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In this inspiring and candid book, Jane Fonda, #1 bestselling author, actress, and workout pioneer, gives us a blueprint for living well and for *** the most of life, especially the second half of it. Covering ***, love, food, fitness, self-understanding, spiritual and social growth, and your brain. In Prime Time, she offers a vision for successful living and maturing, A to Z.
Highlighting new research and stories from her own life and from the lives of others, Jane Fonda explores how the critical years from 45 and 50, and especially from 60 and beyond, can be times when we truly become the energetic, loving, fulfilled people we were meant to be. Covering the 11 key ingredients for vital living, Fonda invites you to c***ide***ith her how to live a more insightful, healthy, and fully integrated life, a life lived more profoundly in touch with ourselves, our bodies, minds, and spirits, and with our talents, friends, and communities.
In her research, Fonda discovered two metaphors, the arch and the staircase, that became for her two visi*** of life. She shows how to see your life the staircase way, as one of continual ascent. She explains how she came to understand the earlier decades of her life by performing a life review, and she shows how you can do a life review too. She reveals how her own life review enabled her to let go of old patterns, to see what means the most to her, and then to cultivate new goals and dreams, to make the most of the mature years. For there has been a longevity revolution, and the average human life expectancy has jumped by years. Fonda asks, what we are meant to do with this precious gift of time? And she writes about how we can navigate the fertile voids that life periodically presents to us. She makes suggesti*** about exercise (including three key movements for optimal health), diet (how to eat by color), meditation, and how learning new things and creating fresh pathways in your brain can add quality to your life. Fonda writes of positivity, and why many people are happier in the second half of their lives than they have ever been before.
In her #1 New York Times bestselling memoir, My Life So Far, Jane Fonda focused on the first half of her extraordinary life—what she called Acts I and II—with an eye toward preparing for a vibrant Act III. Now we have a thoughtfully articulated memoir and guide for how to make all of your life, and especially Act III, Prime Time.
Jane Fonda is an Oscar- and Emmy-winning actress and highly successful producer. She revolutionized the fitness industry with the Jane Fonda Workout in 1982 and has sold more than seventeen million copies of her fitness-focused books, videos, and recordings. She is involved with several causes and is the founder of both the Ge***ia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and the Jane Fonda Center at Emory University. She is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller My Life So Far, and she received a Tony nomination in 2009 for her role in 33 Variati***. She lives in Los Angeles.
The Arch and the Staircase
The past empowers the present, and the groping
footsteps leading to this present mark the pathways
to the future.
—Mary Catherine Bateson
Several years ago, i was coming to the end of my sixties
and facing my seventies, the second decade of what I thought of as
the Third Act of my life— Act III, which, as I see it, begins at age
sixty. I was worried. Being in my sixties was one thing. Given good
health, we can fudge our sixties. But seventy—now, that’s serious.
In our grandparents’ time, people in their seventies were c***idered
part of the “old old” . . . on thei***ay out.
However, a revolution has occurred within the last century—
a longevity revolution. Studies show that, on average, thirty- four
years have been added to human life expectancy, moving it from an
average of forty- six years to eighty! This addition represents an
entire second *** lifetime, and whethe***e choose to confront it
or not, it changes everything, including what it means to be human.
Adding a Room
The social anthropologist (and a friend of mine) Mary Catherine
Bateson has a metaphor for living with this longer life span in view.
She writes in her recent book
Composing a Further Life: The Age of Active
“We have not added decades to life expectancy by simply
extending old age; instead, we have opened up a new space partway
through the life course, a second and different kind of ***hood
that precedes old age, and as a result every stage of life is undergoing
change.” Bateson uses the identifi able metaphor of what happens
when a new room is added to your home. It isn’t just the new
room that is different; every other part of the house and how it is
used is altered a bit by the addition of this room.
