Event Planning: The Ultimate Guide To Successful Meetings,Corporate Events,Fundraising Galas,Conferences,Conven,Incentives & Other Special Events 2/E 9780470155745 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Event Planning: The Ultimate Guide To Successful Meetings,Corporate Events,Fundraising Galas,Conferences,Conven,Incentives & Other Special Events 2/E 9780470155745电子书下载地址
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For event planners, there’s no such thing as a dress
Any event you plan and stage is a reflection of your ***anization’s
image — from the initial invitation to ***ite operati***. Whether
you’re planning a product launch, conference, sales meeting, an
incentive event, or a gala fund-raiser, remember that the magic of
a truly memorable event is in the details, but so is the devil.
Whether your event is for 50 or 2,000 people, whether it has a
budget of a few thousand dollars, or hundreds of thousands, it has
to be perfect. Fully revised and updated, Event Planning, Second
Edition, gives you a blueprint for planning and executing
special events with flair and without any unexpected surprises and
expenses. This unique book is loaded with practical advice on:
Choosing the best venue
Preparing and managing the budget, with sample costing forms
Scheduling, staffing, and collaborating with other related
Coordinating food and beverage, décor, entertainment, and
It’s still the comprehensive guide that it always has been, but
much has changed in the industry in recent years, and this new
edition of Event Planning includes:
Changes in security planning since 9/11
Innovati*** in technology and how they can improve – or ruin –
an event
How to stage an environmentally friendly event
New and updated examples and case studies of where things went
right – and wrong
Event Risk Assessment – What You Need to C***ider before
How keep your budget on target and where to find hidden
Ways on how to ease airport stress and make air travel a
pleasurable part of the participant’s event experience
When and When Event Planners and their Suppliers will need Work
What you need to include in your client’s event history in
order to design your next event so that it maximizes your client’s
return on their event investment
A companion website with downloadable versi*** of the
checklists, additional forms and tools, author Q&A, and more at
What you don’t know or know to ask can have a major effect on
the success of your event and on your budget. Event Planning
takes you behind the scenes and through every ***ect of ***anizing
and executing a successful event: the planning stages, timing and
logistics, budget preparation, operati***, and on-site management,
providing practical tools for anyone who has to plan and execute a
truly special event:
Corporate in-house event planners
Public relati*** and communicati*** companies, and their
Marketing and corporate communicati*** professionals
Fund-raisers and not-for-profit ***anizati***
Professionals in the hospitality and entertainment
Business professionals in charge of planning and handling their
company’s events
Praise for Event Planning
"Allen is a good teacher. Wise planners will add Event
Planning to their personal reference library as a useful
working guide."
—Meeting Professional Magazine
"A blueprint for executing events for 50 or 2,000, with budgets
of a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands."
—Success Magazine
"Event Planning will save beginning event planners from
plenty of heartbreak and headaches."
—Lisa Hurley, Editor, Special Events
"Event Planning gives readers a blueprint for planning
and executing special events with flair. C***ider the book as
preventative maintenance."
—Sales Promotion Magazine
"A guide to well planned events. Event Planning is a must
for any PR maven."
—Marketing Magazine
"This book will be a help to all event planners, from rank
beginners to seasoned professionals. It provides excellent
guidelines as well as helpful details."
—Katherine Kossuth, Director of Operati*** and Special Events,
Canadian Film Center
"Sometimes a name just says it all. That's the case with the
updated second edition of Judy Allen's Event Planning: The
Ultimate Guide to Successful Meetings, Corporate Events,
Fundraising Galas, Conferences, Conventi***, Incentives, and Other
Special Events. Allen not only delivers on the title's
comprehensive promise, but also addresses changes in the industry
since the first edition was published in 2000, such as the
increased role of procurement and the growth of virtual events.
