eBay Business All-in-One For Dummies,2 edition eBay大全,第2版 mobi 下载 网盘 caj lrf pdf txt 阿里云

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Whether you're thinking about starting an eBay business or are already up and running, this step-by-step guide will lead you down the smart path to *** a regular income on eBay. With solid tips from the bestselling eBay expert, this reference helps you get your eBay business off the ground and manage the basics of listing items, completing transacti***, and keeping your buyers happy.
Learn the nuts and bolts — discover how you can set up your business, find and manage inventory, and run your business like a pro
Equip yourself with the tools that count — make the most of eBay's search engine, online sources of information, the PayPal system, and eBay's management tools
Start selling like a whiz — learn valuable strategies for managing and maximizing sales
Source your merchandise effortlessly — learn the ins and outs of online retailing and what it takes to buy and sell online with ease
Get the word out — find out how to set up the optimal eBay p***o studio and develop and market your eBay Web site
Be the power seller you were born to be — from opening your eBay store to the nitty-gritty office set up, get your business up and running
Open the book and find:
How to navigate through eBay's buyer and seller tools
Tips on effectively using your My eBay page
Insider advice on creating listings that win bids
Sources for the merchandise that sells profitably on eBay
How top sellers use p***os and HTML to improve their sales
Ideas for promoting your business both on eBay and off
Worry-free shipping strategies
Painless guidance on keeping your business legal
Book I: eBay Basics
Chapter 1: Hooking Up with Online Technology
Chapter 2: Navigating through eBay
Chapter 3: Signing Up and Getting Started
Chapter 4: Understanding eBay Sales
Chapter 5: Checking Out the Seller and Leaving Feedback
Chapter 6: Bidding to Win
Chapter 7: Completing the Transaction
Chapter 8: Participating in the Community..
Book II: Essential Tools
Chapter 1: Researching on eBay
Chapter 2: Researching on the Web
Chapter 3: Efficient Communicati*** for Better Sales
Chapter 4: Simplifying Payment with PayPal
Chapter 5: Using eBay's Management Tools
Book Ill: Selling Like a Pro
Chapter 1: Be Sure Your Listings Make Cents
Chapter 2: Understanding the Finer Points of Selling
Chapter 3: Listing Your Items for Sale
Chapter 4: Using eBay's Turbo Lister
Chapter 5: Managing Your Sales on My eBay
Chapter 6: Using PayPal to Organize Your Sales
Chapter 7: Checking Out Payment Alternatives
Book IV: Sourcing Merchandise
Chapter 1: Understanding Online Retailing
Chapter 2: Buying Merchandise Like the Pros
Chapter 3: Selling Other People's Stuff
Chapter 4: Liquidation and Drop-Shipping
Book V: Presenting your Items.
Chapter 1: Your eBay P***o Studio
Chapter 2: Mastering eBay P***ography
Chapter 3: Sprucing Up Your Listings with HTML.
Chapter 4: Getting Your P***os Ready for eBay.
Chapter 5: Getting Your P***os on the Web
Book VI: Promoting your Goods
Chapter 1: Developing Your Web Site
Chapter 2: Marketing Your Web Site and eBay Store
Chapter 3: Using PayPal to Increase Your Sales
Book VII: Storing and Shipping
Chapter 1: Organizing Your Merchandise and Shipping Department...
Chapter 2: Shipping without Going Postal
Chapter 3: Insuring Your Item's Delivery
Book VIII: Power Selling
Chapter 1: Upgrading to eBay's Selling Manager
Chapter 2: Managing Your Business with Third-Party Tools
Chapter 3: Studying Your Statistics.
Chapter 4: Becoming a PowerSeller
Chapter 5: Opening Your eBay Store
Book IX: Office and Legal
Chapter 1: Getting Legal with the State and the Feds
Chapter 2: The Joys of Taxes and Business Reporting
Chapter 3: Using Bookkeeping Software
Chapter 4: Keeping Your Business Secure Online
Chapter 5: Networking Your Office
作者简介:Marsha Collier is a highly respected eBay expert as well as the best-selling author on all things eBay. Her books, including top sellers eBay For Dummies and Starting an eBay Business For Dummies, have sold over a million copies. She is also a highly experienced eBay selle***ho was one of the first eBay PowerSellers.
Want to become an eBay entrepreneur? Nobody knows more about starting an eBay business than Marsha Collier, and she’s put it all in 1-2-3 order for you in eBay Business All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition . This all-in-one guide includes nine handy minibooks that cover: eBay Basics Essential Tools Selling Like a Pro Sourcing Merchandise Presenting Your Items Promoting Your Goods Storing and Shipping Power Selling Office and Legal eBay PowerSeller Marsha Collier shows you how to: Set up your business, find and manage inventory, and run your business like a pro Equip yourself with the tools that count—eBay’s search engine, online sources of information, the PayPal system, and eBay’s management tools Source your merchandise and learn valuable strategies for managing and maximizing sales Set up the optimal eBay p***o studio and develop and market your eBay Web site Learn the ins and outs of online retailing and what it takes to buy and sell online safely and easily Find deals on the computer equipment you need Promote, market, and show off your goods, all the while keeping your business legal Before you know it, you too can be a PowerSeller! Get started today with eBay Business All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition .
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