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In this beautifully written account, Julian Young provides the
most comprehensive biography available today of the life and
philosophy of the nineteenth-century German philosopher Friedrich
Nietzsche. Young deals with the many puzzles created by the
conjunction of Nietzsche's personal history and his work: why the
son of a Lutheran pastor developed into the self-styled
'Antichrist'; why this archetypical Prussian came to loath
Bismarck's Prussia; and why this enemy of feminism preferred the
company of feminist women. Setting Nietzsche's thought in the
context of his times - the rise of Prussian militarism,
anti-Semitism, Darwinian science, the 'Youth' and emancipationist
movements, as well as the 'death of God' - Young emphasises the
decisive influence of Plato and of Richard Wagner on Nietzsche's
attempted reform of Western culture.
· Only comprehensive account of both life and works. Written by
an author trained in both history and philosophy · Recognises and
explains, for the first time, the decisive and continuing influence
of Richard Wagner on Nietzsche's thought · Web based audio files of
Nietzsche's musical compositi*** provide a valuable insight into
Nietzsche's thinking
List of Illustrati*** x
Acknowledgments xiii
List of Abbreviati*** xv
Part One Youth
CHAPTER 1 Da Capo 3
R?cken 3
Naumburg 12
God 18
CHAPTER 2 Pforta 21
A Divided Heritage 22
The Curriculum 26
The Germania Society 27
Religious Doubt 28
Teenage *** 29
New Friends 31
Leaving School 32
Li***ry Works 1858–1864 33
Religion 33
Music 37
Tragedy 40
Poetry 41
Morality and Politics 46
Homeland versus World Citizenship 49
Fate and Freedom 50
CHAPTER 3 Bonn 51
Free at Last 51
Beer-Drinking on the Rhine 53
The Cologne Brothel 55
David Strauss and the Critique of Christianity 56
Leaving Bonn 61
CHAPTER 4 Leipzig 63
Getting Settled 63
Happy Times 64
The Study of Classics 67
War and Politics 69
Military Service 72
Return to Leipzig: First Meeting with Wagner 74
‘Fairy-Tale-Like and Seven-League-Bootish’ 78
CHAPTER 5 Schopenhauer 81
The World as Will and Representation 81
Nietzsche's Conversion 86
The Impact of Kant and Lange 89
Criticising Schopenhauer 90
Rec***tructing Schopenhauer 91
Part Two The Reluctant Professor
CHAPTER 6 Basel 99
Basel in 1870 99
University Life 101
Colleagues and Friends 103
Burckhardt 103
Overbeck 104
Isle of the Blessed 105
The End of an Idyll 110
CHAPTER 7 Richard Wagner and the Birth of The Birth of
Tragedy 112
The Wagnerian Worldview 113
The Artwork of the Future 118
The Impact of Schopenhauer 119
The Wisdom of Silenus 124
Homer's Art 126
Greek Tragedy 127
The Role of Myth 130
Solution to the Riddle of Wagner's Relation to the Greeks 131
Socrates and the Death of Tragedy 132
What Is Wrong with The Way We Are Now? 132
CHAPTER 8 War and Aftermath 135
The Franco-Prussian War 136
Nietzsche's War 137
The Aftermath 138
Violence 139
Prussia 141
On the Future of Our Educational Instituti*** 142
CHAPTER 9 Anal Philology 148
Rohde's ‘Higher Advertising’ 150
Wilamowitz's Counterblast 151
Alienation of Ritschl 152
Wagner's Intervention 153
Von Bülow and the ‘Manfred Meditation’ 154
Retreat to the Mountains 155
Anal-Compulsive Philology 156
Existential Philology 156
Relati*** with the Wagners 157
Five Prefaces to Five Unwritten Books 158
CHAPTER 10Untimely Meditati*** 163
Fun in Basel 163
Gloom in Bayreuth 166
First Untimely Meditation: David Strauss, the Confessor and the
Writer 168
Rest Cure in Flims 171
The Rosalie Nielsen Affair 172
Summ*** to the Germans 173
Second Untimely Meditation: The Uses and Disadvantages of History
for Life 175
Notes from the Underground 177
CHAPTER 11Aimez-vous Brahms? 182
Depression, Marriage, and Dropping Out 182
Wagner in the Balance 185
The Home Front, a New Publisher, Women 189