Each chapter provides tips and sample checklists and outlines the
paths to follow and the pitfalls to avoid in every ***ect of
meeting planning, from venue selection to on-site
execution." —Corporate Meetings and
Incentive Magazine / MeetingsNet.com
"I recommend that Judy Allen's book, Event Planning: The
Ultimate Guide 2nd edition, become your Bible for approaching
your next affair, whether it's a meeting, conference, incentive
travel function or fundraising gala. My copy has highlighting on
virtually every page. Yours will, too. After you've read this book
(or one of ten others she's authored), you'll be an expert on
creating unf***ettable events your attendees will enjoy and
remember for a very long time." —Dave
Egan, Head Writer, Writers Direct Group
For downloadable versi*** of the checklists, additional forms
and tools, author Q&A, and more, please visit our companion
website at www.wiley.ca/go/event_planning.
Preface. Acknowledgements. Chapter 1:The First Steps: Initial
Planning and Budgeting. How Much Can You Spend? The Purpose of the
Event. Initial Planning. Visualization. Budget Breakdown. Chapter
2: Organization and Timing. Critical Path. Function Sheets. Timing
Is Everything. The Time of the Day and the Day of the Week. Date
Selection, Chapter 3: Location, Location, Location. Site Selection.
Location Requirements. Hotels and Convention Centres. Restaurant,
Private Venues, Catering. Location: Q&A. Theatres. Tents.
Contracts. Gala Openings in New Venues. Chapter 4: Transportation.
Limousines. Motor Coaches. Parking Transportation: Q&A. Chapter
5: Guest Arrival. Weather C***iderati***. Arrival & Weather
C***iderati***: Q&A. Fanfare. Fanfare: Q&A. Registration:
Guest Pass Security and Ticket Pick-up. Registration: Q&A.
Chapter 6: Venue Requirements. Staging, Audio-Visual, Lighting.
Staging, Audio-Visual, Lighting: Q&A. Room Requirements:
Q&A. Chapter 7: Who's It All For? The Guest List. Invitati***.
Media. Media: Q&A. Children At Your Event. Chapter 8: Food and
Beverage. Menu Planning. Staffing. Chapter 9: Other C***iderati***.
Entertainment. Entertainment: Q&A. P***ographer. P***ographer:
Q&A. Themes and Programs. Final Touches. Conclusion. It's A
Wrap. Applause! Applause! Your Next Event. Appendix A: Sample Cost
Sheets. Appendix B: Sample Payment Schedules. Appendix C: Sample
Function Sheets. Index.
Judy Allen is one of the world’s leading
authorities on staging, event and lifestyle design and the
bestselling author of ten books for the professional, business and
c***umer markets. Allen, a master of creative design, has
flawlessly executed successful special events—corporate, social,
and celebrity—for up to 2,000 guests at a time in more than 30
countries around the world. She has designed and produced memorable
events such as Disney’s worldwide theatrical opening-night gala for
Beauty and the Beast, and the orchestration of Oscar-winning
director Norman Jewison’s 25th anniversary celebration for
Fiddler on the Roof.
Highly skilled in staging events that are strategically designed to
be one-of-kind experiences and a master of transforming the energy
of an event environment by engaging the senses with trademark
primary design principles, Allen has worked closely with CEOs,
CFOs, presidents and their executive staff around the globe to
create, implement and oversee their corporate and social business
The many diverse events that Allen has designed and executed extend
from complex one-day events to elaborate arrangements of theme
producti*** taking place over the course of a week. These events
ranged from very exclusive VIP events to multimillion-dollar,
multimedia fantasy extravaganzas including seven new-car product
launches and involved high-tech stage and show producti***.
Allen, and her 2jproducti*** (www.2jproducti***.com) partner, Joe
Shane, are now bringing their dynamic creative energy, innovative
style and perceptive insight to home, life and lifestyle design and
world class resorts around the world through Sensual Home Living?
(www.sensualhomeliving.com) and other initiatives.
《活动策划全攻略(第2版)》第一版向读者介绍了活动策划的基本准则,而第二版在第一版坚实的基础上,又加入了活动策划业内所出现的新领域和新内容,以达到与时俱进的目的。目前的活动策划已经发展成规模庞大的产业,从事这一行业的包括有筹办企业活动、社交活动、非营利活动以及婚庆活动(婚庆策划目前已发展为数十亿美元的大产业,隶属专业活动策划)的专业活动策划公司、会奖公司、会议策划师、自由策划师、公司内部负责营利活动的高管以及企业内部的活动策划人员和非营利活动策划人员。 For event planners, there’s no such thing as a dress rehearsal!
