I Am Number Four 关键第四号I***N9780061969577 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

I Am Number Four 关键第四号I***N9780061969577精美图片
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I Am Number Four 关键第四号I***N9780061969577书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780061969577
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-08
  • 页数:440
  • 价格:40.60
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. We live among you. But we are not you. We can do things you dream of doing. We have powers you dream of having. We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen. We are the superheroes you worship in movies and comic books—but we are real. Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and become one, and fight them. But they found us and started hunting us first. Now all of us are running. Spending our lives in shadows, in places where no one would look, blending in. we have lived among you without you knowing. But they know. They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They killed them all. I am Number Four. I am next.




  Pittacus Lore is Lorien’s ruling Elder. He has been on Earth for the last twelve years, preparing for the war that will decide Earth’s fate. His whereabouts are unknown.




  Amazon Best Books of the Month, August 2010: John Smith has just arrived in Paradise, Ohio, just another stop in a string of small towns where the 15-year-old has been hiding out from the Mogadorians. Those terrifying aliens are hellbent on destroying him and the other nine Loric children who have sought refuge on Earth. The Mogadorians are picking off the surviving kids in numerical order. The first three are dead and John's number is up. Will his Legacies, his defining super powers, develop in time for him to fight against the enemy? I Am Number Four is a breathless page-turner of a sci-fi novel that will have readers rooting for the teen alien who must unleash his fire power to save himself, his human friends, and the planet. This is the first of a slated multi-book series that, judging by this first book, will help reinvigorate a traditional YA genre that's grown a bit light on strong character development. So, gear-up sci-fi fans, the battle for Earth is on and there's a new kid in town! --Lauren Nemroff Will Hill and Pittacus Lore: Author One-on-One Will Hill's new thrilling trilogy kicks off with Department Nineteen. Recently he was able to ask some questi*** of the mysterious Pittacus Lore. Read the resulting Amazon-exclusive interview below, or turn the tables to see what happened when Pittacus interviewed Will. Will: Number Four is told to blend in but he finds this a difficult task. Being a mysterious figure yourself, has this ever happened to you? Pittacus: I have always taken great care to conceal my identity. I change my appearance regularly. I do not speak or correspond with many people. No one has ever suspected me of being what I am, which is an alien military leade***ith superpowers. If anyone ever does, it will be a bad day for me. Will: Why is now the time to write the unknown history of the planet Lorien and the Nine? What do you think the people of Earth can learn from the Lorien Legacies? Pittacus: We are in the middle of a war to save the remaining Lorien, and to save earth. We thought the people of earth might want to know about it. I hope humanity does not make the same mistake we did on our planet, which was to be unprepared the day war arrived on a grand scale. Will: Who do you think would win in a fight, Dracula or a Mogadorian? Pittacus: Dracula wouldn’t stand a chance. If he tried to drink Mogadorian blood he’d poison himself. It’s would be like drinking battery acid. Will: Number Four has his legacies as his best weapon. Do you think John could be an agent of Department Nineteen? Pittacus: Once we have vanquished the Mogadorians, maybe that is what he will become. He certainly has some mad skills. Will: Sarah in I Am Number Four is in love with an alien. Jamie in Department Nineteen is falling for a vampire named Larissa. What makes young love just so difficult? Do you think these crazy kids/vampires/aliens will ever make it work? Pittacus: Love is a beautiful and confusing thing. I hope they all live happily ever after. Will: I Am Number Four has made the perfect action sci-fi movie. What has it been like to see this come to life on the big screen? Pittacus: It’s been thrilling and fun and very cool. We’re hoping to see all six of the books become films. Will: What can we expect in The Power of Six? Pittacus: Six is a powerful young woman. Mogadorians fear her. In The Power of Six, we see why.






《I Am Number Four (关键第四号)》:9名十几岁的外星少年,逃离自己被外族毁灭的星球来到地球并拥有了超能力,就当他们在地球被同化、逐渐适应这里的高中生活时,其中一人察觉到,毁灭他们星球的敌人也跟着他们也来到了地球……

有“超人版暮色”之称的《I Am Number Four (关键第四号)》近日连续曝光了6支新片段以及部分新剧照,这部讲述着来自外星球的超能人潜伏在青春校园的科幻动作片来自《变形金刚》导演迈克尔•贝的监制,和《鹰眼》导演D•J•卡卢索的执导,不管剧情看起来如何的“少女+暮色”情怀,但本片的各式大场面和俊男靓女不可错过,同时,《I Am Number Four (关键第四号)》已经定于2月28日以普通2D和IMAX2D两种形式全面登陆中国内地大银幕。

外表帅气的当红偶像亚历克斯•帕蒂弗领衔出演本片主人公约翰•史密斯,他正是这9名外星少年的领头人“第4号”。2007年,17岁的亚历克斯因主演根据著名儿童小说改编的电影《风暴突击者》一炮而红,此片还曾引进中国内地上映。今年他还有一部备受期待的作品便是与瓦妮莎•哈金斯联袂主演的奇幻爱情片《野兽男孩》。除此之外,《I Am Number Four (关键第四号)》还汇聚了多位青春***的当红偶像,因美剧《欢乐合唱团》而人气直升的迪安娜•阿格隆出演女主角莎拉,她后来爱上“第4号”和其成为知己。此外,有刚刚在今年迪士尼奇幻大片《魔法师的学徒》中亮相的美少女泰莉莎•帕尔墨,她在本片中出演外星少年中的“第6号”。


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