Bergün 191
Brahms Banned in Bayreuth 192
Third Untimely Meditation: Schopenhauer as Educator 195
Christmas at Home and the ‘Hymn to Friendship’ 200
CHAPTER 12Auf Wiedersehen Bayreuth 201
We Philologists 203
A Review, a Farewell to Romundt, a Birthday Greeting to Wagner, and
a Health Crisis 205
‘Cure’ in Steinabad 208
A New Apartment and New Friends: Paul Rée and Heinrich K?selitz
Veytaux, Geneva, and a Marriage Proposal 215
Wagner in Bayreuth 217
The First Bayreuth Festival 223
Return to Bayreuth and a Flirtation 226
CHAPTER 13Sorrento 229
Going South 230
Malwida von Meysenbug 230
The Villa Rubinacci 232
Rosenlaui: Nietzsche and Sherlock Holmes 235
Back in Basel 238
The Shocking Incident of the Friendly Doctor and the Doctoring
Friend 239
CHAPTER 14Human, All-Too-Human 241
The Turn to Positivism 242
The Free Spirit: Nietzsche and the Life-Reform Movement 244
The Monastery for Free Spirits 247
Human, All-Too-Human: The Attack on Metaphysics 249
Why Dec***truct Metaphysics? 255
Nietzsche's Higher Culture 260
The Theory of Cultural Evolution 261
Rational Living: Slavery, Punishment, Euthanasia, Eugenics,
C***ervation 262
Religion and Art in a Higher Culture 263
Globalization 266
The Problem of Free Will 267
On Man's Need for Metaphysics 268
Part ThreeThe Nomad
CHAPTER 15The Wanderer and His Shadow 273
Reception of Human, All-Too-Human 273
Assorted Opini*** and Maxims 275
Leaving Basel 276
St. Moritz 277
Health and Epicurus 277
The Wanderer and His Shadow 281
Building Walden Two 285
Women 287
Is Nietzsche a Democrat? 288
Naumburg, Riva, Venice, Marienbad, Stresa 289
Genoa, Recoaro, and Sils Maria 293
CHAPTER 16Dawn 296
A Book for Slow Readers 296
Happiness 297
The Theoretical Framework 299
Critique of Christian Metaphysics 300
Critique of Christian Morality 301
The Counter-Ideal to Christianity 303
Self-Creation 304
The Paradox of Happiness 307
The Heroic-Idyllic 308
Benevolent Egoism 309
Concrete Advice 312
The Status of the Theoretical Framework 313
CHAPTER 17The Gay Science 316
First Summer in Sils Maria 316
Enter Eternal Return 318
Second Winter in Genoa 320
Carmen, St. Januarius, Rée, and Sarah Bernhardt 321
Messina 324
Idylls from Messina 325
The Gay Science 326
The Main Argument 326
Cultural Evolution 327
The Way We Are Now 329
Nietzsche's Future 330
Life as an Artwork 334
Reality, Truth, and Knowledge 337
CHAPTER 18The Salomé Affair 339
Lou Salomé 339
Nietzsche in Rome 340
The Mystery of Sacro Monte and the ‘Whip’ P***ograph 342
Underhand Dealings 343
Nietzsche in Tautenburg 345
Elizabeth versus Lou 346
She Said She Said He Said 347
Lou in Tautenburg 349
To Pain 350
Family Rupture 352
The End of the Affair 353
Aftermath 353
CHAPTER 19Zarathustra 357
Retreat to Rapallo 357
Anti-anti-Semitism 358
Nietzsche as Wagner's ‘Heir’ 359
Second Summer in Sils Maria 360
Continuation of the Salomé Affair 361
The Shadow of Bernhard F?rster 363
First Winter in Nice 364
Two Disciples 365
A New Bible 366
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: The Prologue 367
Zarathustra Part I: The Speeches of Zarathustra 369
Zarathustra Part II 375
Zarathustra Part III 380
Zarathustra Part IV 383
The Ass Festival 384
CHAPTER 20Nietzsche's Circle of Women 387
Joseph Paneth 387
Resa von Schirnhofer 388
The ‘Other’ Nietzsche 389
Meta von Salis 390
Third Summer in Sils Maria 390
Helen Zimmern 391
Heinrich von Stein 392
Reconciliation with Elizabeth in Zurich 394
Helene Druskowicz 395
Second Winter in Nice 395
Fourth Summer in Sils Maria 396
Nietzsche and His Feminist Friends 398
The F?rsters 400
The ‘Schmeitzner Misère’ 401
Third Winter in Nice 402
Nietzsche's Cosmopolitanism 403
Publishing Beyond Good and Evil 404
‘Dynamite’, ‘Junker Philosophy’, ‘Pathological’ 405
CHAPTER 21Beyond Good and Evil 407
The Heart of Darkness 407
