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A pioneer in the financial media, Dick Davis has in***cted with the investing public for over forty years. With his new book, he continues this trend. The first part of The Dick Davis Dividend contains an easy-to-read, yet profound discussion of the essentials of investing—focusing on the savvy ve***n’s often unconventional, core beliefs. While the second part of this engaging guide makes a compelling case for combining both passive investing via index funds and active investing via stocks and mutual funds.
About the Author
Can 95 Million Investors Be Wrong?
A Challenge: Blunt Honesty without Turning Off the Investor
Where I’m Coming From
Housekeeping Notes
Chapter 1: Personal Background
Pre–Wall Street
One-of-a-Kind Career on Wall Street
Post–Wall Street
Modesty Adds Credibility
Part One: Deepest Convicti*** About Successful Investing After 40 Years On all Street
Chapter 2: The Three Best Things to Have before Starting to Invest Luck
Deep Pockets
Chapter 3: Six Absolutes
1 Nobody Knows the Answers
2 There’s Always an Exact Opposite Opinion
3 We’re Predisposed to Fail, But Not Predestined
4 There Is Symmetry in the Market
5 The Market Is King—News Is Mostly Irrelevant
6 The Durability of Major Trends Is Underestimated
Chapter 4: Seven Core Convicti***
1 Asset Allocation Is Key to Managing Risk
2 Proper Entry Level Is Crucial
3 Be Aware of the Negatives: There’s Always a Column A and a Column B
4 The Best You Can Do Is Put the Odds in Your Favor
5 The Worst You Can Do Is Be Totally and Instantly Informed (A Critique of CNBC)
6 Many Strategies Can Work—The Key Is C***istency
7 Index Funds: The Answer for Most, But Not the W*** Answer
Chapter 5: Thirty-Five Nuggets
1 After You Buy, It’ll Always Go Lower
2 CEOs on Their Own Stock
3 Conventional Wisdom Is More Conventional than Wisdom
4 Humility Is Sadly Lacking on Wall Street
5 A Sure Thing If Y ou Have the Patience
6 No Single Stock Has to Be Bought
7 The Sticky Question of When to Sell
8 Mergers Are Good for Everyone Except Stockholders
9 Get Children Started Early
10 Don’t Rebuke Yourself
11 Face It, It’s History; Put It Behind You
12 Investigate, Then Invest—Hogwash
13 Cramer versus Kirk
14 How to Answer Questi*** about the Market
15 Giving Advice to Relatives—Tread Lightly
16 When Greed Paid Off
17 Losses Are Inevitable—A Big Loss Unacceptable
18 ETFs Are a Beautiful Thing
19 Rising Dividends Are More Important than Big Dividends
20 The Broker and the Case for Discretion
21 All Investors Are Not Created Equal
22 Low Commissi*** Make Online Trading Hard to Resist
23 Understand Your Own Temperament
24 The Upside-Down Stock Market
25 Every Group Has Its Day
26 “When” Is More Important than “What”
27 No Place to Hide for the Investor
28 The Rarity of Inside Information
29 What’s a Reasonable Return?
30 The Market Is Typically Dull and Indecisive
31 Interest Rates—The Most Diffi cult of All to Forecast
32 The Brilliant Market Call
33 Your Results Will Differ From Your Fund’s
34 You Can Make Money in a Down Market
35 No One Has a Monopoly on the Right Answers
Part Two: Ok ay, So What Do I Do With My Money?
Chapter 6: Active versus Passive Investing
The 80-20 Solution
Passive Investing—An Overview
Index Funds: What’s Most Important To Know
Chapter 7: Passive Investing: Twenty-Eight Model Index Fund Portfolios
Setting the Table
Paul Farrell: Lazy Man Portfolios
Twenty-Eight Model Index Fund Portfolios
Chapter 8: Active Investing with Mutual Funds
Ways for Do-It-Yourselfers to Outperform the Market: Introduction
Life-Cycle/Target Retirement Funds
Mutual Funds: 18 Key Points
Chapter 9: Active Investing with Stocks
“My One Favorite Stock” Lists
Piggybacking the Masters
Virtual Investing
Stock Screens
Brokerage Focus Lists
Stock-Picking Columnists
The CAN SLIM Approach: William O’Neil
The Magic Formula: Joel Greenblatt
Jeremy Siegel’s Dividend Approach
Private Money Managers
Best Web Sites and Blogs
Chapter 10: Conclusion
Great Investment Books: The Right Kind of Homework
Sayings and Quotati***
Wrap-Up: What I Hope You Take Away
作者简介:Dick Davis is one of the most widely known and highly respected market commentators of his time. He founded The Dick Davis Digest in1982, one of the nation'slargest investment news-letters, and pioneered stock market reporting via television and radio. Davis also wrote a stock market column for the Miami Herald—which was syndicated to over 100 newspapers—for over ten years. Born in Yonkers, New York, Davis lived in Miami for forty-five years and in Boca Raton since 1992.
What can you say about successful investing that hasn't been said before? How many different ways can you say buy good stocks cheap, diversify and control your emoti***? "The Dick Davis Dividend" doesn't avoid these truisms but it adds others seldom discussed: the seldom acknowledge role of pure luck; the irrelevance of news; the under appreciated durability of major trends; the over exaggerated value of homework; the predisposition of investors to fail; and the curse of being totally and instantly informed. These are just a few of the strongly held, often unconventional views of a savvy 40 year ve***n who speaks from a unique vantage point. Dick Davis is a pioneer in the financial media and has been talking to investors since 1965. He was the only employee of a member firm of the N.Y.S.E. to work full time broadcasting "in depth" market reports. He did so via radio, TV, a syndicated newspaper column and a newsletter ("The Dick Davis Digest" no longer affiliated).The first half of the book is titled, "Deepest Convicti*** About Successful Investing After 40 Years On Wall Street" and the second half of the book is titled, "OK, So What Do I Do With My Money?" Davis makes a compelling case for combining both passive investing via index funds and active investing via stocks and mutual funds. He focuses on 28 models, buy and hold, index fund portfolios, each one recommended by a leading authority in the world of indexing. Included are the favorite index portfolios of Burton Malkiel, John Bogle, Ben Stein, Jonathan Clements, Andrew Tobias and 23 others. With advice described as "timeless wisdom" by best selling author Andrew Tobias, "The Dick Davis Dividend" details what the investor is up against and how he can deal with it successfully. It's a bluntly honest, heartfelt message written with clarity, directness and empathy that resonates with readers.
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