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Nestled in the blue mists of Tennessee's Smoky Mountains, the
10,000-acre bucolic refuge of Blackberry Farm houses a top-rated
small inn with one of the premier farm-to-table restaurants in the
country. This sumptuous cookbook offers a collection of
recipes that are as inspired by the traditional rustic cooking of
the mountainous south as they are by a fresh, contemporary,
artistic sensibility. Some of the dishes are robust, others are
astonishingly light, all are full of heart and surprise and flavor
— and all are well within the reach of the home cook.
California has the French Laundry, Virginia has the Inn at Little
Washington, and Tennessee has Blackberry Farm, where the
indulgences of a luxury inn are woven togethe***ith odes to nature
— fly-fishing, hiking, foraging, bird watching, and heirloom
gardening — to create a new way of looking at the world, a
way in which anything seems possible.
This is particularly true at the Inn's table and in its
award-winning wine cellar. To the farm's master gardeners, food
artisans and chefs, meals are an opportunity to express not only
the earth and the culture of this remote spot, but also its spirit.
On a spring day this might mean Rye Whiskey-Cured Trout with Fresh
and Pickled Fennel, and the summer garden might inspire a Chilled
Corn Soup with Garlic Custard, a papardelle of baby carrots, or a
tomato terrine. In the coole***eather, game and traditionally
preserved food — cider-basted venison, a shell-bean and
gamebird cassoulet, a dried apple stack cake or Bourbon Apple
Fried Pies — keep conversation in front of the fire lively.
For all its artfulness, however, Blackberry Farm's garden-to-table
cooking tends to be an ode to a well-loved cast iron skillet, a
backyard smoker or a wood-fired grill.
In the foothills, you don't eat to eat, you eat to talk, to
remember and to imagine what you will eat tomorrow. In this book,
the stories of the people who practice the traditional mountain
food arts — the bacon man, the heirloom gardener, the cheese
maker and sausage man — are woven togethe***ith the recipes,
lore and regional history to reflect the spirit of the cooking at
Blackberry Farm. Breathtaking p***ographs capture the magical world
that surrounds the table — the hills and rushing creeks, the
lights and shadows of the forest, the moods and moments of the
A member of Relais & Chateaux, Blackberry Farm has won
dozens of major awards for food, wine, service, and general
excellence from Zagat, Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, and
Southern Living, and is frequently ranked the #1 small ***el in the
United States. Proprietor SAM BEALL grew up on Blackberry
Farm, which was founded by his parents, Kreis and Sandy Beall.
After attending the California Culinary Academy, Sam Beall
apprenticed at the French Laundry, the Ritz-Carlton, Cowgirl
Creamery, and Chateau Potelle. He oversees the entire farmstead,
from its restaurants to its heirloom gardens to its honey
One of the most recognized and respected food writers today,
MOLLY O'NEILL, long the food columnist for the New York Times, is
the author of three cookbooks, including the best-selling New York
Cookbook, A Well-Seasoned Appetite, and The Pleasure of Your
Company, as well as a memoir, Mostly True: Food, Family and
Baseball. She hosted the PBS series Great Food and is the editor of
the critically-acclaimed "American Food Writing." Twice nominated
for the Pulitzer Prize, she has won the Julia Child/IACP Award for
cookbooks and was awarded three James Beard citati*** for books,
journalism and television as well as the society's Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Fig Tart
serves 8
Fig jam intensifies the fruit flavor in this tart. We make our
own jam, but high-quality commercial versi*** work nicely as well.
We like the free-form shape and rustic feel of the tart and have
shaped them smaller to make individual tarts and larger to feed a
crowd. Whipped cream, slightly sweetened, is a nice addition.
1/2 recipe basic pastry
1/4 cup fig jam
1 pound fresh figs, stemmed and halved lengthwise
1/3 cup plus 1 te***oon sugar
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 large egg
2 tablespo*** milk
1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Lightly butter a baking sheet and
set it aside.
2. Divide the pastry in half. On a lightly floured surface, roll
each piece of dough into a 9-inch circle. Place the pastry on the
prepared baking sheet; overlapping the two circles a little on one
side is okay as the edges will be folded in later. Spread 2
tablespo*** of jam evenly over each piece of pastry, leaving a
11/2-inch border. Arrange the figs over the jam. Cover the tarts
with plastic wrap and set them aside.
