中国互联网公益(英文版) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

The progress of philanthropy has marked important milestones for civilization. The prosperity of the internet in China has been a great catalyzer for charity and attracted worldwide attention.
This book is the work of Charles Chen Yidan, “the Father of China’s Internet Philanthropy”. It is based on the long-term research and practices of Tencent Research Institute and the Tencent Foundation. It reviews the recent history of internet-based charity during the past 20 years. It provides a first-time comprehensive review and study of internet-based charity from different dimensi***, including the nature of internet-based charity, typical innovati*** and practices at home and abroad, as well as future prospects for integrating new technology and charity. It offers important insights into the transformation of many charitable ***anizati***, the regulatory approach of governments towards these ***anizati***, and the development of future society.
This book contains not only a large set of the latest data from foreign countries but also exclusive interviews of many industry experts, including the directors of online charity platforms and chairmen of typical charitable ***anizati***. It provides valuable references and is highly recommended for enterprises, ***anizati***, and authorities that want to understand and promote the advancement of philanthropy in China.
Prologue:A Painting Connecting You to Charity
WeChat Moments Flooded with Paintings
Kids Gallery:A Popular Online Charity Campaign
The Great Potential of Internet Philanthropy
Three Questi*** About Internet Philanthropy
PartⅠ In China:The Rise of Internet Philanthropy
Chapter 1 History of China’s Internet Philanthropy
Section 1 The Development of the Internet
Section 2 The Evolution of Philanthropy
Section 3 Ten Milestones
Chapter 2 The Rise of Online Charity Platforms
Section 1 From Social Contact to Philanthropy
Section 2 From Shopping to Charity
Section 3 From O2O Services to Charity
Chapter 3 Charitable Organizati***’“Labor Pains” and “Transformation”
Section 1 Public Charities
Section 2 Non-public Raising Organizati***
Chapter 4 The Activated Businesses and Public
Section 1 Philanthropy Integrated into Business Operation
Section 2 Philanthropy Integrated into People’s Daily Lives
Chapter 5 Governmental Support and Regulati***
Section 1 The Progress of Charity Legislation
Section 2 The“Five Stages”of the Most Important Article Legislating Internet Philanthropy
Section 3 Three Questi*** About Internet Philanthropy
Section 4 Internet Plus Civil Affairs Services
Part Ⅱ Global Vision:Internet Philanthropy in Charitable Countries
Chapter 6 The United States:Volunteer Spirit and Technology Innovation
Section 1 The Philanthropic Culture in the US
Section 2 The Institutional Base of Philanthropy in the US
Section 3 The Philanthropic History in the US
Section 4 Major Modes of Internet Philanthropy in the US
Section 5 The US Features of Online Philanthropy
Chapter 7 The UK:The Tradition of Philanthropy and Government Support
Section 1 The Foundation of Philanthropy in the UK
Section 2 The Realities of Internet Philanthropy in the UK
Section 3 The Impact of Internet Philanthropy in the UK
Section 4 Summary
Chapter 8 Japan:From Government Oversight to Shared Governance
Section 1 The Development of Japanese Philanthropy
Section 2 The Development of Japan’s Internet Philanthropy
Section 3 Japan’s Characteristics and the Effects on Internet Philanthropy
Part Ⅲ In Retrospection:Internet Philanthropy Reshapes Social Connecti***
Chapter 9 Definition of Philanthropy
Section 1 What Is Philanthropy?
Section 2 The Development of Modern Philanthropy
Section 3 Effects of Modern Philanthropy on Society
Chapter 10 The Influence of Social Atomization
Section 1 Atomized Society
Section 2 The Side Effects of Science and Technology
Section 3 Challenges Facing Traditional Philanthropy
Chapter 11 Internet Philanthropy Reshapes Social Connecti***
Section 1 The Inevitability of Internet Philanthropy
Section 2 Reshaping Social Connecti***
Section 3 Philanthropy Combined with Technology
Part Ⅳ In the Future:Where Will Internet Philanthropy Lead Us to?
Chapter 12 Key Issues and Challenges Facing China’s Philanthropy
Section 1 Application of Science and Technology
Section 2 Building of Trust
Section 3 Cultural Accumulation
Chapter 13 Transforming Technological Results to Social Progress
Section 1 Efficiency
Section 2 Reality
Section 3 Trust
Section 4 For Social Good
Chapter 14 Towards More Diversified and Comprehensive Philanthropy Governance
Section 1 Mechanisms for Public Participation
Section 2 Mechanisms for Information Transparency
Section 3 Competition
Section 4 Philanthropic Organizati***/Management Mechanisms
Section 5 Cordination Between the Third and the Other Two Sectors
Chapter 15 Culture:Shaping a Philanthropic Culture with Emotionalism,Rationalism and Inclusion
Section 1 Traditional Chinese Philanthropic Culture
Section 2 Modern Chinese Philanthropic Culture
Section 3 Three Levels of Chinese Philanthropy
Section 4 Rational Philanthropy on the Internet
End:Long Term Pursuit of Rational Philanthropy
Appendix:A Chronical of Events of the Development of Internet Philanthropy(1995-2018)
Tencent Research Institute (TRI) is a social science research institution established by Tencent Holdings Ltd. with the input of Tencent’s diverse products, abundant cases and enormous data, the TRI focuses on the industry’s critical issues. It has established an open collaborative research platform and brought together the wisdom from all kinds of sources, with the objective of catalyzing the sound and orderly growth of the internet industry. With open, inclusive and forward-looking horiz*** in its research, TRI has committed itself to becoming an interdisciplinary research platform in which modern technology meets social science and humanities.
Tencent Public Welfare and Charity Foundation(Tencent Foundation) was launched by Tencent Holdings Ltd. and registered in June 2007 as a national non-public charity foundation under the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is the first philanthropic foundation in China to be established by an internet company. Since its establishment, the Tencent Foundation has been *** efforts to promote in-depth integration and development ofinternet and charity undertakings.In 2007, the Tencent Foundation brought China’s first internet-based public donation platform, Tencent Charity, online and officially introduced the “Internet Plus” method into China’s philanthropy. In 2015, Tencent joined hands with hundreds of charitable ***anizati***, well-known enterprises, celebrities and top innovative instituti*** of communicati*** to launch China’s first charity day, “99 Charity Day”. After four years’ development, “99 Charity Day” has become a nationwide philanthropy celebration held on an annual basis.
Recommended Book for Those Engaged in Philanthropic Undertakings in Both Public and Private Sectors
The progress of philanthropy has marked important milestones for civilization. The prosperity of the internet in China has been a great catalyzer for charity and has attracted worldwide attention.
This book is the work of Charles Chen Yidan, “the Father of China’s Internet Philanthropy”. It is based on the long-term research and practices of Tencent Research Institute and the Tencent Foundation. It reviews the recent history of internet-based charity during the past 20 years. It provides a first-time comprehensive review and study of internet-based charity from different dimensi***, including the nature of internet-based charity, typical innovati*** and practices at home and abroad, as well as future prospects for integrating new technology and charity. It offers important insights into the transformation of many charitable ***anizati***, the regulatory approach of governments towards these ***anizati***, and the development of future society.
This book contains not only a large set of the latest data from foreign countries but also exclusive interviews of many industry experts, including the directors of online charity platforms and chairmen of typical charitable ***anizati***. It provides valuable references and is highly recommended for enterprises, ***anizati***, and authorities that want to understand and promote the advancement of philanthropy in China.
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