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《计算流体动力学导论:有限体积法(第2版)(英文版)》内容简介:We were pleasantly surprised by the ready acceptance of the first edition of our book by the CFD community and by the amount of positive feedback received over a period of 10 years. To us this has provided justification of our original plan, which was to provide an accessible introduction to this fast-growing topic to *** teaching at senior undergraduate level, post- graduate research and new industrial users of commercial CFD codes. Our second edition seeks to enhance and update. The structure and didactic approach of the first edition have been retained without change, but aug- mented by a selection of the most important developments in CFD.
1 Introduction
1.1 What is CFD?
1.2 How does a CFD code work?
1.3 Problem solving with CFD
1.4 Scope of this book
2 C***ervation laws of fluid motion and boundary conditi***
2.1 Governing equati*** of fluid flow and heat transfer
2.2 Equati*** of state
2.3 Navier-Stokes equati*** for a Newtonian fluid
2.4 C***ervative form of the governing equati*** of fluid flow
2.5 Differential and integral forms of the general transport equati***
2.6 Classification of physical behaviours
2.7 The role of characteristics in hyperbolic equati***
2.8 Classification method for *** PDEs
2.9 Classification of fluid flow equati***
2.10 Auxiliary conditi*** for viscous fluid flow equati***
2.11 Problems in transonic and supersonic compressible flows
2.12 Summary
3 Turbulence and its modelling
3.1 What is turbulence?
3.2 Transition from laminar to turbulent }low
3.3 Descriptors of turbulent flow
3.4 Characteristics of *** turbulent flows
3.5 The effect of turbulent fluctuati*** on properties of the mean flow
3.6 Turbulent flow calculati***
3.7 Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equati*** and classical turbulence models
3.8 Large eddy simulation
3.9 Direct numerical simulation
3.10 Summary
4 The finite volume method for diffusion problems
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Finite volume method for one-dimensional steady state diffusion
4.3 Worked examples: one-dimensional steady state diffusion
4.4 Finite volume method for two-dimensional diffusion problems
4.5 Finite volume method for three-dimensional diffusion problems
4.6 Summary
5 The finite volume method for convection-diffusion problems
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion
5.3 The central differencing scheme
5.4 Properties of discretisation schemes
5.5 Assessment of the central differencing scheme for convectiondiffusion problems
5.6 The upwind differencing scheme
5.7 The hybrid differencing scheme
5.8 The power-law scheme
5.9 Higher-order differencing schemes for convection-diffusion problems
5.10 TVD schemes
5.11 Summary
6 Solution algorithms for pressure-velocity
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The staggered grid
6.3 The momentum equati***
*** The SIMPLE algorithm
6.5 Assembly ora complete method
6.6 The SIMPLER algorithm
6.7 The SIMPLEC algorithm
6.8 The PISO algorithm
6.9 General comments on SIMPLE, SIMPLER, SIMPLEC and PISO
6.10 Worked examples of the SIMPLE algorithm
6.11 Summary
7 Solution of discretised equati***
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The TDMA
7.3 Application of the TDMA to two-dimensional problems
7.4 Application of the TDMA to three-dimensional problems
7.5 Examples
7.6 Point4***tive methods
7.7 Multigrid techniques
7.8 Summary
8 the finite volume method for unsteady flows
8.1 Introduction
8.2 One-dimensional unsteady heat conduction
8.3 Illustrative examples
8.4 Implicit method for two- and three-dimensional problems
8.5 Discretisation of transient convection-diffusion equation
8.6 Worked example of transient convection-diffusion using QUICK differencing
8.7 Solution procedures for unsteady flow calculati***
8.8 Steady state calculati*** using the pseudo-transient approach
8.9 A brief note on other transient schemes
8.10 Summary
9 Implementation of boomfary conffti***
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Inlet boundary conditi***
9.3 Outlet boundary conditi***
9.4 Wall boundary conditi***