3. In a small saucepan, cook 1?3 cup of the sugar over
medium-high heat without stirring until it melts and turns amber in
color. Remove the pan from the heat and carefully stir in the cream
and butter, stirring until the mixture is smooth. Brush the tops of
the figs with the caramel mixture. Fold the edge of the pastry over
the outer edge of the figs, pleating the dough to hold it in
4. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg and milk. Brush the
edges of the pastry with the egg mixture and then sprinkle with the
remaining 1 te***oon of sugar. Bake for about 25 minutes, until the
pastry is golden brown and the figs are just tender. Serve warm or
at room temperature, cut into generous wedges.
Basic Pastry
make s pastry for two 9 -or 10-inch pie shells or one
double-crust 9-inch pie
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 te***oon salt
1 cup plus 3 tablespo*** shortening
1 l arge egg
1/2 cup plus 1 to 3 tablespo*** ice water
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
1. Place the flour and salt in a food processor and pulse to
combine. Add the shortening and pulse until the mixture resembles
coarse meal. Transfer to a medium bowl and set aside.
2. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg, 1?3 cup of the ice
water, and the vinegar. Pour the egg mixture over the flour mixture
and sti***ith a fork just until the dough comes together. If the
dough is too dry, add more water, 1 tablespoon at a time.
"Sam Beall’s heartfelt words and the beautiful images took me
back to my first visit--to the Bealls’ incredible hospitality and
the delicious meals they nurtured us with. I am excited that
Blackberry Farm continues to evolve into an idyllic destination,
grounded by its own sense of place and history."
—Thomas Keller, The French Laundry
"Hospitality, generosity, authenticity, quality, family...Life
has stopped and our stress disappears at Blackberry Farm. The food
and wine reveal the best of nature. Happiness is what can be found
—Alain Ducasse, Alain Ducasse at the Plaza Athénée and Louis XV -
Alain Ducasse
"Like Blackberry Farm itself, this book is a celebration of the
South and a family dream, deliciously realized. It will take you
in, enfold you in a warm embrace and bring you home again to the
nurturing hills of Tennessee."
—Patrick O’Connell, The Inn at Little Washington
"If the saying 'God is in the details' rings true, then he may
reside along the green hills in the shadows of the Smoky Mountains
at Blackberry Farm. The Beall family has created the ultimate
destination for lovers of food, wine, gracious service and the
infinite 'nice things' that make living grand."
—Frank Stitt, Highlands Bar and Grill
"I admire the Blackberry Farm ethic -- the reverence for place
and people, the dedication to artis*** excellence, the trust in
long-held tradition, and the belief that, as Wendell Berry once put
it, eating is an 'agricultural act.'"
—John T Edge, writer and educator
Nestled in the blue mists of Tennessee's Smoky Mountains, the 10,000-acre bucolic refuge of Blackberry Farm houses a top-rated small inn with one of the premier farm-to-table restaurants in the country. This sumptuous cookbook offers a collection of recipes that are as inspired by the traditional rustic cooking of the mountainous south as they are by a fresh, contemporary, artistic sensibility. Some of the dishes are robust, others are astonishingly light, all are full of heart and surprise and flavor— and all are well within the reach of the home cook.
California has the French Laundry, Virginia has the Inn at Little Washington, and Tennessee has Blackberry Farm, where the indulgences of a luxury inn are woven togethe***ith odes to nature— fly-fishing, hiking, foraging, bird watching, and heirloom gardening— to create a new way of looking at the world, a way in which anything seems possible.
This is particularly true at the Inn's table and in its award-winning wine cellar. To the farm's master gardeners, food artisans and chefs, meals are an opportunity to express not only the earth and the culture of this remote spot, but also its spirit. On a spring day this might mean Rye Whiskey-Cured Trout with Fresh and Pickled Fennel, and the summer garden might inspire a Chilled Corn Soup with Garlic Custard, a papardelle of baby carrots, or a tomato terrine. In the coole***eather, game and traditionally preserved food— cider-basted venison, a shell-bean and gamebird cassoulet, a dried apple stack cake or Bourbon Apple Fried Pies — keep conversation in front of the fire lively. For all its artfulness, however, Blackberry Farm's garden-to-table cooking tends to be an ode to a well-loved cast iron skillet, a backyard smoker or a wood-fired grill.
In the foothills, you don't eat to eat, you eat to talk, to remember and to imagine what you will eat tomorrow. In this book, the stories of the people who practice the traditional mountain food arts— the bacon man, the heirloom gardener, the cheese maker and sausage man— are woven togethe***ith the recipes, lore and regional history to reflect the spirit of the cooking at Blackberry Farm. Breathtaking p***ographs capture the magical world that surrounds the table— the hills and rushing creeks, the lights and shadows of the forest, the moods and moments of the garden.
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