相平衡、相图和相变:其热力学基础 (瑞典)希勒特(M. Hillert) 北京大学出版社【.正版】 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

相平衡、相图和相变:其热力学基础 (瑞典)希勒特(M. Hillert) 北京大学出版社【.正版】电子书下载地址
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- [kindle 下载] 相平衡、相图和相变:其热力学基础 (瑞典)希勒特(M. Hillert) 北京大学出版社【.正版】 kindle格式电子书
Preface to second edition page i
Preface to first edition ii
1 Basic concepts of thermodynamics
1.1 External state variables
1.2 Internal state variables
1.3 The first law of thermodynamics
1.4 Freezing-in conditi***
1.5 Reversible and irreversible processes
1.6 Second law of thermodynamics
1.7 Condition of internal equilibrium
1.8 Driving force
1.9 Combined first and second law
1.10 General conditi*** of equilibrium
1.11 Characteristic state functi***
1.12 Entropy
2 Manipulation of thermodynamic quantities
2.1 Evaluation of one characteristic state function from another
2.2 Internal variables at equilibrium
2.3 Equati*** of state
2.4 Experimental conditi***
2.5 Notation for partial derivatives
2.6 Use of various derivatives
2.7 Comparison between CV and CP
2.8 Change of independent variables
2.9 Maxwell relati***
3 Systems with variable compositio
3.1 Chemical potential
3.2 Molar and integral quantities
3.3 More about characteristic state functi***
3.4 Additivity of extensive quantities. Free energy and exergy
3.5 Various forms of the combined law
3.6 Calculation of equilibrium
3.7 Evaluation of the driving force
3.8 Driving force for molecular reacti***
3.9 Evaluation of integrated driving force as function of
T or P
3.10 Effective driving force
4 Practical handling of multicomponent systems
4.1 Partial quantities
4.2 Relati*** for partial quantities
4.3 Alternative variables for compositio
4.4 The lever rule
4.5 The tie-line rule
4.6 Different sets of components
4.7 C***titution and c***tituents
4.8 Chemical potentials in a phase with sublattices
5 Thermodynamics of processes
5.1 Thermodynamic treatment of kinetics of
internal processes
5.2 Transformation of the set of processes
5.3 Alternative methods of transformatio
5.4 Basic thermodynamic c***iderati*** for processes
5.5 Homogeneous chemical reacti***
5.6 Transport processes in discontinuous systems
5.7 Transport processes in continuous systems
5.8 Substitutional diffusio
5.9 Onsager’s extremum principle
6 Stability
6.1 Introductio
6.2 Some necessary conditi*** of stability
6.3 Sufficient conditi*** of stability
*** Summary of stability conditi***
6.5 Limit of stability
6.6 Limit of stability against fluctuati*** in compositio
6.7 Chemical capacitance
6.8 Limit of stability against fluctuati*** of
internal variables
6.9 Le Chatelier’s principle
7 Applicati*** of molar Gibbs energy diagrams
7.1 Molar Gibbs energy diagrams for binary systems
7.2 Instability of binary soluti***
7.3 Illustration of the Gibbs–Duhem relatio
7.4 Two-phase equilibria in binary systems
7.5 Allotropic phase boundaries
7.6 Effect of a pressure difference on a two-phase
7.7 Driving force for the formation of a new phase
7.8 Partitionless transformation under local equilibrium
7.9 Activation energy for a fluctuatio
7.10 Ternary systems
7.11 Solubility product
8 Phase equilibria and potential phase diagrams
8.1 Gibbs’ phase rule
8.2 Fundamental property diagram
8.3 Topology of potential phase diagrams
8.4 Potential phase diagrams in binary and multinary systems
8.5 Secti*** of potential phase diagrams
8.6 Binary systems
8.7 Ternary systems
8.8 Direction of phase fields in potential phase diagrams
8.9 Extremum in temperature and pressure
9 Molar phase diagrams
9.1 Molar axes
9.2 Sets of conjugate pairs containing molar variables
9.3 Phase boundaries
9.4 Secti*** of molar phase diagrams
9.5 Schreinemakers’ rule
9.6 Topology of sectioned molar diagrams
10 Projected and mixed phase diagrams
10.1 Schreinemakers’ projection of potential phase diagrams
10.2 The phase field rule and projected diagrams
10.3 Relation between molar diagrams and Schreinemakers’
projected diagrams
10.4 Coincidence of projected surfaces
10.5 Projection of higher-order invariant equilibria
10.6 The phase field rule and mixed diagrams
10.7 Selection of axes in mixed diagrams
10.8 Konovalov’s rule
10.9 General rule for singular equilibria
11 Direction of phase boundaries
11.1 Use of distribution coefficient
11.2 Calculation of allotropic phase boundaries
11.3 Variation of a chemical potential in a two-phase field
