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“The One Page Business Plan:The Fastest, Easiest Way to Write a Business Plan“一页纸搞定商业计划的快速、简易方法电子书下载地址
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Business planning has finally been simplified to One Page! Bankers require them. Business educators advocate them. C***ultants make their living writing them. And venture capitalists won't give you the time of day without one...but most entrepreneurs or small business owners can't o***on't write a business plan; it's just too difficult. "The One Page Business Plan" is designed to act as a catalyst for ideas. It's a powerful tool for building and managing a business. Entrepreneurs like to think and move fast and the concept of a traditional business plan may be out of the question. This is an innovative, fresh approach to business planning which is short, concise and delivers your plan quickly and effectively. This title features a CD that contains: sample business plans; powerful sales calculators; one page budget worksheet; sales budgeting system; one page performance scorecards; and, bonus tools. Some reviews: Tim Clauss, Co-Author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work": 'The "One Page Business Plan" is an easy-to-use process that helps you capture your vision and translate it into concrete results. Jim has truly streamlined a tiresome, complicated chore. With a return to *** values, *** truths, planning can be fun and creative. A little chicken soup for busy minds and tired souls!'. Paul and Sarah Edwards, The Self Employment Experts, Authors of "Working from Home, Getting Business to Come to You and Secrets of Self Employment": 'Writing a business plan is something every business guru advises but few actually do. Jim Horan's book helps the reluctant change good intenti*** into a plan'.
Author's Note
How to Use This Book
How to Use the CD
1 Introduction
The One Page Business Plan
Uses of the One Page Business Plan
The Power and Magic of Writing
Modelling the New Idea
Why the One Page Business Plan Works
Building a Business Is a Journey
2 The Vision Statement
Brainstorm Exercise: Creating the Company You Want
Interview Exercise
Focus Exercise: Crafting Your Vision Statement
Examples of Vision Statements that Work
Feedback Exercise
3 The Mission Statement
Brainstorm Exercise: What's in it for the customer and you?
Interview Exercise
Focus Exercise: Crafting Your Mission Statement
Examples of Mission Statements
Feedback Exercise
4 The Objectives
Brainstorm Exercise: What accomplishments would you like to celebrate?
Brainstorm Exercise: Where does success come from? What will it look like?
Focus Exercise: What targets will you aim for?
Focus Exercise: What does this business need to accomplish?
Focus Exercise: Crafting Meaningful Objectives
Examples of Objectives
5 The Strategies
Brainstorm Exercise: Key Elements to Building Your Business
Decide Which Strategies are Appropriate for Your Business
Research Exercise: Opportunities and Threats
Focus Exercise: Who are your customers? How will you promote and sell to them
Brainstorm Exercise: What's working in your company?
Focus Exercise: Critical Issues Examination
Focus Exercise: How do we get from here to there?
Focus Exercise: Crafting Meaningful Strategies
Examples of Strategies
6 The Plans
Brainstorm Exercise: Business-Building Projects
Focus Exercise: Integrating Objectives, Strategies, and Plans
Focus Exercise: Crafting Meaningful Plans
Examples of Plans
7 You Did It!
Polishing Checklist
Putting the Plan into Action
One Page Business Plan@ Samples
在线阅读地址:“The One Page Business Plan:The Fastest, Easiest Way to Write a Business Plan“一页纸搞定商业计划的快速、简易方法在线阅读
在线听书地址:“The One Page Business Plan:The Fastest, Easiest Way to Write a Business Plan“一页纸搞定商业计划的快速、简易方法在线收听
在线购买地址:“The One Page Business Plan:The Fastest, Easiest Way to Write a Business Plan“一页纸搞定商业计划的快速、简易方法在线购买
Jim Horan is an experienced Fortune 500 executive, c***ultant,author and speaker. Currently he is CEO of The One Page Business Plan Company, a company he founded in 1990 after 20 years in senior financial positi***. His company, with over 400 senior c***ultants,has helped start and grow over 250,000 businesses and 5,000 non-profits around the world. The company is known for its innovative planning and performance management software and c***ulting services. Notablelarge clients include Oracle, Disney, Herman Miller and M***an Stanley. Jim speaks to audiences across the country, helping leaders systematically make their businesses more profitable. This edition has been revised and updated for UK entrepreneurs.
Business planning has finally been simplified to One Page! Bankers require them. Business educators advocate them. C***ultants make their living writing them. And venture capitalists won't give you the time of day without one...but most entrepreneurs or small business owners can't o***on't write a business plan; it's just too difficult. "The One Page Business Plan" is designed to act as a catalyst for ideas. It's a powerful tool for building and managing a business. Entrepreneurs like to think and move fast and the concept of a traditional business plan may be out of the question. This is an innovative, fresh approach to business planning which is short, concise and delivers your plan quickly and effectively. This title features a CD that contains: sample business plans; powerful sales calculators; one page budget worksheet; sales budgeting system; one page performance scorecards; and, bonus tools. Some reviews: Tim Clauss, Co-Author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work": 'The "One Page Business Plan" is an easy-to-use process that helps you capture your vision and translate it into concrete results. Jim has truly streamlined a tiresome, complicated chore. With a return to *** values, *** truths, planning can be fun and creative. A little chicken soup for busy minds and tired souls!'. Paul and Sarah Edwards, The Self Employment Experts, Authors of "Working from Home, Getting Business to Come to You and Secrets of Self Employment": 'Writing a business plan is something every business guru advises but few actually do. Jim Horan's book helps the reluctant change good intenti*** into a plan'.
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