9.5 The c***tant pressure boundary condition
9.6 Symmetry boundary condition
9.7 Periodic or cyclic boundary condition
9.8 Potential pitfalls and final remarks
10 Errors and uncertainty in CFD modelling
10.1 Errors and uncertainty in CFD
10.2 Numerical errors
10.3 Input uncertainty
10.4 Physical model uncertainty
10.5 Verification and validation
10,6 Guidelines for best practice in CFD
10.7 Reporting/documentation of CFD simulation inputs and results
10.8 Summary
11 Methods for dealing with complex geometries
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Body-fitted co.ordinate grids for complex geometries
11.3 Catesian vs. curvilinear grids - an example
11.4 Curvilinear grids - difficulties
11.5 Block-structured grids
11.6 Unstructured grids
11.7 Discretisation in unstructured grids
11.8 Discretisafion of the diffusion term
11.9 Discretisafion of the convective term
11.10 Treatment of source terms
11.11 Assembly of discretised equati***
11.12 Example calculati*** with unstructured grids
11.13 Pressure-velocity coupling in unstructured meshes
11.14 Staggered vs. co-located grid arrangements
11.15 Extension of the face velocity interpolation method to unstructured meshes
11.16 Summary
12 CFD modelling of combustion
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Application of the first law of thermodynamics to a combustion system
12.3 Enthalpy of formation
12.4 Some important relati***hips and properties of gaseous mixtures
12.5 Stoichiometry
12.6 Equivalence ratio
12.7 Adiabatic flame temperature
12.8 Equilibrium and dissociation
12.9 Mechanisms of combustion and chemical kinetics
12.10 Overall reacti*** and intermediate reacti***
12.11 Reaction rate
12.12 Detailed mechanisms
12.13 Reduced mechanisms
12.14 Governing equati*** for combusting flows
12.15 The *** chemical reacting system (SCRS)
12.16 Modelling of a laminar diffusion flame - an example
12.17 CFD calculation of turbulent non-premixed combustion
12.18 SCRS model for turbulent combustion
12.19 Probability density function approach
12.20 Beta pdf
12.21 The chemical equilibrium model
12.22 Eddy break-up model of combustion
12.23 Eddy dissipation concept
12.24 Laminar flamelet model
12.25 Generation oflaminar, flamelet libraries
12.26 Statistics of the non-equilibrium parameter
12.27 Pollutant formation in combustion
12.28 Modelling of thermal NO formation in combustion
12.29 Flamelet-based NO modelling
12.30 An example to illustrate laminar flamelet modelling and NO modelling of a turbulent flame
12.31 Other models for non-premixed combustion
12.32 Modelling ofpremixed combustion
12.33 Summary
13 Numedcal calculation of radiative heat transfer
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Governing equati*** of radiative heat transfer
13.3 Solution methods
13.4 Four popular radiation calculation techniques suitable for CFD
13.5 Illustrative examples
13.6 Calculation of radiative properties in gaseous mixtures
13.7 Summary
Appendix A Accuracy of a flow simulation
Appendix B Non-uniform grids
Appendix C Calculation of source terms
Appendix D Limiter functi*** used in Chapter 5
Appendix E Derivation of one-dimensional governing equati*** for steady, incompressible flow through a planar nozzle
Appendix F Alternative derivation for the term (n . grad Ai) in Chapter 11
Appendix G Some examples
H K Versteeg and W Malalasekera are both senior lecturers in Thermo-Fluids, at Loughborough University
《计算流体动力学导论:有限体积法(第2版)(英文版)》内容简介:We were pleasantly surprised by the ready acceptance of the first edition of our book by the CFD community and by the amount of positive feedback received over a period of 10 years. To us this has provided justification of our original plan, which was to provide an accessible introduction to this fast-growing topic to *** teaching at senior undergraduate level, post- graduate research and new industrial users of commercial CFD codes. Our second edition seeks to enhance and update. The structure and didactic approach of the first edition have been retained without change, but aug- mented by a selection of the most important developments in CFD.
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