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The Authentic Adam Smith: His Life and Ideas (Enterprise) 真实的亚当斯密书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780393061215
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2011-01
  • 页数:256
  • 价格:44.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  In this thorough, encyclopedic study, Buchan goes beyond the modern myth of Adam Smith-father of the laissez-faire approach to free markets and champion of small government-to find a more nuanced view, one that supercedes the narrow views of contemporary disciples such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. Taking the reader deep into Smith's works and beliefs, Buchan produces a thinker as often concerned with philosophy and aesthetics as with economics and finance, a man of immense gifts, nearly unlimited potential, and unrestrained drive who, although he achieved much, "meant to have done more." Smith died at 67 the author of perhaps the first great work of modern economics (The Wealth of Nati***), but still hoping to complete treatises on the visual and performing arts and to revisit his first major book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Buchan clearly knows his subject, as his treatment is detailed and backed up with ample endnotes, and this volume will be of great interest to specialists or those with a strong background in Smith's work. However, the book takes a rather flat approach to its subject, moving evenly and predictably from beginning to end, without any effort at dramatic tension or narrative energy.

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List of Abbreviati*** and References



2.Cave,Tree,Fountain 1746—1 759

3.Pen.knives and Snuff-boxes1759

4.Infidel with a Bag Wig1759—]776

5.Babo*** in the Orchard1776

6.The Forlorn Station]7 76—]790









Philosophy, by representing the invisible chains which bind together all these disjointed objects, endeavours to introduce order into this chaos of jarring and discordant appearances, to allay this tumult of the imagination, and to restore it, when it surveys the great revoluti*** of the universe, to that tone of tranquillity and composure, which is both most agreeable in itself, and most suitable to its nature.

He often appeared, at first, not to be sufficiently possessed of the subject, and spoke with some hesitation. As he advanced, however, the matter seemed to crowd upon him, his manner became warm and animated, and his expression easy and fluent. In points susceptible of controversy, you could easily discern that he secretly conceived an opposition to his opini***, and that he was led upon this account to *** them with great energy and vehemence. By the fulness and variety of his illustrati***, the subject gradually swelled in his hands, and acquired a dimension which, without a tedious repetition of the same views, was calculated to seize the attention of his audience, and to afford them pleasure, as well as instruction, in following the same object, through all the diversity of shades ...

Every part of their education tends evidently to some useful purpose; either to improve the natural attracti*** of their person, or to form their mind to reserve, to modesty, to chastity, and to oeconomy; to render them both likely to become the mistresses of a family, and to behave properly when they have become rich.

Why is it that a picture of a carpet should be more precious to a human being than the carpet itself?

It is the desire not just for this respect, but actually to earn it of becoming the proper objects of this respect, of deserving and obtaining this credit and rank among our equals, is perhaps the strongest of all our desires. This, more than the isolated and systematical appetites seem to be Smith's mature and c***idered thoughts on the sentiments that drive the commercial society.



Celebrated author James Buchan breathes new life into Adam Smith's legacy and the beginnings of modern economics.

The Scottish philosopher Adam Smith (1723-1790) has been adopted by neoc***ervatives as the ideological father of unregulated business and small government. Politicians such as Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan promoted Smith's famous 1776 book, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nati***, as the bible of laissez- faire economics. In this vigorous, crisp, and accessible book, James Buchan refutes much of what modern politicians and economists claim about Adam Smith and shows that, in fact, Smith transcends modern political categories.

Drawing on twenty-five years of research, Buchan ***s that The Wealth of Nati*** and Smith's 1759 masterpiece, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, are just brilliant fragments of one of the most ambitious philosophical enterprises ever attempted: the search for a just foundation for modern commercial society both in private and in public. In an increasingly crowded and discontented world, this search is ever more urgent.


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  • 现实相关:9分

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