11.4 Direction of phase boundaries
11.5 Congruent melting points
11.6 Vertical phase boundaries
11.7 Slope of phase boundaries in isothermal secti***
11.8 The effect of a pressure difference between two phases
12 Sharp and gradual phase transformati***
12.1 Experimental conditi***
12.2 Characterization of phase transformati***
12.3 Microstructural character
12.4 Phase transformati*** in alloys
12.5 Classification of sharp phase transformati***
12.6 Applicati*** of Schreinemakers’ projectio
12.7 Scheil’s reaction diagram
12.8 Gradual phase transformati*** at fixed compositio
12.9 Phase transformati*** controlled by a chemical potential
13 Transformati*** in closed systems
13.1 The phase field rule at c***tant compositio
13.2 Reaction coefficients in sharp transformati***
for p = c
13.3 Graphical evaluation of reaction coefficients
13.4 Reaction coefficients in gradual transformati***
for p = c
13.5 Driving force for sharp phase transformati***
13.6 Driving force under c***tant chemical potential
13.7 Reaction coefficients at c***tant chemical potential
13.8 Compositional degeneracies for p = c
13.9 Effect of two compositional degeneracies for p = c .
14 Partitionless transformati***
14.1 Deviation from local equilibrium
14.2 Adiabatic phase transformatio
14.3 Quasi-adiabatic phase transformatio
14.4 Partitionless transformati*** in binary system
14.5 Partial chemical equilibrium
14.6 Transformati*** in steel under quasi-paraequilibrium
14.7 Transformati*** in steel under partitioning of alloying elements
15 Limit of stability and critical phenomena
15.1 Transformati*** and transiti***
15.2 Order–disorder transiti***
15.3 Miscibility gaps
15.4 Spinodal decompositio
15.5 Tri-critical points
16 Interfaces
16.1 Surface energy and surface stress
16.2 Phase equilibrium at curved interfaces
16.3 Phase equilibrium at fluid/fluid interfaces
1*** Size stability for spherical inclusi***
16.5 Nucleatio
16.6 Phase equilibrium at crystal/fluid interface
16.7 Equilibrium at curved interfaces with regard to compositio
16.8 Equilibrium for crystalline inclusi*** with regard to compositio
16.9 Surface segregatio
16.10 Coherency within a phase
16.11 Coherency between two phases
16.12 Solute drag
17 Kinetics of transport processes
17.1 Thermal activatio
17.2 Diffusion coefficients
17.3 Stationary states for transport processes
17.4 Local volume change
17.5 Composition of material crossing an interface
17.6 Mechanisms of interface migratio
17.7 Balance of forces and dissipatio
18 Methods of modelling
18.1 General principles
18.2 Choice of characteristic state functio
18.3 Reference states
18.4 Representation of Gibbs energy of formatio
18.5 Use of power series in T
18.6 Representation of pressure dependence
18.7 Application of physical models
18.8 Ideal gas
18.9 Real gases
18.10 Mixtures of gas species
18.11 Black-body radiatio
18.12 Electron gas
19 Modelling of disorder
19.1 Introductio
19.2 Thermal vacancies in a crystal
19.3 Topological disorder
19.4 Heat capacity due to thermal vibrati***
19.5 Magnetic contribution to thermodynamic properties
19.6 A *** physical model for the magnetic contributio
19.7 Random mixture of atoms
19.8 Restricted random mixture
19.9 Crystals with stoichiometric vacancies
19.10 Interstitial soluti***
20 Mathematical modelling of solution phases
20.1 Ideal solutio
20.2 Ming quantities
20.3 Excess quantities
20.4 Empirical approach to substitutional soluti***
20.5 Real soluti***
20.6 Applicati*** of the Gibbs–Duhem relatio
20.7 Dilute solution appromati***
20.8 Predicti*** for soluti*** in higher-order systems
20.9 Numerical methods of predicti*** for higher-order systems
21 Solution phases with sublattices
21.1 Sublattice solution phases
21.2 Interstitial soluti***
21.3 Reciprocal solution phases
21.4 Combination of interstitial and substitutional solutio
21.5 Phases with variable order
21.6 Ionic solid soluti***
22 Physical solution models
22.1 Concept of nearest-neiour bond energies
22.2 Random ming model for a substitutional solutio
22.3 Deviation from random distributio
22.4 Short-range order
22.5 Long-range order
22.6 Long- and short-range order
22.7 The compound energy formalism with short-range order
22.8 Interstitial ordering
22.9 Composition dependence of physical effects
(瑞典)希勒特(M. Hillert),瑞典皇家工学院教授。
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