PETER F.DRUCKER:POST-CAPITALIST SOCIEIY mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云



  • I***N:9780887306617
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1994-04
  • 页数:229
  • 价格:107.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
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  Business guru and author Peter Drucker provides an incisive

***ysis of the majo***orld transformation taking place, from the

Age of Capitalism to the Knowledge Society, and examines the

radical effects it will have on society, politics, and business now

and in the coming years. 50,000 copies already sold in



Introduction: The Transformation


  1. From Capitalism to Knowledge Society

  2. The Society of Organizati***

  3. Labor, Capital, and Their Future

  4. The Productivity of the New Work Forces

  5. The Resp***ibility-Based Organization


  6. From Nation-State to Megastate

  7. Transnationalism, Regionalism, and Tribalism

  8. The Needed Government Turnaround

  9. Citizenship Through the Social Sector


  10. Knowledge: Its Economics and Its Productivity

  11. The Accountable School

  12. The Educated Person




  Peter F. Drucke***as c***idered one of management's top

thinkers. As the author of more than 35 books, his ideas have had

an enormous impact on shaping the modern corporation. In 2002, he

was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. During his lifetime,

Drucke***as a writer, teacher, philosopher, reporter, c***ultant,

and professor at the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate

School of Management at Claremont Graduate University.










唯一功能是自知,即促进个人在智力、道德与精神层面的成长。然而,苏格拉底的劲敌,博学多才的普罗塔哥拉(Protagoras)却认为,知识的作用是使掌握知识的人更有效地知道要说什么和怎么说。对普罗塔哥拉而言,知识意味着逻辑、文法与修辞,它们后来成为中世纪学问的核心,随后逐渐发展成为现在我们所讲的“人文教育”(liberal education)






  Drucker''s vision of a "post-capitalist society"--one in which

knowledge is the basic resource and nation-states compete with

transnational, regional and tribal structures--is hardly original.

What is new in this invigorating essay is his far-reaching ***ysis

of the economic crisis of militarized, wasteful "megastates" like

the United States and the former Soviet Union, which have failed to

bring about a meaningful redistribution of income. Improving

American productivity, he writes, will require investment in human

resources and infrastructure (as Japan, Germany, Korea and Taiwan

have done) and a drastic restructuring of ***anizati***, including

the elimination of most management layers. The federal goverment,

Drucker asserts, should contract out tasks in the social sphere,

confining itself to the role of policymaker. Among his other

provocative proposals: jettison military aid to other countries;

create a public audit agency to eliminate pork-barrel deals and

special-interest politics; and hold schools accountable for

students'' performance. He also urges the creation of transnational

instituti*** to cope with the environment, terrorism and arms


    Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text

refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this


  From Publishers Weekly

  Drucker''s vision of a "post-capitalist society"--one in which

knowledge is the basic resource and nation-states compete with

transnational, regional and tribal structures--is hardly original.

What is new in this invigorating essay is his far-reaching ***ysis

of the economic crisis of militarized, wasteful "megastates" like

the United States and the former Soviet Union, which have failed to

bring about a meaningful redistribution of income. Improving

American productivity, he writes, will require investment in human

resources and infrastructure (as Japan, Germany, Korea and Taiwan

have done) and a drastic restructuring of ***anizati***, including

the elimination of most management layers. The federal goverment,

Drucker asserts, should contract out tasks in the social sphere,

confining itself to the role of policymaker. Among his other

provocative proposals: jettison military aid to other countries;

create a public audit agency to eliminate pork-barrel deals and

special-interest politics; and hold schools accountable for

students'' performance. He also urges the creation of transnational

instituti*** to cope with the environment, terrorism and arms


  Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers

to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.   

  From Library Journal

  Drucker, the leading guru of management ( Managing the Nonprofit

Organization , HarperCollins, 1990), argues that we are in the

middle of a great social transformation, akin to the Renaissance,

which is symbolized by the computer. The primary resource is no

longer capital, land, or labor but knowledge (hence

"post-capitalist"). Knowledge has become the means of production

and creates value by "productivity" and "innovation" through its

application to work. The new class of post-capitalist society is

made up of knowledge workers and service workers. (In a similar

vein, Robert B. Reich''s The Work of Nati*** , LJ 3/15/91, terms

knowledge workers "symbolic ***ysts" and service workers "routine

producers" and "in-person servers.") The economic and management

challenge is to make both knowledge and service workers more

productive. The social challenge is to preserve the income and

dignity of service workers (who lack the ability to become

knowledge workers but c***titute the majority of the work force)

and prevent class conflict between the two. This is a provocative

book that synthesizes much of Drucker''s oeuvre. It will be in

demand in both academic and public libraries.

  - Jeffrey R. Herold, Bucyrus P.L., Ohio

  Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers

to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.   

  From Kirkus Reviews

  Perceptive takes on the ``postcapitalist'''' era, which,

according to Drucker (Managing for the Future, 1992, etc.), got

unde***ay shortly after WW II. Every few centuries, the author

notes, the West undergoes a convulsive transformation that, within

50 or so years, ushers in a w*** new world. Identifying the

Renaissance and Industrial Revolution as prior turning points, he

asserts that the Global Village is in the midst of another

watershed makeover that has already caused substantive changes in

its economic, moral, political, and social landscapes. Drucker

argues, for instance, that the same forces that put paid to Marxism

as an ideology and Communism as a social system are ***

capitalism obsolete as well. In othe***ords, knowledge (not labor,

land, or other forms of capital) has become the planet''s primary

resource. The emergence of so-called ``knowledge workers'''' able

to put their specialized learning and/or competencies to use, he

says, suggests that employees now own ``the means of

production.'''' Although the author concludes that markets will

remain the effective integrators of economic activity, he believes

that the implicati*** of the ongoing shift will prove increasingly

significant for the management of commercial enterprises and other

key instituti***. The same holds true fo***hat Drucker designates

``the post-capitalist polity,'''' in which transnational, regional,

nation-state, even tribal structures compete and coexist. As

concerned with pre*ion as de*ion, the author doesn''t shy

away from calls to action that could make the unstable new world he

envisi*** more productive and peaceable. He advocates, for example,

the encouraging of environments that permit corporati*** to focus

on their core resp***ibilities via partnerships or alliances, and

the nurturing of autonomous nonprofit ***anizati*** that will

restore the bonds of community as well as deliver grass-roots

services. A thinking person''s guide to the challenging world

ahead. -- Copyright ©1993, Kirkus Associates, LP. All

rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or

unavailable edition of this title.


Drucker's vision of a "post-capitalist society"--one in which knowledge is the basic resource and nation-states compete with transnational, regional and tribal structures--is hardly original. What is new in this invigorating essay is his far-reaching ***ysis of the economic crisis of militarized, wasteful "megastates" like the United States and the former Soviet Union, which have failed to bring about a meaningful redistribution of income. Improving American productivity, he writes, will require investment in human resources and infrastructure (as Japan, Germany, Korea and Taiwan have done) and a drastic restructuring of ***anizati***, including the elimination of most management layers. The federal goverment, Drucker asserts, should contract out tasks in the social sphere, confining itself to the role of policymaker. Among his other provocative proposals: jettison military aid to other countries; create a public audit agency to eliminate pork-barrel deals and special-interest politics; and hold schools accountable for students' performance. He also urges the creation of transnational instituti*** to cope with the environment, terrorism and arms control.


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