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This is the story of one man's faith, told with unrivaled
reflection and candor. William F. Buckley, Jr., was raised a
Catholic. As the world plunged into war, and as social mores
changed dramatically around him, Buckley's faith -- a most
essential part of his make-up -- sustained him. In Nearer, My God,
Buckley examines in searching detail the meaning of his faith, and
how his life has been shaped and sustained by religious conviction.
In highly personal terms, and with the wit and acuity fo***hich he
is justly renowned, Buckley discusses vital issues of Catholic
doctrine and practice, and in so doing outlines for the reader both
the nature of CathoLic faith and the essential role of religious
belief in everyday life. In powerfully felt prose, he contributes
provocatively and intelligently to the national interest in the
nature of religion, the Church, and spiritual development. Nearer,
My God is sure to appeal to all readers who have felt the stirrings
of their own religious faith, and who want confirmation of their
beliefs o***ho are seeking a guide to understanding their own
souls. The renowned social and political commentator, William F.
Buckley Jr., turns to a highly personal subject -- his faith. And
he tells us the story of his life as a Catholic Christian. "Nearer,
My God" is the most reflective, poignant, and searching of Bill
Buckley's many books. In the opening chapters he relives his
childhood, a loving, funny, nostalgic glimpse into pre-World War II
America and England. He speaks about his religious experiences to a
world that has changed dramatically. He is unafraid of revealing
the most personal side of his faith. He describes, in his
distinctive style, the intimacy of a trip to Lourdes, the impact on
him of the searing account by Maria Valtorta of the Crucifixion,
the ordination of his nephew into the priesthood, and gives a
moving account of his mother's death. And there is humor, as
Buckley gives a unique, hilarious view of a visit to the Vatican
with Malcolm Muggeridge, Charlton Heston, Grace Kelly, and David
Niven. Personal though this book is, Buckley has gone to others to
examine new perspectives, putting together his own distinguished
'Forum' and leaning on the great li***ture of the past to
illustrate his thinking on contemporary Catholic and Christian
Known for his brilliant mind, rapie***it, and formidable
vocabulary, William F. Buckley, Jr. was one of the 20th century's
most articulate c***ervative thinkers and writers.
Bursting on the li***ry scene with his sensational 1951 debut,
God and Man at Yale, Buckley went on to author more than 50
books on a vast array of subjects. (He even wrote a line of
bestselling mysteries!) In 1955, he founded the iconic c***ervative
magazine National Review as a forum for public opinion, and
he dispensed reams of political commentary and social criticism in
his popular newspaper column "On the Right."
From 1966 to 1999, Buckley hosted Firing Line, an
issues-oriented television talk show that counted among its guests
prominent personalities on both the right (Margaret Thatcher,
Ronald Reagan) and the left (Jimmy Carter, Jesse L. Jackson). He
died on February 27, 2008, at his home in Stamford Connecticut at
the age of 82.
In Nearer, My God, William F. Buckley Jr. turns away from
the political concerns that form the crux of his reputation and
offers a series of thoughtful meditati*** upon his Roman Catholic
faith. Although the book is subtitled An Autobiography of
Faith, only porti*** of it are strictly autobiographical. Other
secti*** include ruminati*** on the controversies of the modern
Church--such as the continued ban on birth control and the
ordination of female priests--and an exegesis of
Difficulties, a remarkable 1934 collaborative debate between
a Catholic priest and an *** theologian. ("The volume has
slipped from regular use," Buckley writes, "and even from the
memory of younger people, but it is not anachronized, though it
takes on some questi*** that no longer vex the religiously
Buckley writes with c***istent intelligence and precision; how,
indeed, could it be otherwise? Even those who do not agree with him
politically will be struck by the sensitivity of his spiritual
inquiry, particularly in his elaboration of the distinction between
contemporary Catholic practice and the enduring Catholic heritage.
Nearer, My God serves as a splendid testimony to the
maintenance of faith.
( Reviews - Ron Hogan )This eloquent spiritual
``autobiography'' is, disappointingly, almost entirely about people
other than Buckley, and about theology rather than faith. Buckley,
erstwhile leader of the political right (founder and editor of the
National Review) has departed from his usual subjects here.
(Refreshingly, he humbly admits that this book took five years to
write and that he was dissatisfied with the finished product,
feeling that it lacked the fervor and narrative vigor usually
associated with spiritual memoirs.) The book begins wonderfully:
Buckley recounts his Catholic childhood in England and America,
describing his devout parents, his privileged life of tutors,
travels, and boarding schools. With his customary humor, he offers
a teenager's view of Jesuit education; he also reveals a tender
side, recounting his early prayers for his beloved mother's health
(somewhat precarious after bearing 11 children). Yet the tenor of
this chapter is in no way sustained throughout the book, which
becomes an argumentative debate about the great issues of the
Catholic Church. Even here, Buckley does not reveal much of
himself, choosing instead to recount the intellectual struggles of
*** friends who converted to Catholicism, among them Malcolm
Muggeridge, Clare Boothe Luce, and Richard John Neuhaus. Buckley
calls these pundits ``the forum,'' and he solicits their advice
about many of the great theological debates: theodicy, the meaning
of the crucifixion, papal infallibility (``the forum is divided on
the issue of contraception,'' he tells us). Even the chapter
entitled ``Experiencing Lourdes'' is primarily a detached
observer's discussion of the site's history and the Church's
lengthy process for authenticating miracles. One of the few hints
we get about Buckley's own position is his restrained comment that
``the spiritual tonic is felt'' by pilgrims at Lourdes. But despite
the aloofness, Buckley remains, as ever, a witty and controversial
commentator. Readers looking for meaty discussi*** of Catholic
doctrine could do a lot worse. (Kirkus Reviews )
- 方便(356+)
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- 排版满分(504+)
- 中评多(124+)
- 品质不错(196+)
- 体验满分(278+)
- 在线转格式(66+)
- 目录完整(273+)
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