预售 英文预定 The Moscow Puzzles: 359 Mathematical Recreati*** mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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A marvelously varied assortment of brain teasers! Regarded as the outstanding puzzle collection in the history of Russian mathematics, The Moscow Puzzles offers stimulating entertainment that will challenge your problem-solving skills!
This is, quite simply, the best and most popular puzzle book ever published in the Soviet Union. Since its first appearance in 1956 there have been eight editi*** as well as translati*** from the original Russian into Ukrainian, Estonian, Lettish, and Lithuanian. Almost a million copies of the Russian version alone have been sold.
Part of the reason for the book's success is its marvelously varied assortment of brainteasers ranging from *** "catch" riddles to difficult problems (none, however, requiring advanced mathematics). Many of the puzzles will be new to Western readers, while some familiar problems have been clothed in new forms. Often the puzzles are presented in the form of charming stories that provide non-Russian readers with valuable insights into contemporary Russian life and customs. In addition, Martin Gardner, former editor of the Mathematical Games Department, Scientific American, has clarified and simplified the book to make it as easy as possible for an English-reading public to understand and enjoy. He has been careful, moreover, to retain nearly all the freshness, warmth, and humor of the original.
Lavishly illustrated with over 400 clear diagrams and amusing sketches, this inexpensive edition of the first English translation will offe***eeks or even months of stimulating entertainment. It belongs in the library of every puzzlist or lover of recreational mathematics.
Published in 1956 by Boris A. Kordemsky, a high school mathematics teacher, this mammoth collection of brain teasers became the best and most popular puzzle book ever published in the Soviet Union.
Tackle 359 mathematical recreati*** that are sure to excite your inner problem-solver! From *** "catch" riddles to challenging puzzles, you'll be rewarded with mind stimulating entertainment and satisfaction.
Enjoy stories that provide non-Russian readers with an inside look at customs and culture. The Moscow collection of puzzles is a window into the world of Russia.
Each puzzle includes a diagram or sketch that helps make understanding easier. With over 400 illustrati*** throughout, you'll have plenty of visual aids to work with!
Former Scientific American editor, Martin Gardner, has simplified this book to make it accessible and enjoyable for everyone from beginners to experts. Get ready fo***eeks or months of mental stimulation!
Amusing Problems
Difficult Problems
Geometry with Matches
Measure Seven Times Before You Cut
Skill Will Find Its Applicati*** Everywhere
Dominoes and Dice
Properties of Nine
With Algebra and without It
Mathematics with Almost No Calculati***
Mathematical Games and Tricks
Cross Sums and Magic Squares
Numbers Curious and Serious
Numbers Ancient but Eternally Young
Boris A. Kordemsky (Russian: Борис Анастасьевич Кордемский; 23 May 1907 – 29 March 1999) was a Russian mathematician and educator. He is best known for his popular science books and mathematical puzzles. He is the author of over 70 books and popular mathematics articles.
Kordemsky was born in Kiknur, Vyatka Governorate, Russian Empire. He received his Ph.D. in education in 1956 and taught mathematics at several Moscow colleges.
A marvelously varied assortment of brain teasers! Regarded as the outstanding puzzle collection in the history of Russian mathematics, The Moscow Puzzles offers stimulating entertainment that will challenge your problem-solving skills!
This is, quite simply, the best and most popular puzzle book ever published in the Soviet Union. Since its first appearance in 1956 there have been eight editi*** as well as translati*** from the original Russian into Ukrainian, Estonian, Lettish, and Lithuanian. Almost a million copies of the Russian version alone have been sold.
Part of the reason for the book's success is its marvelously varied assortment of brainteasers ranging from *** "catch" riddles to difficult problems (none, however, requiring advanced mathematics). Many of the puzzles will be new to Western readers, while some familiar problems have been clothed in new forms. Often the puzzles are presented in the form of charming stories that provide non-Russian readers with valuable insights into contemporary Russian life and customs. In addition, Martin Gardner, former editor of the Mathematical Games Department, Scientific American, has clarified and simplified the book to make it as easy as possible for an English-reading public to understand and enjoy. He has been careful, moreover, to retain nearly all the freshness, warmth, and humor of the original.
Lavishly illustrated with over 400 clear diagrams and amusing sketches, this inexpensive edition of the first English translation will offe***eeks or even months of stimulating entertainment. It belongs in the library of every puzzlist or lover of recreational mathematics.
Published in 1956 by Boris A. Kordemsky, a high school mathematics teacher, this mammoth collection of brain teasers became the best and most popular puzzle book ever published in the Soviet Union.
Tackle 359 mathematical recreati*** that are sure to excite your inner problem-solver! From *** "catch" riddles to challenging puzzles, you'll be rewarded with mind stimulating entertainment and satisfaction.
Enjoy stories that provide non-Russian readers with an inside look at customs and culture. The Moscow collection of puzzles is a window into the world of Russia.
Each puzzle includes a diagram or sketch that helps make understanding easier. With over 400 illustrati*** throughout, you'll have plenty of visual aids to work with!
Former Scientific American editor, Martin Gardner, has simplified this book to make it accessible and enjoyable for everyone from beginners to experts. Get ready fo***eeks or months of mental stimulation!
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