Building Information Modeling: A Strategic Implementation Guide For Architects, Engineers, C***tructors, And Real Estate Asset Managers mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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The optimal approach to design, build, operate, and maintain
With this strategic guide to building information modeling (BIM),
you’ll learn how to implement this new technology as part of a
comprehensive systems approach to the design, c***truction,
management, operation, maintenance, and use of buildings. The
authors, among the leading experts and pioneers in BIM, show you
how BIM ***s more streamlined, integrated, and efficient
business processes throughout the life cycle of buildings, from
their initial conception through their eventual retirement or
reuse. The result is better quality buildings, lower c***truction
and operating costs, shorter project turnaround times, and a higher
quality of building information to *** better business
decisi***. Moreover, they set forth a plan for incorporating BIM
into every ***anization’s existing workflows, enabling you to take
full advantage of all the benefits that BIM offers.
Everything you need to implement a BIM approach is set forth in
detail, including:
The business case for BIM, dem***trating how it can improve
collaboration, facilitate better design and c***truction, optimize
workflow, and help reduce risk
Guidance for meeting the challenges of BIM such as an entrenched
business culture, the proliferation of BIM tools, and the uneven
rates of BIM adoption
The “big picture” view showing how your ***anization can work
with business partners and fit into the building life cycle in a
BIM-enabled industry
Throughout the book, sample documents and figures help you better
understand the principles of BIM and how it works in practice. In
addition, first-hand accounts show you exactly how adopters of BIM
have gained a competitive edge.
Architects, engineers, c***tructors, building owners, and
facility managers can turn to this book to realize the full
potential of BIM and radically improve the way buildings are
designed, built, operated, and maintained.
Chapter 1: Building Industry Challenges and Opportunities.
Global Trends in Supply and Demand.
Benchmarking C***truction Productivity.
C***truction Productivity Metrics.
Benchmarking Building Performance.
Converting Inefficiency and Waste into Profit.
Benchmarking Waste.
Indentifying Business Opportunities.
Emerging Business Strategies.
Choosing the Right Tools, Deploying the Right Tool Suites.
The BIM Value Proposition.
Process Engineering.
Thinking Like an Owner.
Building Performance Metrics.
New Metrics for Real Property Valuation.
Chapter 2: BIM Implementation Strategies.
Leaving the CAD Era Behind.
A Systems Approach to BIM Implementation.
Avoiding Ideological Pitfalls.
Aligning a BIM Implementation Strategy with Technology
Assessing Fundamental Risks.
Fostering a Culture of Information Stewardship.
Managing Culture Change.
Using Technology to Build Trust and Mitigate Risk.
Maintaining Data Exchange Capabilities.
Assessing Team Capabilities.
Managing Expectati***.
Measuring Progress Toward Strategic Goals.
Toward a New Business Paradigm.
Chapter 3: Business Process Reform.
Managing Innovation Risk.
The Imperative of Change.
Innovation Management Strategies.
The "I" in BIM.
Industry-wide Reform Efforts.
Industry Standards and Innovation.
The Industry Standards Landscape.
Aligning Business Strategies with Industry Standards.
Integrating Information Gathering into the Business Process.
Leadership and Vision.
Engaging Business Partners.
Business Process Modeling.
Business Process Modeling Case Study.
Managing Change.
Information Exchanges.
Chapter 4: BIM-based Enterprise Workflow.
BIM Implementation Fundamentals.
Sidebar: Integrating Data Collection with Business Processes.
Business Operati*** and BIM.
Marketing / Business Development.
Human Resources.
Financial Management / Accounting.
Information Technology.
Workflow Visualization.
Chapter 5: The Building Lifecycle.
Lifecycle Views of Building Information.
The Feasibility, Planning, and Development View.
The Design and C***truction View.
The Operati*** and Maintenance View.
The Ownership and Asset Management View.
Chapter 6: Building Information Exchange Challenges.
Sidebar: Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom.
Information Management.
Sidebar: Case Study: Information Management.
Information Provenance.
Information Maturity.
Sidebar: The Wayback Machine: Archiving the Web.
Information Content Decay.
Information Electronic Degradation.
Information Integrity and Continuity.
Information Transparency, Accessibility, and Security.
Information Flow.
The Lifecycle of Information.
Stakeholder Views.
Chapter 7: Building Information Exchange Requirements.
The Big Picture.
Information Delivery Manuals.
Defining "Best Case" Business Processes.
agcXML: Organizing Transactional Information.
The C***truction Operati*** Building Information Exchange.
Specifiers Property Information Exchange.
Coordination View Information Exchange.
Chapter 8: The Way Forward.
Workflow: From Sequential to Parallel Processing.
New Business and Contractual Relati***hips.
Evolving Roles and Resp***ibilities.
Dana K. Smith, FAIA, is Executive Director of the
building***ART alliance, a program of the National Institute of
Build-ing Sciences (NIBS), and a Senior Analyst with Cyon Research.
He is the founder and former chair of the NIBS Facility Information
Council, developer of the U.S. National Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Standard and the National Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Standard. His efforts to advance the art and science of building
have been recognized by numerous honors and accolades, including
the 1996 Federal 100 Award, the 1997 NIBS Member Award, and the
2006 CAD Society Leadership Award.
MICHAEL TARDIF, Assoc. AIA, CSI, Hon. SDA, is Director of
Integrated Project Delivery Systems for Grunley C***truction
Company in Rockville, Maryland, and a contributing editor to
AIArchitect and C***truction Project Controls and BIM Report. He is
the former director of the Center for Technology and Practice
Management of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the
former project manager of the agcXML Project, an initiative funded
and executed by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
under the auspices of the building***ART alliance, one of the first
standards-development efforts to *** genuine e-commerce in the
building industry.
The optimal approach to design, build, operate, and maintain buildings With this strategic guide to building information modeling (BIM), you’ll learn how to implement this new technology as part of a comprehensive systems approach to the design, c***truction, management, operation, maintenance, and use of buildings. The authors, among the leading experts and pioneers in BIM, show you how BIM ***s more streamlined, integrated, and efficient business processes throughout the life cycle of buildings, from their initial conception through their eventual retirement or reuse. The result is better quality buildings, lower c***truction and operating costs, shorter project turnaround times, and a higher quality of building information to *** better business decisi***. Moreover, they set forth a plan for incorporating BIM into every ***anization’s existing workflows, enabling you to take full advantage of all the benefits that BIM offers. Everything you need to implement a BIM approach is set forth in detail, including: The business case for BIM, dem***trating how it can improve collaboration, facilitate better design and c***truction, optimize workflow, and help reduce risk Guidance for meeting the challenges of BIM such as an entrenched business culture, the proliferation of BIM tools, and the uneven rates of BIM adoption The “big picture” view showing how your ***anization can work with business partners and fit into the building life cycle in a BIM-enabled industry Throughout the book, sample documents and figures help you better understand the principles of BIM and how it works in practice. In addition, first-hand accounts show you exactly how adopters of BIM have gained a competitive edge. Architects, engineers, c***tructors, building owners, and facility managers can turn to this book to realize the full potential of BIM and radically improve the way buildings are designed, built, operated, and maintained.
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