Any event you plan and stage is a reflection of your ***anization’s image — from the initial invitation to ***ite operati***. Whether you’re planning a product launch, conference, sales meeting, an incentive event, or a gala fund-raiser, remember that the magic of a truly memorable event is in the details, but so is the devil. Whether your event is for 50 or 2,000 people, whether it has a budget of a few thousand dollars, or hundreds of thousands, it has to be perfect. Fully revised and updated, Event Planning, Second Edition, gives you a blueprint for planning and executing special events with flair and without any unexpected surprises and expenses. This unique book is loaded with practical advice on: Choosing the best venue Preparing and managing the budget, with sample costing forms included Scheduling, staffing, and collaborating with other related professionals Coordinating food and beverage, décor, entertainment, and themes. It’s still the comprehensive guide that it always has been, but much has changed in the industry in recent years, and this new edition of Event Planning includes: Changes in security planning since 9/11 Innovati*** in technology and how they can improve – or ruin – an event How to stage an environmentally friendly event New and updated examples and case studies of where things went right – and wrong Event Risk Assessment – What You Need to C***ider before Contracting How keep your budget on target and where to find hidden surcharges Ways on how to ease airport stress and make air travel a pleasurable part of the participant’s event experience When and When Event Planners and their Suppliers will need Work Visas What you need to include in your client’s event history in order to design your next event so that it maximizes your client’s return on their event investment A companion website with downloadable versi*** of the checklists, additional forms and tools, author Q&A, and more at www.wiley.ca/go/event_planning. What you don’t know or know to ask can have a major effect on the success of your event and on your budget. Event Planning takes you behind the scenes and through every ***ect of ***anizing and executing a successful event: the planning stages, timing and logistics, budget preparation, operati***, and on-site management, providing practical tools for anyone who has to plan and execute a truly special event: Corporate in-house event planners Public relati*** and communicati*** companies, and their clients Marketing and corporate communicati*** professionals Fund-raisers and not-for-profit ***anizati*** Professionals in the hospitality and entertainment industries. Business professionals in charge of planning and handling their company’s events Praise for Event Planning "Allen is a good teacher. Wise planners will add Event Planning to their personal reference library as a useful working guide."
— Meeting Professional Magazine "A blueprint for executing events for 50 or 2,000, with budgets of a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands."
— Success Magazine " Event Planning will save beginning event planners from plenty of heartbreak and headaches."
— Lisa Hurley, Editor, Special Events Magazine " Event Planning gives readers a blueprint for planning and executing special events with flair. C***ider the book as preventative maintenance."
— Sales Promotion Magazine "A guide to well planned events. Event Planning is a must for any PR maven."
— Marketing Magazine "This book will be a help to all event planners, from rank beginners to seasoned professionals. It provides excellent guidelines as well as helpful details."
—Katherine Kossuth, Director of Operati*** and Special Events, Canadian Film Center "Sometimes a name just says it all. That's the case with the updated second edition of Judy Allen's Event Planning: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Meetings, Corporate Events, Fundraising Galas, Conferences, Conventi***, Incentives, and Other Special Events . Allen not only delivers on the title's comprehensive promise, but also addresses changes in the industry since the first edition was published in 2000, such as the increased role of procurement and the growth of virtual events. Each chapter provides tips and sample checklists and outlines the paths to follow and the pitfalls to avoid in every ***ect of meeting planning, from venue selection to on-site execution." —Corporate Meetings and Incentive Magazine / MeetingsNet.com "I recommend that Judy Allen's book, Event Planning: The Ultimate Guide 2nd edition , become your Bible for approaching your next affair, whether it's a meeting, conference, incentive travel function or fundraising gala. My copy has highlighting on virtually every page. Yours will, too. After you've read this book (or one of ten others she's authored), you'll be an expert on creating unf***ettable events your attendees will enjoy and remember for a very long time." —Dave Egan, Head Writer, Writers Direct Group For downloadable versi*** of the checklists, additional forms and tools, author Q&A, and more, please visit our companion website at www.wiley.ca/go/event_planning.
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