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Go ahead. Get passionate about the food you eat.
You don’t have to hide it. You can love food and lose weight at
the same time! The secret, which you’ll learn about in Love Food
and Live Well, is to know when to have carrot cake and when it’s
time for just a carrot.
For most dieters, food is the daunting factor that trips up our
best intenti*** to lose weight and get fit. Let Chantel Hobbs teach
you that food is not the enemy! It’s our attitudes toward it that
defeat us. Losing weight does not require being deprived of the
foods you love and being forced to eat boring, tasteless meals, and
left feeling hungry most of the time. Turn food into your ally by
following Chantel’s 80/20 rule: A full 20 percent of the time,
splurge on the foods you love and incorporate them into
celebrati*** and social occasi***. The remaining 80 percent of the
time, choose food on the basis of delivering maximum fuel for your
body and ultimate health. Simply by having *** in what you eat,
you can train yourself in self discipline and achieve sustainable
weight loss, being free from food anxiety.
Using personal inventories, original recipes, food plans, and
new, detailed exercises for strength training and aerobic fitness,
Chantel will inspire you to live well in every area of life. What
are you waiting for? Start the pursuit of a life lived well and
healthy: body, mind, and spirit.
Chantel Hobbs is a life coach, personal trainer,
marathon runner, wife, and mother of four. Her amazing story of
losing two hundred pounds and keeping the weight off has been
featured on Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America,
Fox & Friends, Life Today with James Robison, The 700
Club, Focus on the ***— and in People and
First magazines. Chantel is a featured fitness expert on
nationally syndicated radio programs. She is a frequent speaker to
women’s groups and makes personal appearances at fitness
The developer of The One-Day Way Learning System and the author
of four books, including Never Say Diet and The One-Day
Way, Chantel lives with her family in South Florida. Visit her
at for advice, fitness updates,
coaching tips, and answers to your healthy living questi***
Praise for Love Food and Live Well
“In Love Food and Live Well, Chantel Hobbs helps readers
re-create their lives from the inside out. As you turn the pages of
this book, you can’t help but feel that Chantel is right there with
you to guide and inspire every step in your quest to eat better,
move more, and enjoy a more fulfilled and more healthful
—Elisa Zied, MS, RD, CDN, regular contributor to and; author of Nutrition at Your Fingertips and Feed Your
Family Right!
“Behind Chantel’s extraordinary story and unquestioned expertise
is a heart that sets her apart. Regardless of whom she encounters,
she lives for the opportunity to help them discover their fullest
and fittest potential. As you read Love Food and Live Well, it will
become clear that Chantel is doing what God created her to do. How
refreshing to find a fitness expert who is devoted to changing
lives on the inside as well as the outside!”
—Bob Coy, pastor of Calvary Chapel, Fort Lauderdale
“Chantel Hobbs uses wit, wisdom, and poignant insights to open
our eyes regarding our health and well-being. With helpful tips,
exercises, recipes, and workout plans, Chantel has put together a
perfect plan that anyone can follow. And she points out that
allowing God to take control is the only way to live a life that
will make everything else fall into place.”
—Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor; author of Quit Digging
Your Grave with a Knife and Fork; host of Huckabee
“Love Food and Live Well inspires you to focus on what’s good,
what’s true, and what works. If you have ever felt trapped and
miserable, Chantel Hobbs will show you how to surrender your life
and gain control of what matters most. Filled with real-life
success stories, Love Food and Live Well will help you begin the
journey that will change your life forever.”
—Miles Mettler, PhD in exercise and wellness; general manager of
Saint Mary’s Center for Health and Fitness, Reno, Nevada
Go ahead. Get passionate about the food you eat.
You don’t have to hide it. You can love food and lose weight at the same time! The secret, which you’ll learn about in Love Food and Live Well, is to know when to have carrot cake and when it’s time for just a carrot.
For most dieters, food is the daunting factor that trips up our best intenti*** to lose weight and get fit. Let Chantel Hobbs teach you that food is not the enemy! It’s our attitudes toward it that defeat us. Losing weight does not require being deprived of the foods you love and being forced to eat boring, tasteless meals, and left feeling hungry most of the time. Turn food into your ally by following Chantel’s 80/20 rule: A full 20 percent of the time, splurge on the foods you love and incorporate them into celebrati*** and social occasi***. The remaining 80 percent of the time, choose food on the basis of delivering maximum fuel for your body and ultimate health. Simply by having *** in what you eat, you can train yourself in self discipline and achieve sustainable weight loss, being free from food anxiety.
Using personal inventories, original recipes, food plans, and new, detailed exercises for strength training and aerobic fitness, Chantel will inspire you to live well in every area of life. What are you waiting for? Start the pursuit of a life lived well and healthy: body, mind, and spirit.
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