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Product Description
Make movies and videos with green screen compositing technology with The Green Screen Handbook: Real-World Production Techniques. This unique guide is a comprehensive how-to of professional production techniques, step-by-step instruction, and tips that can save you time and money. Learn when to use green screens instead of blue, find out how the pros operate in professional studios, and get amazing results—even on a shoestring budget.
Topics include matting and keying basics; setups using fabric, portable background panels, or paint; lighting and digital camera essentials; broadcast TV hardware switchers; professional HD and major motion picture compositing; multiple-colored screen composites (background, foregrounds, and objects); directing storyboards and talent; working with virtual sets; motion tracking; and much more.
See how to plan, set up, and execute your s***s to reduce fixes in post
Choose the right keying process for your project
Master basic shooting setups and live broadcast keying
Understand proper lighting and how to match subjects to the background
Create a working storyboard and learn how to select and direct talent
Composite your footage and fix problem s***s
Work creatively with virtual sets, motion tracking, and match moving
Master techniques that apply to all compositing software and plug-ins
The DVD includes sample footage and all project files to accompany the chapters in the book.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
From the Back Cover
Bring Reality and Fantasy Togethe***ith Cinematic Results
If you want to make movies with green screen compositing technology, The Green Screen Handbook is just for you. This unique guide is a comprehensive how-to of professional production techniques, step-by-step instruction, and tips that can save you time and money. Learn when to use green screens instead of blue, find out how the pros operate in professional studios, and get amazing results—even on a shoestring budget.
Topics include matting and keying basics; setups using fabric, portable background panels, or paint; lighting and digital camera essentials; broadcast TV hardware switchers; professional HD and major motion picture compositing; multiple-colored screen composites (background, foregrounds, and objects); directing storyboards and talent; working with virtual sets; motion tracking; and much more.
See how to plan, set up, and execute your s***s to reduce fixes in post
Choose the right keying process for your project
Master basic shooting setups and live broadcast keying
Understand proper lighting and how to match subjects to the background
Create a working storyboard and learn how to select and direct talent
Composite your footage and fix problem s***s
Work creatively with virtual sets, motion tracking, and match moving
Master techniques that apply to all compositing software and plug-ins
The DVD includes sample footage and all project files to accompany the chapters in the book.
Product Description
Make movies and videos with green screen compositing technology with The Green Screen Handbook: Real-World Production Techniques. This unique guide is a comprehensive how-to of professional production techniques, step-by-step instruction, and tips that can save you time and money. Learn when to use green screens instead of blue, find out how the pros operate in professional studios, and get amazing results—even on a shoestring budget.
Topics include matting and keying basics; setups using fabric, portable background panels, or paint; lighting and digital camera essentials; broadcast TV hardware switchers; professional HD and major motion picture compositing; multiple-colored screen composites (background, foregrounds, and objects); directing storyboards and talent; working with virtual sets; motion tracking; and much more.
See how to plan, set up, and execute your s***s to reduce fixes in post
Choose the right keying process for your project
Master basic shooting setups and live broadcast keying
Understand proper lighting and how to match subjects to the background
Create a working storyboard and learn how to select and direct talent
Composite your footage and fix problem s***s
Work creatively with virtual sets, motion tracking, and match moving
Master techniques that apply to all compositing software and plug-ins
The DVD includes sample footage and all project files to accompany the chapters in the book.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
From the Back Cover
Bring Reality and Fantasy Togethe***ith Cinematic Results
If you want to make movies with green screen compositing technology, The Green Screen Handbook is just for you. This unique guide is a comprehensive how-to of professional production techniques, step-by-step instruction, and tips that can save you time and money. Learn when to use green screens instead of blue, find out how the pros operate in professional studios, and get amazing results—even on a shoestring budget.
Topics include matting and keying basics; setups using fabric, portable background panels, or paint; lighting and digital camera essentials; broadcast TV hardware switchers; professional HD and major motion picture compositing; multiple-colored screen composites (background, foregrounds, and objects); directing storyboards and talent; working with virtual sets; motion tracking; and much more.
See how to plan, set up, and execute your s***s to reduce fixes in post
Choose the right keying process for your project
Master basic shooting setups and live broadcast keying
Understand proper lighting and how to match subjects to the background
Create a working storyboard and learn how to select and direct talent
Composite your footage and fix problem s***s
Work creatively with virtual sets, motion tracking, and match moving
Master techniques that apply to all compositing software and plug-ins
The DVD includes sample footage and all project files to accompany the chapters in the book.
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- 排版满分(82+)
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