Theoretical Philosophy: The ‘Prejudices’ of Metaphysicians
The Metaphysics of Power 414
Epistemology 416
Cultural Criticism 417
How to Overcome Diseased Modernity: Philosophers of the Future
Nietzsche's ‘Republic’ 423
Hierarchy 424
The Slavery Issue 425
Women Again 427
Morality, Religion, and Art in the New World 429
CHAPTER 22Clearing the Decks 432
Fifth Summer in Sils Maria 432
Explosi*** Below 433
Hymn to Life 433
A Month in the Country 435
Fourth Winter in Nice 436
Preparati*** for Greatness 436
The Prefaces of 1886 437
The Gay Science, Book V: Being Scientific about Science 439
The Wanderer Speaks 443
Nietzsche's Undiscovered Land 444
Communal Health 445
Mental Health 446
‘A Lovely Thought: Via Sils to Greece!’ 448
CHAPTER 23The Genealogy of Morals 450
Parsifal, Dostoyevsky, and a ‘Well-Intentioned’ Earthquake
Youths and Anti-Semites 452
Intermezzo 452
Depressed in Chur 453
Fifth Summer in Sils Maria 454
Fifth and Final Winter in Nice 457
Li***ry Projects 459
On the Genealogy of Morals 460
First Essay: ‘Good and Evil’, ‘Good and Bad’ 461
The First Essay's Contribution to a Vision of the Future 464
Second Essay: The Morality of Custom and the Sovereign Individual
Origins of the Bad C***cience 468
The Second Essay's Contribution to a Vision of the Future 470
Third Essay: What Do Ascetic Ideals Mean? 471
Wagner and the Ascetic Ideal 471
Sex and the Philosopher 472
Perspectivism and Objectivity 473
The Ascetic Ideal as Practised and Propagated by Priests 476
The Ascetic Ideal in Modernity 478
What Is Wrong with the Ascetic Ideal? 479
Science and the Ascetic Ideal 480
Masters of the Universe 482
The Question of Method 483
CHAPTER 241888 485
Winter in Nice 485
First Visit to Turin 486
Sic Incipit Gloria Mundi 487
Last Summer in Sils Maria 489
Visitors 490
Writings in Sils Maria: The Wagner Case 492
Décadence 493
The Story of The Ring 495
Writings in Sils Maria: Twilight of the Idols 497
What Is the Nature of Reality? 498
What Is Freedom? 499
What Is Happiness? 500
Why Is Willing the Eternal Return ‘Dionysian’? 501
How Can an ‘Immoralist’ Deal with Harmful Acti***? 503
Isn't Selfishness Harmful? 505
What's Wrong with the Germans? 506
What Would You Like to See Replace Modern Culture? 508
What Is the Place of Art in Your New Society? 508
Last Stay in Turin 509
The Antichrist 509
Judaism and the Origin of Slave Morality 510
The Historical Jesus 511
Paul's Perversion 512
The Charges against Christianity 512
The Great Noon 514
Religion in Nietzsche's ‘Republic’ 517
Ecce Homo 518
How One Becomes What One Is 520
What Nietzsche Became 522
Deploying the Artillery 523
Nietzsche's Mental Condition 525
CHAPTER 25Catastrophe 528
Becoming God 528
The Horse Story 531
CHAPTER 26The Rise and Fall of The Will to Power 534
The Casaubon Impulse 536
The Explanation of All Events 537
Revaluation of All Values 539
History of a Failed Li***ry Project 540
Intellectual Cleanliness 542
The Cosmological Doctrine 543
The Biological Doctrine 545
The Psychological Doctrine 546
What Remains of the Will to Power? 547
The Problem of the ‘Healthy M***ter’ 548
CHAPTER 27The End 550
In the Basel Clinic 550
In the Jena Asylum 551
In Naumburg 552
Becoming a Star 553
Elizabeth Cashes In 554
The Shrine in Weimar 556
Nietzsche's Death 558
CHAPTER 28Nietzsche's Madness 559
Chronology 563
Notes 569
Bibliography of Secondary Li***ture 633
"Ranging across the events of Nietzsche's life, Julian Young combines biography with a detailed description of his philosophy. The book will delight the general reade***ho knows little about Nietzsche's ideas. The specialist will learn where Young stands in relation to the voluminous scholarship on Nietzsche."
- Christopher Cumo, Independent Scholar, Canadian Journal of History
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