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How to Improve the Return on Your Social Marketing
This book more than adequately covers this increasingly
important topic, as social media begins to take its rightful place
on the center stage of not just marketing but a number of business
disciplines. ROI of Social Media is an excellent ***ysis of the
current landscape. I cannot recall any book that singularly tackles
ROI at this level, most media books simply give a passing reference
or chapter on ROI, this is the first comprehensive study. – Larry
Weber, Founder and chairman of W2 Group, Formerly of Weber
We know that for 2011 and the foreseeable future, ROI is one of
the top priorities for the social media strategist at many
companies, ROI of Social Media is the right book at the right time
as social media strategist are needing to work the various
department within the enterprise and show that the investments in
social tactics and tools are a good investment. The 15 case studies
contained in this book will help the social media strategist
understand how global brands are successfully using social
marketing to connect to their audience. – Jeremiah Owyang, Partner,
Altimeter Group
The ROI of Social Media is a must-read for any business looking
to get the most out of their investments in social marketing. It
sets the stage for marketers to in***ct with influencers,
individuals and c***umers and explains the relati***hips between
them. This book breaks down into *** terms both “dollars” and
“sense” for social marketers to live by. Fundamentals, strategies
and tactics …this book has it all. The ROI of Social Media will be
the dog-eared book that sits on the corner of your desk used to
prove many a point. – John Lovett, Senior Partner & Principal
C***ultant, Web Analytics Demystified
Analytics are the core to a c***istently successful marketing
program. This book offers the metrics to manage social marketing
programs, to measure their success, to diagnose underperforming
elements, and to deliver extraordinary results. Kudos to this team
of marketers in putting this essential book together. – Professor
JC Larreche, InSEAD, Author of The Momentum Effect
SECTION 1—Getting Started with Social Media ROI.
Chapter 1—Getting Started with Social Media ROI.
Chapter 2—Social Media Motivati*** and Behaviors.
SECTION 2—The Media Engagement Framework.
Chapter 3—Introduction to the Media Engagement Framework.
Chapter 4—Influencer Persona in the Media Engagement
Chapter 5—C***umer Persona in the Media Engagement
Chapter 6—Individual Persona in the Media Engagement
Chapter 7—The Competitive Set—Vying for Attention.
Chapter 8—The Brand Image.
Chapter 9— Search–Being Found in Social Media.
SECTION 3—Practical Applicati*** of Social Media ROI.
Chapter 10—Putting Values to the "R" and "I" of ROI in Social
Chapter 11—Eight-Step Process to Measuring Social Marketing
Strategy and ROI.
Chapter 12—Social Media Metrics Tools Providers.
SECTION 4—Where Does Social Media Go from Here?
Chapter 13—The Future of Social Media and ROI.
Guy R. Powell is the President and founder of DemandROMI where
over the last 20 years he has helped clients from across the globe
build highly successful and measureable marketing strategies to
drive increased revenue, profit, brand and share. As part of his
c***ulting activities he has trained and/or presented his findings
and methods to thousands of marketers across the globe. His
c***ulting career began with ATKearney delivering strategic and
tactical soluti*** to help companies fuel and maintain
extraordinary growth for mid-tier and Global 1000 companies. He has
experience with many Fortune companies in sectors including CPG,
financial services and high technology. Powell’s educational
background includes an MBA from the University of Chicago and a
BSEE from Lehigh University.
Steven W. Groves is the CEO and lead c***ultant for Social
Marketing Conversati***. As author, podcaster, blogger and digital
polymath, he has worked with some of the most remarkable brands in
social marketing and social media. He has c***ulted with a wide
range of global industries on marketing and business development
needs—c***umer product goods companies, authors and publishers,
real estate professionals, non-profits, banks and software
companies. A sought-after speaker, Steven opened the 2010 Phoenix
SCORE Social Media Conference, the “Social & Traditional
Marketing” track for the 2010 Online Marketing Summit and the
Arizona Small Business Association (A***A) Social Media Symposium in
2009. He has lectured for ASU in the Barrett’s Honors College for
Entrepreneurial Education.
Jerry Dimos is a Partne***ith The LiTMUS Group heading up the
Singapore office. With more than 15 years of management c***ulting
experience centered on strategy, growth and performance improvement
programs for Fortune 500 companies, he has delivered successful
projects across Asia Pacific playing major roles in improving the
performance of complex, global ***anizati***, delivering strategic
and operational improvements within the banking, insurance, energy
and c***umer products sectors. Jerry has an MBA from the Chicago
Booth Graduate School of Business, a Masters from the School of
Engineering, University of Sydney and Post Graduate Degree in
Information Technology from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Jerry is a Chartered Management Accountant, a Certified Management
C***ultant and has been a contributor to many industry
How to Improve the Return on Your Social Marketing Investment This book more than adequately covers this increasingly important topic, as social media begins to take its rightful place on the center stage of not just marketing but a number of business disciplines. ROI of Social Media is an excellent ***ysis of the current landscape. I cannot recall any book that singularly tackles ROI at this level, most media books simply give a passing reference or chapter on ROI, this is the first comprehensive study. – Larry Weber, Founder and chairman of W2 Group, Formerly of Weber Shandwick We know that for 2011 and the foreseeable future, ROI is one of the top priorities for the social media strategist at many companies, ROI of Social Media is the right book at the right time as social media strategist are needing to work the various department within the enterprise and show that the investments in social tactics and tools are a good investment. The 15 case studies contained in this book will help the social media strategist understand how global brands are successfully using social marketing to connect to their audience. – Jeremiah Owyang, Partner, Altimeter Group The ROI of Social Media is a must-read for any business looking to get the most out of their investments in social marketing. It sets the stage for marketers to in***ct with influencers, individuals and c***umers and explains the relati***hips between them. This book breaks down into *** terms both “dollars” and “sense” for social marketers to live by. Fundamentals, strategies and tactics …this book has it all. The ROI of Social Media will be the dog-eared book that sits on the corner of your desk used to prove many a point. – John Lovett, Senior Partner & Principal C***ultant, Web Analytics Demystified Analytics are the core to a c***istently successful marketing program. This book offers the metrics to manage social marketing programs, to measure their success, to diagnose underperforming elements, and to deliver extraordinary results. Kudos to this team of marketers in putting this essential book together. – Professor JC Larreche, InSEAD, Author of The Momentum Effect
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