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Operation Family Secrets is the chilling true story of
how the son of the most violent mobster in Chicago made the
unprecedented decision to work with the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s
Office to incriminate his own father and to help bring down the
last great American crime syndicate—the one-hundred-year-old
Chicago Outfit.
The Calabrese family of Chicago is a close-knit, middle-class,
multi-generational Italian-Irish-American clan. They operate family
businesses. They work day and night striving for the American
Dream. All three s*** f***e a bond with their controlling father,
Frank Sr., and their soft-spoken favorite uncle, Nick. As a boy,
the oldest son, Frank Jr., realizes that his father and uncle are
also “made” members of another close-knit family: the outfit.
In Operation Family Secrets Frank
Calabrese, Jr., tells the turbulent tale of a family dominated by a
violent patriarch who breaks a longstanding unwritten outfit code
and “brings the street into his home” by enlisting two of his s***
into the outfit’s 26th Street/Chinatown crew. Frank Jr. reveals for
the first time the outfit’s “made” ceremony and describes being put
to work alongside his father and uncle in loan sharking, gambling,
labor racketeering, and extortion, and plotting the slaying of a
fellow gangster, while they commit the bombing murder of a trucking
executive, the gangland execution of two mobsters whose burial in
an Indiana cornfield was reenacted in Martin Scorsese’s blockbuster
film Casino, and numerous other hits.
The Calabrese Crew’s colossal earnings and
extreme ruthlessness make them both a dreaded criminal gang and the
object of an intense FBi inquiry. Eventually Frank Jr., his father,
and Uncle Nick are convicted on racketeering violati***, and
“Junior” and “Senior” are sent to the same federal penitentiary in
Michigan. Upon arrival, Frank Jr. makes a life-changing decision:
to go straight rather than agree to his father’s plans to resume
crew activities after serving his sentence. But he needs to keep
his father behind bars in order to regain control of his life and
save his family. Frank Jr. makes a secret deal with prosecutors,
and for six months—unmonitored and unprotected—he wears a wire as
his father recounts decades of hideous crimes. Frank Jr.’s
cooperation with the FBi for virtually no monetary gain or special
privileges helps create the government’s “operation Family Secrets”
campaign against the Chicago outfit. The case reopens eighteen
unsolved murders and also implicates twelve La Cosa Nostra soldiers
and two outfit bosses. it becomes one of the largest ***anized
crime cases in U.S. history.
Operation Family Secrets intimately
portrays how ***anized crime rots a family from the inside out
while detailing Frank Jr.’s deadly prison-yard mission, the FBI’s
landmark investigation, and the U.S. attorney’s office’s daring
prosecution of america’s most dangerous criminal
Frank Calabrese, Jr., lived in his native Chicago for
thirty-nine years. Mentored by his father and brought into the
Chicago outfit at age eighteen, he now resides in Arizona with his
ex-wife and two children.
Keith and Kent Zimmerman have coauthored many New York Times
and London Times bestselling books.
Paul Pompian, who has produced more than fifty motion pictures and
television producti***, was born and raised on the South Side of
Chicago and came by his interest in the outfit naturally.
I couldn’t stop reading this gripping account of Frank Calabrese
Jr.’s decision to cooperate with the FBI that took down his father,
uncle and the last American crime syndicate.-- Nick Pileggi, author
and screenwriter of Wiseguys, Goodfellas and
Operation Family Secrets is the chilling true story of how the son of the most violent mobster in Chicago made the unprecedented decision to work with the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to incriminate his own father and to help bring down the last great American crime syndicate—the one-hundred-year-old Chicago Outfit.
The Calabrese family of Chicago is a close-knit, middle-class, multi-generational Italian-Irish-American clan. They operate family businesses. They work day and night striving for the American Dream. All three s*** f***e a bond with their controlling father, Frank Sr., and their soft-spoken favorite uncle, Nick. As a boy, the oldest son, Frank Jr., realizes that his father and uncle are also “made” members of another close-knit family: the outfit.
In Operation Family Secrets Frank Calabrese, Jr., tells the turbulent tale of a family dominated by a violent patriarch who breaks a longstanding unwritten outfit code and “brings the street into his home” by enlisting two of his s*** into the outfit’s 26th Street/Chinatown crew. Frank Jr. reveals for the first time the outfit’s “made” ceremony and describes being put to work alongside his father and uncle in loan sharking, gambling, labor racketeering, and extortion, and plotting the slaying of a fellow gangster, while they commit the bombing murder of a trucking executive, the gangland execution of two mobsters whose burial in an Indiana cornfield was reenacted in Martin Scorsese’s blockbuster film Casino, and numerous other hits.
The Calabrese Crew’s colossal earnings and extreme ruthlessness make them both a dreaded criminal gang and the object of an intense FBi inquiry. Eventually Frank Jr., his father, and Uncle Nick are convicted on racketeering violati***, and “Junior” and “Senior” are sent to the same federal penitentiary in Michigan. Upon arrival, Frank Jr. makes a life-changing decision: to go straight rather than agree to his father’s plans to resume crew activities after serving his sentence. But he needs to keep his father behind bars in order to regain control of his life and save his family. Frank Jr. makes a secret deal with prosecutors, and for six months—unmonitored and unprotected—he wears a wire as his father recounts decades of hideous crimes. Frank Jr.’s cooperation with the FBi for virtually no monetary gain or special privileges helps create the government’s “operation Family Secrets” campaign against the Chicago outfit. The case reopens eighteen unsolved murders and also implicates twelve La Cosa Nostra soldiers and two outfit bosses. it becomes one of the largest ***anized crime cases in U.S. history.
Operation Family Secrets intimately portrays how ***anized crime rots a family from the inside out while detailing Frank Jr.’s deadly prison-yard mission, the FBI’s landmark investigation, and the U.S. attorney’s office’s daring prosecution of america’s most dangerous criminal ***anization.
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