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Shawn Phillips is an internationally respected strength and fitness expert who has helped athletes, celebrities, and tens of thousands of others over the past twenty years. Now he’s sharing his fresh approach to fitness with everyone. Strength for Life is an easy-to-implement program to help you get in fantastic shape, enjoy abundant energy, and maintain a lean, strong physique–not just for 12 weeks but for the rest of your life.
Let’s face it, with the demands of family, work, and life, many of us simply don’t have the time to stick to a rigorous workout schedule. Through his own life experience, Shawn Phillips has recognized this challenge and risen to it, li***lly reinventing fitness with a results-oriented program that you can embrace even with your hectic schedule and do either at home or at the gym. Homing in on the idea of building mental and physical strength rather than just sculpting your body, Shawn has pioneered a technique called Focus Intensity Training ™ (FIT), which uses the mind-body connection to yield incredible results. The program features
• a workout plan that can take as little as 35 minutes a day, 3 times a week
• illustrated exercises with clear step-by-step instructi***
• 3 workout phases–a 12-day Base Camp pre-training period, a 12-week Transformation Camp, and a year-round continuation plan geared to keep you going strong and vibrant for the rest of your life
• a *** eating plan to fuel your body for optimum energy and performance–one that will free you from dieting forever
• goal-setting exercises to help you achieve lasting motivation and reach your loftiest visi***
It’s never too late to get in shape. If you’re in your twenties or thirties, Strength for Life will show you how to achieve peak levels of fitness year after year. For those forty and beyond, you can look forward to recapturing the energy and vitality you thought you had lost. By following Strength for Life, you will make yourself stronger, leaner, sharper, and more confident. As Shawn writes: “Strength is about being more, doing more, giving more. It’s not just surviving; it’s thriving. And most important, strength is about having a reserve, a deeper, fuller capacity of body, mind, heart, and soul.”
Shawn Phillips is CEO of Phillips Performance Nutrition, maker
of the world’s premium total-nutrition shakes. He lives with his
wife, son, and daughter in Golden, Colorado.
Advance praise for Strength for Life
“Strength training is unsurpassed in its ability to create
superbly sculpted muscles and increase balance, strength, and
stamina while ridding the body of unwanted fat. Shawn Phillips has
developed an outstanding holistic program that will help you to
reach these goals quickly–regardless of age or current fitness
level. His unique mind-body approach keeps you c***tantly
motivated, enabling you to achieve true strength for life.”
–Nicholas Perricone, M.D., F.A.C.N., author of The Perricone
Weight-Loss Diet
“This is the first book to take you through a 12-week
transformation and beyond. It’s like finally hearing the rest of
the story. In week 13 and afterward, you set yourself for a
lifetime of strength and fitness.”
–Lynn Lingenfelter, 1997 Body-for-LIFE co-grand champion
“Strength for Life is truly fantastic! This is a book and a
message that every single person can identify with and be inspired
–Larry North, founder, Larry North Fitness Clubs
“Do you want to be in control of your life? If you do, the
answers are in the pages of Strength for Life. This book
illustrates the difference between exercise and training. Now my
mind is right and my body is ready, and so far each session has
been more productive. It reminded me of why we seek to be fit, and
seek the ultimate goal of our lives.”
–G. Porter Freeman, 1997 Body-for-LIFE co-grand champion
“Strength for Life is a superb handbook on physical
transformation, leading to a complete life transformation, a novel
and tremendously effective technique. Highly recommended!”
–Ken Wilber, author of The Integral Vision
“Shawn Phillips is the epitome of form following function. There
is no need to suffer through exercise when you hack away the
inessentials and focus on what really matters: Strength.”
–Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek
Shawn Phillips is an internationally respected strength and fitness expert who has helped athletes, celebrities, and tens of thousands of others over the past twenty years. Now he’s sharing his fresh approach to fitness with everyone. Strength for Life is an easy-to-implement program to help you get in fantastic shape, enjoy abundant energy, and maintain a lean, strong physique–not just for 12 weeks but for the rest of your life.
Let’s face it, with the demands of family, work, and life, many of us simply don’t have the time to stick to a rigorous workout schedule. Through his own life experience, Shawn Phillips has recognized this challenge and risen to it, li***lly reinventing fitness with a results-oriented program that you can embrace even with your hectic schedule and do either at home or at the gym. Homing in on the idea of building mental and physical strength rather than just sculpting your body, Shawn has pioneered a technique called Focus Intensity Training ™ (FIT), which uses the mind-body connection to yield incredible results. The program features
• a workout plan that can take as little as 35 minutes a day, 3 times a week
• illustrated exercises with clear step-by-step instructi***
• 3 workout phases–a 12-day Base Camp pre-training period, a 12-week Transformation Camp, and a year-round continuation plan geared to keep you going strong and vibrant for the rest of your life
• a *** eating plan to fuel your body for optimum energy and performance–one that will free you from dieting forever
• goal-setting exercises to help you achieve lasting motivation and reach your loftiest visi***
It’s never too late to get in shape. If you’re in your twenties or thirties, Strength for Life will show you how to achieve peak levels of fitness year after year. For those forty and beyond, you can look forward to recapturing the energy and vitality you thought you had lost. By following Strength for Life, you will make yourself stronger, leaner, sharper, and more confident. As Shawn writes: “Strength is about being more, doing more, giving more. It’s not just surviving; it’s thriving. And most important, strength is about having a reserve, a deeper, fuller capacity of body, mind, heart, and soul.”
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