In the house that is our life, things such as planning, marriage,
love, fi nances, parenting, travel, education, physical fi tness, work,
retirement—our very identities, even!—all take on new meaning
now that we can expect to be vital into our eighties and nineties
. . . or longer.
But our culture has not come to grips with the ways the longevity
revolution has altered our lives. Institutionally, so much of how
we do things is the same as it was early in the twentieth century,
with our lives segregated into age- specifi c silos: During the fi rst
third we learn, during the second third we produce, and the last
third we presumably spend on leisure. C***ider, instead, how it
would look if we tore down the silos and integrated the activities.
For example, let’s begin to think of learning and working as a lifelong
challenge instead of something that ends when you retire.
What if the wonderfully empowering feeling of being productive
can be experienced by children early in life, and if they know from
fi rst grade that education will be an expected part of their entire
lives? What if the second, traditionally productive silo is braided
with leisure and education? And seniors, with twenty or more productive
years left, can enjoy leisure time while remaining in the
workforce in some form and attending to education if for no other
reason than to challenge their minds? Envisioned this way, longevity
becomes like a symphony with echoes of different times recurring
with slight modifi cati***, as in music, across the life arc.
Except that we don’t have the sheet music to this new symphony.
We— today’s boomers and seniors— are the pioneer generati***,
the ones who need to compose together a template for how
to maximize the potential of this amazing gift of time, so as to
become w***, fully realized people over the longer life arc.
In attempting to chart a course for myself into my sixties and
beyond, I’ve found it helpful to view the symphony of my own life
in three acts, or three major developmental stages: Act I, the fi rst
three decades; Act II, the middle three decades; and Act III, the
fi nal three decades (or however many more years one is granted).
As I searched fo***ays to understand the new realities of aging,
I discovered the arch and the staircase.
The Arch and the Staircase
Here you see two diagrams that I have had drawn, because they
make visualizable two concepti*** of human life that have come to
mean a lot to me.
One diagram, the arch, represents a biological concept, taking
us from childhood to a middle peak of maturity, followed by a
decline into infi rmity.
The other, a staircase, shows our potential for upward progression
toward wisdom, spiritual growth, learning— toward, in other
words, c***ciousness and soul.
The vision behind these diagrams was developed by Rudolf Arnheim,
the late professor emeritus of the psychology of art at Harvard
University, and for me they are clear metaphors fo***ays we can choose
to view aging. Our youth- obsessed culture encourages us to focus
on the arch—age as physical decline— more than on the stairway— age
as potential for continued development and ascent. But it is the stairway
that points to late life’s promise, even in the face of physical
decline. Perhaps it should be a spiral staircase! Because the wisdom,
balance, refl ection, and compassion that this upward movement represents
don’t just come to us in one linear ascension; they circle around
us, beckoning us to keep climbing, to keep looking both back and
Rehearsing the Future
Throughout my life, whenever I was confronted by something I
feared, I tried to make it my best friend, stare it in the face, and get
to know its ins and outs. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “You gain
strength, courage, and confi dence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face.” I have found this to be true.
This is how I discovered that knowledge about what lies ahead can
empower me, help me conquer my fears, take the wind out of the
sails of my anxiety. Know thine enemy! Remember Rumpelstiltskin,
the evil dwarf in the Grimms’ fairy tale? He was destroyed
once the miller’s daughter learned his name and called it out. When
we name our fears, bring them out into the open, and examine
them in the light, they weaken and wither.
So, one of the ways I have tried to overcome my fears of aging
involved rehearsing for it. In fact, I started doing this in Act II. I
believe that this rehearsal for the future (along with doing a life
review of the past) is part of why I have been able— so far— to live
Act III with relative equanimity.
Being with my fathe***hen he was in his late seventies and in
decline due to heart problems was what began to shatter any childhood
illusi*** I’d had of immortality. I was in my mid- forties, and it
hit me that with him gone, I would be the oldest one left in the family
and, before too long, next at the turnstile. I realized then that it was
not so much the idea of death itself that frightened me as it was being
faced with regrets, the “what if”s and the “if only”s when there is no
time left to do anything about them. I didn’t want to arrive at the end
of the Third Act and discover too late all that I had not done.
