Brand Against The Machine: How To Build Your Brand, Cut Through The Marketing Noise, And Stand Out From The Competition 9781118103524 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Brand Against The Machine: How To Build Your Brand, Cut Through The Marketing Noise, And Stand Out From The Competition 9781118103524电子书下载地址
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The machine blasts messages at the world and it does not care
who you are o***hat you have to say o***hether its message is
relevant to you at all. The machine is a moron. You, however, are
not. Which is why your brand needs to rage against the traditional
forces of advertising. You must engage your audience and win their
business by giving more and selling less. Yours must be a Brand
Against the Machine.
Brand Against the Machine offers proven and actionable steps
for companies and entrepreneurs to increase their visibility and
credibility, and create an indispensable brand that c***umers can
relate to, creating lifelong customers. Discover the ***irational
currency that makes your brand one that people want to be o***ant
to be friends with. Learn how to be real with your audience and
make strategic associati*** to establish credibility. Brand Against
the Machine will help you stand out, get noticed, and be
Brand Against the Machine offers a blueprint for your brand
framework, with step-by-step guidance, including:
Know who your target audience is and what they want
Define your position as the go-to authority in your industry
Determine your audience's problem and create a solution for
Produce valuable content that attracts your audience and engages
Promote yourself without pestering people
Over-deliver on your promise
The machine is a rusted piece of junk in the marketplace. Ditch
traditional corporate branding and marketing, and exchange it for
something memorable. Your customers will thank you for it.
1. The Machine
2. Why Branding?
3. The Brand Framework
4. Visibility versus Ability
5. Attention Doesn’t Equal Trust
6. The Right Position
7. The Master Plan
8. Marketing versus Branding
9. Do You Believe?
10. Anchor Belief
11. Death of the Mundane
12. The Creation Story
13. Extra Ordinary
14. Bring the Noise
15. Content Explosion
16. Top Yourself
17. Welcome to the Social Parade
18. The Brand Conversation
19. Many Shades of You
20. Celebrity Currency
21. The Uncommon Brand
22. Dissident
23. Your Brand’s Home Base
24. Shock and Awe
25. The Presentation Age
26. Video Made the Internet Star
27. Brand Alliance
28. Dirty Little Secret
29. Little Things
30. Race to the Bottom
31. Longing to Belong
32. Brand Without a Cause
33. Why Your Website Sucks
34. Misunderstood
35. The Hangout
36. Light the Fuse
37. Overnight Authority
38. Everything in Twos
39. Point of View
40. Back and Forth
41. Feeling Good
42. Everything You Do Is Branding
43. Hidden Brand Advocates
44. Come as You Are
45. The 20/60/20 Rule
46. The Real Thing
47. What’s in a Name?
48. The Prospect Cycle
49. Viva La Failure
50. Know Your Enemy
51. Erase, Then Replace
52. The Sound of Silence
53. The 10:100 Method
54. Your Online Presence
55. Raise Your Standards
56. Warning: You’ve Been Lied To
57. Monitor and Measure
58. How to Ensure Your Brand Fails
59. What Is Killing Entrepreneurs?
60. Twenty Rules
61. Parting S***
Special Offer
John M***an is the President of Brand Against the Machine, a
company that specializes in personal and corporate branding and
online marketing and helps entrepreneurs position themselves as
leading authorities to their target market. John has worked with
companies in more than 300 industries, including Fortune 500
companies and Hollywood celebrities. He regularly speaks to
audiences ranging from 50 to 3,000 people and has been featured on and MSNBC, among others.
The machine blasts messages at the world and it does not care who you are o***hat you have to say o***hether its message is relevant to you at all. The machine is a moron. You, however, are not. Which is why your brand needs to rage against the traditional forces of advertising. You must engage your audience and win their business by giving more and selling less. Yours must be a Brand Against the Machine.
Brand Against the Machine offers proven and actionable steps for companies and entrepreneurs to increase their visibility and credibility, and create an indispensable brand that c***umers can relate to, creating lifelong customers. Discover the ***irational currency that makes your brand one that people want to be o***ant to be friends with. Learn how to be real with your audience and make strategic associati*** to establish credibility. Brand Against the Machine will help you stand out, get noticed, and be remembered.
Brand Against the Machine offers a blueprint for your brand framework, with step-by-step guidance, including:
Know who your target audience is and what they want
Define your position as the go-to authority in your industry
Determine your audience's problem and create a solution for them
Produce valuable content that attracts your audience and engages them
Promote yourself without pestering people
Over-deliver on your promise
The machine is a rusted piece of junk in the marketplace. Ditch traditional corporate branding and marketing, and exchange it for something memorable. Your customers will thank you for it.
- 小说多(510+)
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- 无缺页(151+)
- 无盗版(567+)
- 书籍完整(511+)
- 速度快(117+)
- 网友 焦***山:
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- 网友 訾***雰:
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