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An ***anizational transformation has taken place, in which the
source for every ***anization's return on financial spending is
shifting from tangible assets, like equipment, to intangible
assets, like information and its people. But transforming an
***anization is much like having heart surgery while running a
marathon without a finish line.
Written by Gary Cokins, one of the most well-known gurus of
performance management, Performance Management: Integrating
Strategy Execution, Methodologies, Risk, and Analytics is your
finish line!
Beginning with a tongue-in-cheek de*ion of how not to pursue
a performance management culture, this big-picture book clarifies
what performance management really is, what it does, how it enables
better decisi*** and how to make it work. Revealing the relevant
***ects of performance management, it discusses why integration of
multiple management methodologies and behavioral change management
are crucial to overcome managers and employees' natural resistance
to change.
In Performance Management: Integrating Strategy Execution,
Methodologies, Risk, and Analytics, you will discover:
How to successfully implement and integrate the various
methodologies of performance management
How methodologies like forecasting demand, measuring performance,
measuring segmented profits and costs, and planning for resource
levels can themselves be integrated
Why ***ytics of all flavors, and especially predictive
***ytics, improves decision ***
The importance of behavioral and change management issues
The difference between business intelligence and performance
How to measure and manage customer profitability and future
How governance and social resp***ibilities for people and the
environment can be addressed using the same performance management
methodologies used to improve an individual enterprise's economic
The role risk management plays in performance management
What a future vision of enterprise risk-based performance
management may include
Part of the Wiley and SAS Business Series, Performance Management
is an invaluable resource providing guidance, wisdom, and ***
to all industry leaders and managers. A compilation of the author's
media articles and blogs, it is an in-sightful reflection of his
gift for demystifying the complicated. Engaging and intuitive, it
explores what it will take for you—and every CEO, CFO, vice
president, and manager—to successfully implement the full vision of
the performance management framework within your ***anization.
Gary Cokins is Global Product Marketing Manager for Performance Management at SAS, the world's leader in business ***ytics, data management and performance management software. An internationally recognized expert, speaker, and author on advanced cost management and performance improvement systems, he works closely with SAS customers, partners, industry ***ysts, and internal stakeholders to ensure that SAS continues to deliver high-value soluti*** to the market that meet the needs of customers worldwide.
"A highly accessible collection of essays on contemporary
thinking in performance management. Readers will get excellent
overviews on the Balanced Scorecard, strategy maps, incentives,
management accounting, activity-based costing, customer lifetime
value, and sustainable shareholder value creation."
--Robert S. Kaplan, Harvard Business School; coauthor of The
Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, The Execution
Premium, and many other books
"Gary Cokins ***s in this book that performance
management is not a mysterious black art, but a structured,
process-oriented discipline. If you want your performance
management system to be a smoothly running ***ytical machine, read
and apply the ideas in this book—it's all you need."
--Thomas H. Davenport, President's Distinguished Professor of
Information Technology and Management, Babson College; coauthor of
Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning
"Drawing on a deep reservoir of knowledge and experience gained
from hundreds of customer engagements around the world, Gary Cokins
offers an authoritative examination of the major dimensi*** of
performance management. Cokins not only paints a rich and textured
view of the major principles and concepts driving performance
management implementati***, he offers a nuanced look at the
important subtleties that can spell the difference between success
and failure. This is an informative and enjoyable text to
--Wayne Eckerson, Director of Research, The Data Warehouse
Institute (TDWI); author of Performance Dashboards: Measuring,
Monitoring, and Managing Your Business
Praise for "Praise for Performance Management: Integrating Strategy Execution, Methodologies, Risk, and Analytics" "A highly accessible collection of essays on contemporary thinking in performance management. Readers will get excellent overviews on the Balanced Scorecard, strategy maps, incentives, management accounting, activity-based costing, customer lifetime value, and sustainable shareholder value creation." --Robert S. Kaplan, Harvard Business School; coauthor of "The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, The Execution Premium," and many other books "Gary Cokins ***s in this book that performance management is not a mysterious black art, but a structured, process-oriented discipline. If you want your performance management system to be a smoothly running ***ytical machine, read and apply the ideas in this book--it's all you need." --Thomas H. Davenport, President's Distinguished Professor of Information Technology and Management, Babson College; coauthor of "Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning" "Drawing on a deep reservoir of knowledge and experience gained from hundreds of customer engagements around the world, Gary Cokins offers an authoritative examination of the major dimensi*** of performance management. Cokins not only paints a rich and textured view of the major principles and concepts driving performance management implementati***, he offers a nuanced look at the important subtleties that can spell the difference between success and failure. This is an informative and enjoyable text to read " --Wayne Eckerson, Director of Research, The Data Warehouse Institute (TDWI); author of "Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business" " In this] very insightful book, the view of an integrated performance management framework with a goal to link various operational activities with business strategy is an excellent approach to manage and improve business. Gary's explanation of risk-based performance management, for providing the capability to achieve long-term objectives with reliably calculated risks, is definitely thought provoking." --Srini Pallia, Global Head and Vice President of Business Technology Services, Wipro Technologies, Bangalore, India "Gary Cokins is clearly one of the world's thought leaders in the area of performance management, and the need for integrated performance management, improvement and execution is clearly at a premium in these challenging economic times. This book is a must read for CEOs, CFOs, and management accountants around the globe seeking higher levels of sustainable business performance for their stakeholders." --Jeffrey C. Thomson, President and CEO, Institute of Management Accountants
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