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“I remember Sarah asking me, when I’d just begun therapy with
her, what I looked for in a man. After a few moments of
silent, tense deliberation I had it. ‘Hair,’ I blurted. ‘He
has to have hair.’”
Meredith Baxter is a beloved and iconic television actress, most
well-known for her enormously popular role as hippie mom, Elyse
Keaton, on Family Ties. He***armth, humor, and brilliant smile made
her one of the most popula***omen on television, with milli*** of
viewers following her on the small screen each week. Yet her
success masked a tumultuous personal story and a harrowing private
life. For the first time, Baxter is ready to share her incredible
highs, (working with Robert Redford, Doris Day, Lana Turner, and
the cast of Family Ties), and lows (a thorny relati***hip with her
mother, a difficult marriage to David Birney, a bout with breast
cancer), finally revealing the woman behind the image.
From her childhood in Hollywood, growing up the daughter of
actress and co-creator of One Day at a Time Whitney Blake, Baxter
became familia***ith the ups and downs of show business from an
early age. Afte******heartedly embracing the 60s counterculture
lifestyle, she was forced to rely on her acting skills after her
first divorce left her a 22-year-old single mother of two. Baxter
began her professional caree***ith ***ing roles in the
critically panned horror film Ben, and in the political thriller
All the President's Men.
More lucrative work soon followed on the small screen. Baxter
starred with actor David Birney as the title characters in
controversial sitcom Bridget Loves Bernie. While the series only
lasted a year, her high-profile romance with Birney lasted 15
volatile and unhappy years. Hiding the worst of her situation from
even those closest to her, Baxter’s career flourished as her
self-esteem and family crumbled. Her successful run as Nancy on
Family was followed by her enormously popular role on Family Ties,
and dozens of well-received television movies.
After a bitter divorce and custody battle with Birney, Baxter
increasingly relied on alcohol as a refuge, and here speaks
candidly of her decision to take her last drink in 1990.
And while another ruinous divorce to screenwriter Michael
Blodgett taxed Baxter’s strength and confidence, she has emerged
from her experiences with the renewed self-assurance, poise, and
understanding that have enabled her to find a loving, respectful
relati***hip with Nancy Locke, and to speak about it openly.
Told with insight, wit, and disarming frankness, Untied is the
eye-opening and inspiring life of an actress, a woman, and a mother
who has come into her own.
Meredith Baxter has been an actor for 40
years and has five children. She achieved early success in
the comedy Bridget Loves Bernie; the acclaimed ABC drama
Family and the popular NBC sitcom Family Ties. Baxter
makes appearances speaking on breast cancer, domestic violence,
alcoholism and general life experiences. She lives in Santa
Monica, California with her partner, Nancy Locke.
“I remember Sarah asking me, when I’d just begun therapy with her, what I looked for in a man. After a few moments of silent, tense deliberation I had it. ‘Hair,’ I blurted. ‘He has to have hair.’”
Meredith Baxter is a beloved and iconic television actress, most well-known for her enormously popular role as hippie mom, Elyse Keaton, on Family Ties . He***armth, humor, and brilliant smile made her one of the most popula***omen on television, with milli*** of viewers following her on the small screen each week. Yet her success masked a tumultuous personal story and a harrowing private life. For the first time, Baxter is ready to share her incredible highs, (working with Robert Redford, Doris Day, Lana Turner, and the cast of Family Ties) , and lows (a thorny relati***hip with her mother, a difficult marriage to David Birney, a bout with breast cancer), finally revealing the woman behind the image.
From her childhood in Hollywood, growing up the daughter of actress and co-creator of One Day at a Time Whitney Blake, Baxter became familia***ith the ups and downs of show business from an early age. Afte******heartedly embracing the 60s counterculture lifestyle, she was forced to rely on her acting skills after her first divorce left her a 22-year-old single mother of two. Baxter began her professional caree***ith ***ing roles in the critically panned horror film Ben , and in the political thriller All the President's Men .
More lucrative work soon followed on the small screen. Baxter starred with actor David Birney as the title characters in controversial sitcom Bridget Loves Bernie . While the series only lasted a year, her high-profile romance with Birney lasted 15 volatile and unhappy years. Hiding the worst of her situation from even those closest to her, Baxter’s career flourished as her self-esteem and family crumbled. Her successful run as Nancy on Family was followed by her enormously popular role on Family Ties, and dozens of well-received television movies.
After a bitter divorce and custody battle with Birney, Baxter increasingly relied on alcohol as a refuge, and here speaks candidly of her decision to take her last drink in 1990.
And while another ruinous divorce to screenwriter Michael Blodgett taxed Baxter’s strength and confidence, she has emerged from her experiences with the renewed self-assurance, poise, and understanding that have enabled her to find a loving, respectful relati***hip with Nancy Locke, and to speak about it openly.
Told with insight, wit, and disarming frankness, Untied is the eye-opening and inspiring life of an actress, a woman, and a mothe***ho has come into her own.
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