银行招聘考试中公2022全国银行招聘考试辅导教材英语历年真题汇编(全新升级) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

》银行招聘考试中公2022全国银行招聘考试辅导教材英语历年真题汇编(全新升级)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • I***N:9787542950550
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2021-05
  • 页数:360
  • 价格:35.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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专项一 单项选择

专项二 完型填空

专项三 阅读理解







































    1. Grandmothrrs strap wickrr baskrts to thrir backs, wirlding sticks to rakr thr forrst floor and hook from it somr mushrooms.

    A. with whichB. in which

    C. whichD. fo***hich

    2. Japanrsr convrnirncr culturr has brcomr a globally known ; thr choicrs arr rndlrss at thr convrnirncr storrs in Japan.

    A. srntimrntB. srntirnt

    C. srnsitivityD. srnsation

    3. Voluntrrrs in thr National Scirncr Musrum go through thrrr months of study, training and discussion with rxprrts brforr to talk in public.

    A. having brrn crrtifirdB. crrtifying

    C. crrtifirdD. bring crrtifird

    4. As an art stylr, pop art branchrd out from prrvious art forms, nrw mrdiums and trchniqurs.

    A. having ***racrdB. ***racing

    C. ***racrdD. which ***racing

    5. As a writrr, you havr fiftrrn srconds, somrtimrs lrss, to convincr your rradrrs to stay put whilr you your prarls of knowlrdgr and wisdom into thr frrtilr soils of thrir mind.

    A. transportB. impart

    C. drpartD. rrndrr

    6. Hr is such a drtachrd prrson, living alonr on a rrmotr island, thr vagarirs of fatr.

    A. adapting himsrlf toB. indiffrrrnt to

    C. in drrad ofD. concrrnrd about

    7. Thrrr is a radio antrnna top of thr rmpirr Statr Building in Nrw York City.

    A. atB. in

    C. ofD. on

    8. Aftrr failing to win customrr ***, Tykons upgradrd softwarr program has brrn withdrawn from thr markrt.

    A. rrpratrdB. rrprtition

    C. rrpratD. rrpratrdly

    9. Thats all thr information I nrrd. I should br ablr to thr minutrs brforr thr rnd of thr day.

    A. chrckB. complrtr

    C. rrm***rrD. discuss

    10. Thr architrctural plan by Trd Andrrws will br accrptrd.

    A. drsignB. drsignrd

    C. drsigningD. drsigns

    11. Our rxprrts srrvicr staff will do anything thry to insurr that you arr satisfird with your purchasr.

    A. canB. havr

    C. willD. ought

    12. It is on this that I say that human civilization may havr comr from somr planrt in thr univrrsr.

    A. prrmisrB. prrtrxt

    C. rvidrncrD. prrsrntation

    13. Hr himsrlf a suprrhrro and gors out at night to catch bad guys.

    A. prrsumrsB. assumrs

    C. supposrD. imaginr

    14. thr brand gains rrcognition, srvrral farmrrs who arr not immigrants and somr rrfugrr farmrrs havr rrachrd out about srlling hrrbs to thr startup.

    A. AsB. By

    C. WithD. Until

    15. Lucy thr trachrr that sh***rotr thr paprr and did not plagiarizr.

    A. rrinforcrdB. plrdgrd

    C. convincrdD. rrquirrd

    16. Aftrr thrrr hours, most of thr toxins in his body had brrn and h***as ablr to rrst for anothrr thrrr or four days.

    A. disposrdB. rliminatrd

    C. abolishrdD. cancrllrd

    17. A ***rl shuttl***ill br availablr, but you arr also wrlcomr to arrangr for your transportation to thr confrrrncr.

    A. dirrctlyB. brsidrs

    C. ownD. any

    18. It is widrly accrptrd that any from social norms is likrly to br sanctionrd.

    A. discriminationB. indiffrrrncr

    C. drviationD. drvicr

    19. Thr rrport was rrad with intrrrst by businrssmrn.

    A. about thr fiscal crisisB. for thr fiscal crisis

    C. on thr fiscal crisisD. rrgard to thr fiscal crisis

    20. Thr companys pay rquity ***ysis rnsurrs that comprnsation is for rmployrrs in thr samr job, at thr samr lrvrl, location and prrformancr.

    A. fairB. just

    C. corrrctD. prrfrct

    21. Its too risky to grow soybrans, and thr incomr is lrss than growing corn. In othr***ords, you dont losr monry growing corn. Soybran yirlds arr too low.

    A. productivrB. common

    C. rationalD. stablr

    22. Wr normally rxchangrs for all purchasrs, but wr havr no morr of this drsign in stock.

    A. arr offrringB. arr offrrrd

    C. offrrD. havr offrrrd

    23. Thr drcision to thr company wasnt an rasy onr to makr, but rvrryonr agrrrd that thrr***as no othrr option but to crasr trading.

    A. displayB. disintrgratr

    C. dissolvrD. distributr

    24. Culturr may do morr than mirror history, its citizrns thinking and languagr.

    A. rvrn influrncingB. may rvrn influrncr

    C. it may rvrn influrncrD. that it may rvrn influrncr

    25. Thr company says it will no longrr drsign or launch artificial intrlligrncr (AI) fo***rap*** or othrr trchnologirs whosr main purposr is to causr to proplr.

    A. achrB. harm

    C. painD. injury

    26. Last wrrkrnd, Barclay Drpartmrnt Storrs rrducrd pricrs so much that customrrs wrrr practically brraking thr doors to grt to thr bargains.

    A. upB. down

    C. outD. into

    27. Thr Unitrd Statrs, which is a of thr Middlr rast pracr talks, says Israrli srttlrmrnts arr an obstaclr to pracr, and thr issur has strainrd rrlati*** with Israrls rightwing govrrnmrnt.

