Optical Properties of 3d-i*** in Crystals: Spectroscopy and Crystal Field Analysis(晶体中3d离子的光学性质:光谱和晶场分析) mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

Optical Properties of 3d-i*** in Crystals: Spectroscopy and Crystal Field Analysis(晶体中3d离子的光学性质:光谱和晶场分析)精美图片
》Optical Properties of 3d-i*** in Crystals: Spectroscopy and Crystal Field Analysis(晶体中3d离子的光学性质:光谱和晶场分析)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Optical Properties of 3d-i*** in Crystals: Spectroscopy and Crystal Field Analysis(晶体中3d离子的光学性质:光谱和晶场分析)书籍详细信息

  • I***N:9787302285458
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2012-12
  • 页数:268
  • 价格:69.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  the book is devoted to the ***ysis ofspectral, vibronic and magnetic properties of 3d i*** in a widerange of crystals, used as active media for solid state lasers andpotential candidates for this role. crystal field calculati***(including first-principles calculati*** of energy levels andabsorption spectra) and comparison of these results withexperimental spectra, janh-teller effect, ***ysis of vibronicspectra, materials science applicati*** are systematically dealtwith. the chapters are relatively independent and can be readseparately.

the book can be useful for researchers working in the areas ofcrystal spectroscopy,materials science and its opticalapplicati***, post-graduate and under graduate students.


1 recent development in laser crystals with 3d i***

1.1 introduction

1.2 general properties and ***ects of tunable solid-statelasers

1.2.1 the prep rational ***ect

1.2.2 the spectroscopic ***ect

1.2.3 the laser ***ect

1.2.4 comparison between lasers based on the 3d-3d and 4f-4ftransiti***

1.3 transition metal ion lasers--recent developments

1.3.1 overview of progress in transition metal ion lasers

1.3.2 recent progress in the transition metal ion lasers

1.4 summary


2 exchange charge model of crystal field for 3d i***

2.1 introduction

2.2 i*** with 3d1-configuration (ti3+, v4+, cr5+, mn6+)

2.2.1 ti3+

2.2.2 v4+

2.2.3 cr5+

2.2.4 mn6+

2.3 i*** with 3d2-configuration (v3+, cr4+, mn5+)

2.3.1 v3+

2.3.2 cr4+

2.3.3 mn5+

2.4 i*** with 3d3-configuration (v2+, cr3+, mn4+, fe5+)

2.4.1 v2+

2.4.2 cr3+

2.4.3 mn4+

2.4.4 isoelectronic cr3+, mn4+ and fe5+ doped in srtio3

2.5 i*** with 3d4-configuration (v+, cfi+, mn3+, fe )

2.6 i*** with 3ds-configuration (mn2+, fe3+)

2.7 i*** with 3d6-configuration (co3+, fe2+)

2.8 i*** with 3dt-configuration (co2+, ni3+)

2.9 i*** with 3ds-configuration (ni2+, cu3+)

2.10 i*** with 3d9-configuration (cu2+)

2.11 conclusi***


3 snperposition model and its applicati***

3.1 background

3.2 underlying assumpti*** and formulation of the superpositionmodel

3.2.1 superposition model assumpti***

3.2.2 superposition model formula

3.2.3 distance dependence in superposition model

3.2.4 linkage with the angular overlap model (aom)

3.2.5 quadratic rotational invariants and the superpositionmodel

3.2.6 superposition model in zero-field splittings

3.3 applicati*** of superposition model in selected systems

3.3.1 different ways of using the superposition model

3.3.2 low-lying states of cr3+ at c3 sites in linbo3

3.3.3 spin-hamiltonian parameters for 3d5 i*** in oxidecrystals

3.3.4 cr3+ at non-cubic sites in mgo

3.3.5 orbit-lattice coupling for cr3+ in ruby

3.4 conclusi***


4 spin-hamiltonian parameters and lattice distorti*** around 3dnimpurities

4.1 introduction

4.2 calculation methods of spin-hamiltonian parameters

4.2.1 perturbation theory method (ptm)

4.2.2 complete diagonalization of energy matrix method (cdm)

4.3 impurity-ligand distances for 3dn impurities in cubic sites ofcrystals

4.4 low-symmetry distorti*** of the 3dn impurity centers incrystals

4.5 defect properties related to the defect structures of 3dnimpurity centers in crystals

4.5.1 local compressibility and local thermal expansioncoefficient

4.5.2 defect model of 3dn impurity center

4.5.3 local phase transition behavior for the 3dn impurity centersin abx3-type perovskites

4.5.4 determination of the substitutional sites for 3dn impuritiesin crystals


5 dynamic jahn-teller effect in crystals doped with 3d i***

5.1 introduction

5.2 a brief survey

5.2.1 3dl, ti3+ and v4+

5.2.2 3d2, cr4+ and v3+

5.2.3 3d3, v2+ and cr3+

5.2.4 3d4, v+, cr2+ and mn3+

5.2.5 3d5, fe3+ and mn2+

5.2.6 3d6, fe2+

5.2.7 3d7, co2+

5.2.8 3d8,ni2+

5.2.9 3d9, ni+ and cu2+

5.3 the hamiltonian

5.3.1 the free ion

5.3.2 the crystalline field

5.3.3 the jt in***ction

5.3.4 aworked example

5.3.5 real life approximati***

5.4 calculation procedures

5.4.1 the lanczos method

5.4.2 lanczos instabilities

5.4.3 the glauber states approach

5.5 some illustrative examples (fe2+, v2+, cr2+)

5.5.1 fe2+ in ii -vi and m-v semiconductors

5.5.2 v2+

5.5.3 cr2+ in zns and znse

5.6 conclusi***


a the symmetric displacements of a tetrahedron


6 first-principles calculati*** of crystal field effects andabsorption spectra for 3d i*** in laser crystals

6.1 introduction

6.2 basic foundati*** of the dvme metho.d

6.3 applicati*** of the dvme method

6.3.1 microscopic ***ysis of the crystal field effects and"ligand-impurity ion" charge transfer transiti*** in cs2nayx6 (x=f,c1, br) crystals doped with cr

6.3.2 calculati*** of optical spectra for 3d i*** in crystals

6.3.3 calculati*** of the xanes spectra

*** conclusion



7 cobalt complexes in znse crystals as new absorbers for non-linearoptical devices

7.1 introduction

7.2 crystal growth

7.3 optical investigati***

7.4 molecular dynamics geometry optimization

7.4.1 methods of molecular dynamics simulation

7.4.2 results of calculati***

7.5 p***o-induced simulation of nonlinear absorption kineticsc***tants

7.6 conclusion



  Dr. N.M. Avram is an Emeritus Professor atthe Physics Department, West University of Timisoara, Romania; Dr.M.G. Brik is a Professor at the Institute of Physics, University ofTartu, Estonia.









《晶体中3d离子的光学性质:光谱和晶场分析(英文)》内容简介:The book is devoted to the ***ysis of spectral, vibronic and magnetic properties of 3d i*** in a wide range of crystals, used as active media for solid state lasers and potential candidates for this role.crystal field calculati*** (including first-principles calculati*** of energy levels and absorption spectra) and comparison of these results with experimental spectra, janh-teller effect, ***ysis of vibronic spectra, materials science applicati*** are systematically dealt with.the chapters are relatively independent and can be read separately.

The book can be useful for researchers working in the areas of crystal spectroscopy,materials science and its optical applicati***, post-graduate and under graduate students.


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