I began to feel the need to project myself into the future, to
visualize who I wanted to be and what regrets I might have that I
would need to address before I got too old. I wanted to understand
as much as possible what cards age would deal me; what I could
realistically expect of myself physically; how much of aging was
negotiable; and what I needed to do to intervene on my own behalf
with what appeared to be a downward slope.
The birth of my two children had taught me the importance of
knowledge and preparation. The fi rst birth had been a terrifying,
lonely experience; I went through it unprepared and unrehearsed,
swept along passively in a sea of pain. The second birth was quite
the opposite. My husband and I worked with a birth educator in
the months leading up to my due date, so that I was able to visualize
what would happen and know what to do. The physical ordeal
was no less grueling, the process no faster, but the experience itself
was transformed. With knowledge and rehearsal, I found it easier
to ride atop the sequence of events rather than be totally submerged
by the pain.
I brought what I’d learned from childbirth to my experience
facing late midlife. As I said, I was scared back then— it is hard to
let go of children, of the success that came with youth, of old identities
when new ones aren’t yet clearly defi ned. I felt I could choose
whether to be blindly propelled into later life, in denial with my
eyes wide shut, or I could take charge and seek out what I needed
to know in order to make informed decisi*** in the many changing
areas of my life. That’s why, in 1984, at age forty- six, before I’d even
had my fi rst *** fl ash, I wrote
Women Coming of Age,
with Mignon
McCarthy, about what women can expect, physically, as they age,
and what parts of aging are negotiable. It was a way to force myself
to confront and rehearse the future. I was shocked to discover how
little research had been devoted to women’s health. Most medical
studies I found had been done on men. I’m happy to say this has
started to change.
At forty- six, I began to envision the old woman I wished to be,
and I described her in that book:
I see an old woman wal...
In this inspiring and candid book, Jane Fonda, #1 bestselling author, actress, and workout pioneer, gives us a blueprint for living well and for *** the most of life, especially the second half of it. Covering ***, love, food, fitness, self-understanding, spiritual and social growth, and your brain. In Prime Time, she offers a vision for successful living and maturing, A to Z.
Highlighting new research and stories from her own life and from the lives of others, Jane Fonda explores how the critical years from 45 and 50, and especially from 60 and beyond, can be times when we truly become the energetic, loving, fulfilled people we were meant to be. Covering the 11 key ingredients for vital living, Fonda invites you to c***ide***ith her how to live a more insightful, healthy, and fully integrated life, a life lived more profoundly in touch with ourselves, our bodies, minds, and spirits, and with our talents, friends, and communities.
In her research, Fonda discovered two metaphors, the arch and the staircase, that became for her two visi*** of life. She shows how to see your life the staircase way, as one of continual ascent. She explains how she came to understand the earlier decades of her life by performing a life review, and she shows how you can do a life review too. She reveals how her own life review enabled her to let go of old patterns, to see what means the most to her, and then to cultivate new goals and dreams, to make the most of the mature years. For there has been a longevity revolution, and the average human life expectancy has jumped by years. Fonda asks, what we are meant to do with this precious gift of time? And she writes about how we can navigate the fertile voids that life periodically presents to us. She makes suggesti*** about exercise (including three key movements for optimal health), diet (how to eat by color), meditation, and how learning new things and creating fresh pathways in your brain can add quality to your life. Fonda writes of positivity, and why many people are happier in the second half of their lives than they have ever been before.
In her #1 New York Times bestselling memoir, My Life So Far, Jane Fonda focused on the first half of her extraordinary life—what she called Acts I and II—with an eye toward preparing for a vibrant Act III. Now we have a thoughtfully articulated memoir and guide for how to make all of your life, and especially Act III, Prime Time .
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