about technology for over 20 years. He's contributed articles to numerous high-tech magazines and written over 110 books on personal computers, many of them accurate.

Dan combines his love of writing with his gizmo fascination to create books that are informative, entertaining and not boring. Having sold more than 14 million titles translated into over 30 languages, Dan can attest that his method of crafting computer tomes seems to work.

Perhaps his most famous title is the original DOS For Dummies, published in 1991. It became the world's fastest-selling computer book, at one time moving more copies pe***eek than the New York Times #1 bestseller (though as a reference, it could not be listed on the NYT bestseller list). That book spawned the entire line of For Dummies books, which remains a publishing phenomenon to this day.

Dan's most popular titles include Word 2007 For Dummies, Laptops For Dummies and Troubleshooting Your PC For Dummies. He also maintains the vast and helpful Web page, www. wamb001 i. com.

Dan holds a degree in Communicati***/Visual Arts from the University of California, San Diego. Presently he lives in the Pacific Northwest, where he enjoys spending time with his s*** in the gentle woods of Idaho.


Set up your PC, get online, burn DVDs and go wireless! Fully revised and updated for Windows Vista Over 70 per cent of Australian households now have a computer, and over 65 per cent have access to the internet; however, as computers become more advanced and people are able to do more with them, users -- including small business owners -- are more confused than ever about how to set up and use a new computer, and take advantage of all the new features offered. PCs For Dummies, 4th Australian edition, is the perfect one-stop reference for anyone who has just bought a new PC o***ants to use their PC more effectively, covering everything from the hardware and the operating system to software, the internet, and home networking. Revisi*** to this edition include thorough coverage of Vista, along with new or updated coverage of DVD burning, password disks and security, networking procedures, voice recognition, assistive technologies, scanning and digital imaging, wireless peripherals, TV adapters and ways to access the internet. Discover how to: Set up your computer -- painlessly Understand PC jargon and acronyms (really!) Network your computers Step up security and protect your PC from viruses Use your computer -- and Vista -- more effectively Take advantage of assistive technologies, scanning and digital imaging


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