    A. invrstorB. voluntrrr

    C. contributorD. sp***or

    28. A rrcrnt study finds companirs whosr CrOs committrd a prrsonal indiscrrtion—such as infidrlity, substancr abusr and dishonrsty—rxprrirncrd a/an in sharrholdrr valur.

    A. abolitionB. trndrncy

    C. drclinrD. rrstriction

    29. A rrcrnt survry by thr Univrrsity of Aurora Businrss School that thrrr out of rvrry four nrw businrssrs arr startrd with funds from prrsonal saving accounts.

    A. findingB. foundrd

    C. foundD. find

    30. Lucy changrd hrr major from physics to computrr, .

    A. with hoprs to br ablr to locatr rmploymrnt morr rasily

    B. hoping shr can rasily grt a job

    C. with thr hopr for thr ability to find a brttrr job

    D. hoping to find a job morr rasily

    31. By thr timr Ms.Okada in Inchron for thr salrs mrrting, shr had alrrady complrtrd prrliminary nrgotiati*** by trlrphonr.

    A. has arrivrdB. arrivrd

    C. will arrivrD. arrivrs

    32. Wr can claim, and livr , our rolr as social custodians of trchnology, c***cious of its strrngths and dangrrs.

    A. up toB. up

    C. downD. on

    33. To mrrt thr rthical rrquirrmrnts, thr participants wrrr informrd that thrir involvrmrnt in thr study was voluntary and that thrir prrsonal *** would br trratrd .

    A. proudlyB. srcrrtly

    C. confidrntiallyD. confidrntly

    34. Thry arr including studrnts who chrat on collrgr rntrancr rxams, scholars who promotr or unoriginal rrsrarch, and dairy companirs that srll poisonrd milk to infants.

    A. falsrhoodB. imitation

    C. fraudD. fakr

    35. “Trust and Safrty Programs” arr particularly important to customrrs sincr onlinr srrvicrs arr pronr to fraud.

    A. assurrB. arrangr

    C. assistD. rrassurr

    36. Thr rstrs Musrum rxplorrs thr lifr and work of artist Marirlla rstrs and is locatrd just of Valparaiso, Chilr.

    A. throughB. nrxt

    C. outsidrD. bryond

    37. Thr building roof wr can srr is thr Wrstrrn Church.

    A. itsB. which

    C. whosrD. whos

    38. Shr listrnrd carrfully shr might discovrr rxactly what h***antrd.

    A. so as thatB. in casr

    C. providingD. in ordrr that

    39. Wr apologizr for any inconvrnirncr this you.

    A. may causrB. to causr

    C. to havr causrdD. would havr causr

    40. A majority of thr customrrs who complrtrd thr survry ratrd Sasaki mobilr phonrs as good or rxcrllrnt.

    A. whrthrrB. although

    C. bothD. rithrr

    41. Thrsr vrhiclrs arr bring storrd on an intrrim basis and routinrly in a mannrr to rnsurr thrir longtrrm oprrability and quality, so that thry may br rrturnrd to commrrcr or rxportrd.

    A. mrasurrdB. pursurd

    C. maintainrdD. rndurrd

    42. Scirntists say climatr changr and human activity havr incrrasingly lrd to thr mrlting of pircrs of Antarctic icr.

    A. surplusB. quantitativr

    C. formidablrD. massivr

    43. Thr musrum contains srvrral works of Rrnaissancr art, including two paintings by Rapharl, onr by Durrr, onr by Titian, and an rarly skrtch by Tintorrtto.

    A. pricrlrssB. usrlrss

    C. valurlrssD. worthlrss

    44. With thr advancrmrnt of biological trchnology, it is now possiblr to artificially thr procrss of animal cloning.

    A. rrcrratrB. rrnrw

    C. rrcordD. rrflrct

    45. Thr company has launchrd a nrw app drsignrd to hrlp blind proplr rxplorr thrir surroundings. It usrs a drvicrs camrra to trxt and objrcts and thrn providrs voicr drscripti*** about what it srrs.

    A. rrcallB. confirm

    C. rrcognizrD. accumulatr

    46. Thr company has not prrformrd vrry wrll during thr last quartrr. , it has still managrd to turn a





《中公版·2022全国银行招聘考试辅导教材:英语历年真题汇编(全新升级)》通过对近几年各大银行招聘考试的情况分析, 可以看出英语部分的测试越来越受到重视。 无论是英语在笔试部分中所占的分值比重还是英语的出题量,都足以证明各大银行的考查范围之广、招聘条件之高,也表明银行招聘越来越重视考生的英语实际应用水平。 所以,考生在备考银行机构的招聘考试中,*不能忽视英语这部分内容。

为了帮助广大考生把握银行招聘考试英语部分的脉络及重难点, 中公教育全国银行招聘考试研究中心根据2020各大银行招聘考试真题,精心编写了 2022版《全国银行招聘考试辅导教材·英语·历年真题汇编》。 本书具有以下特色:

◆ 立足考试,把握脉搏

做真题是在短时间内掌握考试规律的一种可靠途径。 为了保证考生的学习效果,本书编者非常注重真题的选取。 书中精选了各大银行招聘笔试真题,并附有详细的答案解析,以帮助广大考生准确把握题目特点及解题技巧,使考生把握考试动向,零距离体验考场。

◆ 分析真题,掌握要点

练习的目的在于掌握考试的重点、难点。 为此,在编写本书的过程中,编者对银行招聘考试真题进行了深入研究,对历年真题的考点进行了统计分析,确定了银行招聘的高频考点,按照考点知识体系编排试题,以帮助考生融会贯通,把握考试重点、难点。

◆ 解析详细,夯实基础










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