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Applied Life Data Analysis应用生活数据分析书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9780471644620
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2003-10
  • 页数:662
  • 价格:887.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Your practical guide to statistical methods for predicting product life and reliability and comparing improvements in product manufacturing, design, and application. Describes the use of graphical methods, the method of maximum likelihood, censored data ***ysis, linear estimation, prediction methods, and methods for complete, singly censored, multiply censored, interval, and quantalresp***e data. Techniques are illustrated with step-by-step, real-data numerical examples. This paperback edition features a new preface and includes a brief survey of commercially available software for the ***ysis of reliability data.


American Society for Quality awarded Dr. Wayne Nelson of Schenectady, New York the 2003 Shewhart Medal. The Medal honors his outstanding technical leadership, particularly for innovative developments and applicati*** of theory and methods for ***yzing quality, reliability, and ***d test data, and fo***idely disseminating such developments through his books and many publicati***, talks, and courses.

The Shewhart Medal for outstanding technical leadership is named after Dr. Walter A. Shewhart, who pioneered statistical methods for controlling and improving the quality of manufactured products. These methods contributed significantly to the United States' war effort in World War II. Subsequently taken to Japan by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, these methods revolutionized Japan's industries. Today these methods are part of widely used Six Sigma training on how to improve the quality of products and services.

The American Society for Quality is the world's largest professional society dedicated to the improved quality of products and services. It serves its members and the public through a variety of educational activities, including conferences, training courses, journals, and books.

Dr. Nelson is a graduate of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the Univiversity of Illinois. Formerly with GE Research & Development, he now privately c***ults and gives courses for companies, professional societies, and universities. For his technical contributi***, he was elected a Fellow of the American Society for Quality, the American Statistical Association, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He recently spent four months in Argentina on a Fulbright Award, lecturing on ***ysis of product reliability data.


Preface to the Paperback Edition


About the Author

1. Overview and Background

 1. Introduction

 2. Overview of the Book

 3. Background Material

2. Basic Concepts and Distributi*** for Product Life

 1. General Theory on Continuous Distributi*** (Illustrated by the Exponential Distribution)

 2. Normal Distribution

 3. Lognormal Distribution

 4. Weibull Distribution

 5. Smallest Extreme Value Distribution

 6. Gamma and Chi-Square Distributi***

 7. Other Distributi***

 8. Shifted Distributi***

 9. Conditional and Truncated Distributi***

 10. Joint Distributi*** and the Joint Normal Distribution

 11. General Theory on Discrete Distributi*** (Geometric Distribution)

 12. Poisson Distribution

 13. Binomial Distribution

 14. Hypergeometric Distribution

 15. Multinomial Distribution


3. Probability Plotting of Complete and Singly Censored Data

 1. Motivation

 2. How to Make a Probability Plot of Complete Data

 3. Percentiles and Probabilities

 4. Exponential Probability Plot

 5. Normal Probability Plot

 6. Lognormal Probability Plot

 7. Weibull Probability Plot

 8. Extreme Value Probability Plot

 9. Aids for Data Plotting

 10. Probability Plots of Singly Censored Data

 11. Theory for Probability Papers


4. Graphical Analysis of Multiply Censored Data

 1. Hazard Plotting

 2. Probability Plotting of Multiply Censored Data

 3. Theory for Hazard Papers


5. Series Systems and Competing Risks

 1. Series Systems of Different Components

 2. Series Systems of Identical Parts

 3. Hazard Plots for Data with Competing Failure



6. Analysis of Complete Data

 1. Basic Ideas for Data Analysis

 2. Poisson Data

 3. Binomial Data

 4. Exponential Data

 5. Normal and Lognormal Data

 6. Weibull and Extreme Value Data

 7. Distribution-Free Methods


7. Linear Methods for Singly Censored Data

 1. Basic Concepts

 2. Exponential Data

 3. Normal and Lognormal Data

 4. Weibull and Extreme Value Data


8. Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Multiply Censored Data

9. Analyses of Inspection Data (Quantal-Resp***e and Interval Data)

10. Comparis***(Hypothesis Tests)for Complete Data

11. Comparis*** With Linear Estimators(Singly Censored and Compltet Data)

12. Maximum Likelihood Comparis***(Multiply Censored and Other Data)

13. Survey of Other Topics

Appendix A.Tables













WILEY--INTERSCIENCE PAPERBACK SERIES The Wiley--Interscience Paperback Series c***ists of selected books that have been made more accessible to c***umers in an effort to increase global appeal and general circulation. With these new unabridged softcover volumes, Wiley hopes to extend the lives of these works by *** them available to future generati*** of statisticians, mathematicians, and scientists. "Many examples drawn from the author's experience of engineering applicati*** are used to illustrate the theoretical results, which are presented in a cookbook provides an excellent practical guide to the ***ysis of product--life data." --T.M.M. Farley Special Programme of Research in Human Reproduction World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland Review in Biometrics, September 1983 Now a classic, Applied Life Data Analysis has been widely used by thousands of engineers and industrial statisticians to obtain information from life data on c***umer, industrial, and military products. Organized to serve practitioners, this book starts with basic models and *** informative probability plots of life data. Then it progresses through advanced ***ytical methods, including maximum likelihood fitting of advanced models to life data. All data ***ysis methods are illustrated with numerous clientsa applicati*** from the authora s c***ulting experience.


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